
Where to celebrate New Year 2024?

Where to go for the New Year? Where to celebrate the holiday? When asking this question, you often hear the same answers - to the islands or to Europe.

The unwillingness of Russians to rest in their own Russia clearly demonstrates the inability to appreciate what you have. And the inability to see beauty in the outside world, in your own country!

Only many themselves do not understand that this is not their true worldview. Rather, they do not have their own worldview. Everything they live by, all their desires and dreams are put into their consciousness by various media and environments. There is almost nothing of his own, even intimate life and relationships are built on the basis of the advice of "experts" from various TV shows and magazines.

This is reflected in all spheres of life, including recreation. In recent years, Russians have been taught that rest can only be abroad. Many travel companies offer cheap New Year's trips to Lithuania, and there are people who are willing to pay money for it! It's amazing how it turns out - Lithuania is a poor country with nothing to be proud of. All the capable population of Lithuania left their homeland long ago, going in search of a more well-fed life in Germany, England and other countries.

Why then pay money for what other people run from? Are you a historian, art critic, or maybe a writer who is interested in studying the life of this state for his work and creativity? If not, then there is nothing to do there. It is better to consider the options for New Year's travels within the borders of our country. Trips to many Russian cities and regions look more exotic than a vacation in Tahiti. By the way, have you been to Tahiti? I had, and I can assure you, Kamchatka is no less interesting place!

Therefore, let's look at some of the most affordable options for where to go for the New Year without leaving the borders of Russia. I don’t offer Kamchatka, it’s too difficult for most ...

Where to go for the New Year 2024

Where to celebrate the new 2024?

1. Solovetsky Islands. This is an extraordinary place where there is everything - spirituality, beautiful nature and rich cultural and historical heritage. The only drawback of a New Year's trip to Solovki is the unpredictability of the weather, due to which the departure of the plane may be delayed. And there are not so many places for accommodation on Solovki.

2. Karelia. I will not praise all the beauties of Karelia, this is unrealistic for one article, just believe me, there is something to admire and photograph.

3. Russian Caucasus and climbing Elbrus. You don't have to go somewhere far to see the real mountains. Elbrus (Oshkhamaho - "Mountain Bringing Happiness"). This majestic mountain will help you get rid of all everyday worries and feel like a part of a huge world.

4. Ural mountains. If you are afraid of large mountains, you can go to the Urals, where the mountains are smaller, but no less majestic. There are a lot of travel options in the Urals, open and read the programs of various tourist trips, and you will be surprised at the number of attractions and beauties.

5. Crimea. If you know the history, you will not have any questions about the ownership of the Crimea. Therefore, meeting the New Year 2024 in Crimea is a great opportunity to show your love for Russia.

6. If you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, you can go to a small beautiful town with a long history, but if, on the contrary, your home is in a quiet, cozy town, you can celebrate the New 2024 in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Most people don't appreciate what they have. Residents of Moscow vilify their city and, at the first opportunity, seek to escape somewhere. Residents of other cities do the same. This is of course very sad, because that is why many cannot be truly happy, they always want something else, they always lack something ...

Where to go for the New Year 2024

You can still list the options for a long time, where to go for the New 2024, but in any case, you can't list everything. Famous writers and great poets have written many stories, stories and poems glorifying the beauty of Russia, but for some reason we see only the bad and constantly strive to go somewhere far away.

And also these requirements that are heard in travel agencies - send me to a place where I will not hear Russian speech! How one must not love one's homeland and compatriots in order to make such a request!

If you do not like life in Russia at all, it is better to immediately sell everything and leave somewhere far away, so as not to torture yourself and not interfere with the lives of others. And if you are not ready or afraid of such changes, learn to see the beauty around you and life will immediately become better, because our happiness is formed mostly on the basis of what is in our soul, and from our perception of the world around us, people and actions.

You can live in a palace, but be unhappy. This is precisely about us - Russians who do not know how to value their country. Russia can only be compared with a palace, but not with a house. True, our palace needs love and good repair.

Where to celebrate the new year 2024?
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