Spring-summer 2024

Trendy colors 2024 and the impact of color

To the question - does the color of your clothes affect your mood, each of us will answer - Undoubtedly.

Would you believe that the color of your clothes can help you get a promotion or convince you of an argument?

It turns out that color is of great importance not only for our mood, although this is already important. After all, if you are satisfied with your costume, you are sure that you look great, then your relations with others will be built according to your plan, positively for both parties.

Trendy colors 2024

Pantone Trendy Colors 2024

Fashionable color 2024

Color subconsciously influences people's behavior. An eye-catching color can remind your boss of your recent request for a pay raise. Color can also create a sad mood in the company of people who are cheerful and positive towards each other, it can give you confidence or create a feeling of awkwardness. It's all about the right choice of color and harmony of colors.

Our emotional response to color is strong enough. The eyes perceive color, and a process immediately begins in the brain, which further affects the nervous system. Certain colors have a stimulating effect on the brain, increasing the rate of respiration and heart rate. Other colors can calm and even slow down your metabolism.

Color plays an important role in our perception, based on what we have learned from life experience or historically established rules of relation to color. For example, white is the color of purity and innocence, pink is for girls, blue is for boys, red grabs attention, evokes strong emotions, etc. There are colors, the perception of which in different countries, among people differing in their social status, is different. Psychologists and doctors use color therapy - color therapy, so that neurological symptoms can be mitigated, and therefore the course of diseases.

Trendy colors 2024
Trendy colors 2024
Illustrations from the Pantone website

The fashion for colors has always existed, because people need change.

To get an accurate picture of color fashion, you need to know the lifestyle of people, their culture, and the economic situation. The ongoing events are also important, which are rapidly changing even the political maps of the world. When the Second World War ended, people had to return to "normal life", women had to leave the factories and take up their main purpose - raising children, and clothes should be changed from inconspicuous and neutral tones to dresses in pastel shades, or even better, "flowered". Men returning from the war wanted to see their wives beautiful again, and the designers guessed these sentiments.

During periods of economic growth, goods of extravagant colors prevail, and during crises, consumer demand for practical and expensive durables of more restrained colors grows. The color of the product determines the choice of purchase, even in difficult times, the color of the product helps the trade. In many cases, the color scale plays a dominant role - first we look at the color, then at the style, and only then we move on to the question of whether the chosen clothes or shoes suit us.

Currently, designers offer a wide range of colors. In the latest spring-summer 2024 collections, the choice of a particular color and its shades takes the leading place, but it all depends on your emotional preference. There are collections, for example, in which the influence of one particular color is noticeable.

Christopher Kane - burgundy, Daks - lavender shades, Tse - soft pink and white, Nicholas K - khaki, Lyn Devon - pastel, Manish Arora - pastel, Haider Ackermann - fantasy on the theme of noble gray, etc.

And there are such collections in which bright shades prevail, creating color blocks, or fantastic prints of astral or sea space, or maybe a combination of black and white, etc.

Roksanda - bright color block combinations Lie Sang Bong - astral prints, Angelos Bratis - color blocks.

Whatever fashion items you wear, you will not look attractive if they do not match the color of your skin, hair and eyes.

The choice is yours. If the choice is correct, you will hear - How beautiful you look today, and if not…, then at best they will say - That you have an unhealthy complexion today.

Any person involved in fashion will say that through clothes we inform the world about ourselves, and color plays a dominant role here.

Fashionable color 2024
Fashionable color 2024

Marsala color 2024
The most fashionable color in spring and summer 2024 is Marsala
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