Orange - this color is intermediate between red and yellow, it can be described as yellow-red. Translated from French Orange - orange. In orange, there are qualities of both colors - red and yellow. It has the energy and vitality of red and, like yellow, will create a sense of carelessness. Orange, like red, attracts attention. This is probably why it is preferred as a warning color by construction workers and road police. This color is often used in stores for sale announcements, in advertising, in packages.
Orange color in clothes symbolizes joy and serenity. The girl in the orange dress seems cheerful and carefree.
An orange dress or blouse is good especially on vacation, on the seaside. Especially older women are advised to wear blouses, scarves, lipstick, in soft shades of orange.
When you want to look young, fun and frivolous, wear orange. But .. if you want to create an impression of yourself as a serious person, reserved, striving to achieve career successdo not wear orange clothing.
Orange tones are warm, exotic and inviting. Soft shades of orange have a rejuvenating effect.
Orange shades:
• orange
• honey
• amber
• carrot
• apricot
Wedding Orange Dresses
Short orange dresses
Makeup for an orange dress