Psychology and relationships

Myths about it

Most of our knowledge is not ours, we think so and have certain convictions, because it was put into our consciousness. We are used to trusting certain authorities in science and other spheres, therefore, we accept their ideas and attitudes as true, this is to some extent justified. In the modern world, there is a great variety of different knowledge, theories and teachings. It is simply impossible for most people to understand everything, so we take on faith the opinion of the authorities.

Many ideas are useful, many are useless, and some are deliberately false. will not blame and denounce anyone today. Let's just try to understand the truth of modern beliefs and attitudes through the example of sex.

Today any cultured civilized person is convinced that sex is useful and simply necessary for health. Lack of intimate relationships leads to a disorder in the psyche and entails a deterioration in health. This applies to all men, and especially women, in whom the lack of close relationships leads to serious diseases, including cancer.

Therefore, doctors, journalists, various experts and simply the inhabitants of blogs and forums convince the audience and themselves of the need for sex, preferably regular. And if you start various experiments in this area, everything will be fine. does not want to convince anyone otherwise, it is useless to confront the multi-million army of supporters of this idea. Let's just take a look at history and explore some examples.

Myths about the benefits of sex

Eunuchs and real men - who is better?

It is believed that a decrease in the level of testosterone in a man's body leads not only to impotence, but also to an imbalance in the entire body, as a result of which all organs begin to function incorrectly, health collapses and life is drawing to a close.

There are treatments in which men are injected with the hormone testosterone. Many scientific papers have been written on this topic and any scientist associated with medicine will say that testosterone is literally the life force of a man, and without it he will die.

Scientists know, but nature and history show completely different examples. Read stories and biographies of kings, sultans and eunuchs. If you study many lives from the past, you can get statistics - eunuchs lived longer than real men.

The life of a eunuch is on average 8-14 years longer! 8-14 years is a long time, especially for those times. Nowadays, with our comfortable lifestyle and medicine, eunuchs would have a chance to live even longer, but unfortunately there are no real eunuchs to check now.

Nowadays nobody is made a eunuch, but we can see evidence of this theory in the example of pets. Neutered cats and dogs live longer.

Voluntary abstinence

In addition to eunuchs, there were other people in history who did not physically change their body, but voluntarily abandoned intimate relationships. These are monks of different religions - Christianity, Buddhism. Many will say that the monks drank wine and led a dissolute lifestyle. The family is not without its black sheep - there were such monks, but there were many of those who really all their lives gave up the above pleasures.

After rereading the stories and biographies of famous monks, you can see that among them there was a high life expectancy. It turns out that everything is not the way we are told, and sex is not something necessary for health and long life?

The human body is very wisely arranged; intimate relationships are not at all necessary for it. Another thing is that a person who is convinced of their necessity will suffer and hurt from their absence.

Sex is pleasure, and like any pleasure is addictive and addictive, while this pleasure is not a necessary condition for health and longevity if you have other sources of pleasure.If you have nothing else, and what you have is taken away from you, life will become a nightmare, you will start to get sick and, as soon as possible, go to another world.

Why then are we being convinced that intimate relationships are necessary for life? Everything is simple - it is an affordable pleasure that creates the illusion of happiness and at the same time helps the business to sell more and more different products. A lot of advertising campaigns, films, goods are built on lustful desires, because a business does not care which topic to exploit, the main thing is more sales.

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