Fashion spring-summer 2024

Mandarin color in clothes and accessories

I would like to remember now about tangerine, about the bright color of tangerine, especially on these New Year's days ... Orange attracts, and if it attracts you, it means that you are cheerful, it is pleasant to communicate with you, you have a great interest in life, overflowing energy.

On New Year's Eve, we not only make wishes for the future, but also remember what happened in early childhood. After all New Year's Eve creates the most vivid impressions, especially for children. Usually, as adults, we remember how we prepared for these holidays, how our parents brought a green, fragrant, beautiful Christmas tree, then tangerines, oranges, bright and deliciously smelling chocolate sweets and much, much more, each had something of his own, special, appeared. associated with dear and close people ...

Mandarin dress
Mandarin bag

So what are we going to talk about or remember now? About tangerine, about the bright color of tangerine ... Orange attracts, and if it attracts you, then you are cheerful, it is pleasant to communicate with you, you have a great interest in life, overflowing energy. If your day starts with a tangerine, it will surely be successful.

The tangerine color - bright and orange, combined with the thick honey color of amber, creates an atmosphere of celebration and cordiality, and with the refreshing bluish greens it emits light and at the same time creates a soothing feeling.

Color combinations that are considered energetic often include mandarin color. Mandarin gets along well with things like milk chocolate, sky blue, first young greens, mint ...

Mandarin color in clothes and accessories

If you doze off while sitting at the computer, take a tangerine, admire its brightness. Mandarin color helps to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, enhances creativity. Of course, you will immediately put it in your mouth, because it stimulates the appetite and aids digestion.

The tangerine color in clothing has an appeal that can be elegant and exotic at the same time. Clothes where tangerine is the main one will undoubtedly draw attention to you.

Mandarin color is effective when you want to catch your eyes and impress others, especially in contrast to blue or white. But a cheerful mandarin can also take on an auxiliary meaning in the image, when it contains 20-30% of the set, or create a bright accent when it is used to highlight something. In the latter case, the color of mandarin takes about 10%, but it is the most effective, because it creates a bright contrast. This could be a scarf, bag, gloves, or shoes.

Color, like smell, affects the soul and character of a person, changes the mood, and therefore the color of tangerine is often found, especially in the summer season, when, together with the bright sun and greenery, it creates complete harmony in the image. By following all the rules in the selection of colors, you will always look great.

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