
How to meet 2024 - budget option

The experience of the holiday is not always comparable to the cost of gifts and events. Large expenditures are often needed to increase our self-esteem and to satisfy pride and vanity. And a truly smart person does not need to spend a lot of money to get the brightest impressions of the holiday. Therefore, do not be sad if this year you have to give up your New Year's trip. You can meet the New 2024 in Russiaand still get the best experience.

Budget New Year 2024

Budget New Year 2024

1. Give up the trip. "Happy is he who is happy at home." If you definitely need to go somewhere, change the situation, look for new impressions, this is an occasion to reflect on life and figure out where the dissatisfaction with life originates from, requiring more and more new impressions.

Just do not hide behind the broadening of horizons and gaining knowledge! I know a lot of people with a low level of culture and very limited knowledge, while they travel.

You can get knowledge thanks to books and the Internet, and while traveling, we must honestly admit, we hunt for impressions and entertainment. Only impressions can be obtained on the territory of Russia. We have a large country, many sights and beauties. Learn to relax and experience in Russia.

Are you interested in looking at other people, at a different culture and way of life? Go to Kalmykia or the Russian North.

Budget New Year 2024

2. Christmas tree for the budget New Year. It is high time to end the barbarism of cutting down Christmas trees. Spruce or pine takes several days a year, and it grows for more than one year! Buy a quality artificial spruce, then go to where real trees or pines grow, collect cones from the ground. Save your buds in a box, they will last for years.

Buy a little spruce essential oil and rub the cones with it, and then evenly hang the cones on the tree, thanks to which your synthetic spruce will take on the smell of a real forest beauty!

3. Give up alcohol. In the restaurant and on the home menu, alcohol occupies the main line of expenses. At the same time, alcohol is not a product, but brings only a short-term dubious pleasure, for which one has to pay very dearly not only with money, but also with health, time, and, in the long term, the whole quality of life.

Buy one bottle of expensive champagne, which you will open to the chimes. This is enough to observe the New Year's ritual. Thanks to this approach, you will save money, you will be in your mind and memory, and on the 1st you will wake up with a clear head and will be able to go for a walk with the children, visiting the Christmas tree on the square, where they will see the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for free.

How to meet 2024 - budget option

4. Gifts. If you are celebrating the New Year with your loved ones, an expensive gift is not the main thing! Much better is a simple gift made with a soul. wrote about options for budget gifts and will write more.

If your relatives, friends and girlfriends, are expecting an expensive gift from you, this is a reason to think about whether they are so close and dear ...

A truly close, understanding person will be glad of attention and a simple gift!

5. Products and Budget New Year 2024 is not a culinary site, I will not recommend specific dishes. Let me remind you the main thing - you don't have to cook many different dishes. Enough 2-3 salads, aspic or jellied meat, plus fried fish with a side dish, mushrooms with sour cream and a can of red caviar. And also different fruits and cake.

These products are enough for a wonderful New Year 2024. Much will remain for the morning of January 1st, and then cook something new.

In general, be more relaxed about food and feasts. There are a lot of interesting things in our life and, if you look around, there are many sources of inspiration and pleasure around.Only primitive people see food as the main source of pleasure.

As a result, many products have risen in price recently, Russians rushed to stock up. People, like hamsters, drag sacks of cereals and pasta into their burrows, thereby contributing to further price increases. But in fact, there are no real prerequisites for a significant rise in prices.

The rise in prices is primarily beneficial for our entrepreneurs, and they skillfully use the media and public sentiment to sell their goods at an inflated price. Various rumors are spread on purpose, provocative signs are hung in stores - such as no more than 2 bags of buckwheat and 5 kilograms of bananas in one hand.

The population gives in to rumors and rushes to buy food, although this does not make any sense, because in any case, you will not be enough for a lifetime. In addition, large stocks can be destroyed by various bugs.

Products for the New Year

Buy only those products that you need in the near future. Ideally, go to the store with a list, so as not to make rash purchases, and this is not only savings, but also a guarantee of a healthy diet and a normal weight.

When celebrating the New Year and any other holiday, remember the main thing - to get the best impressions from the holiday, it is important to have a positive attitude and the ability to enjoy what you have. If you are mostly dissatisfied with your life and constantly envy someone, you will not be able to fully enjoy the holiday and generally enjoy life.

Of course, you need to strive for more and for the better, but it is important to be able to have fun every day, simply because you have been given one more day to live, then no crises will become a source of sadness and despondency for you.

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