Medical websites and our health

The modern Internet is a universal knowledge base, which few people dreamed of and could imagine 20 years ago and earlier. And today, every teenager and even a child who takes a tablet in their hands can comprehend all the sciences interesting to him and make virtual travels in space and time.

In general, on the Internet you can find almost everything your heart desires, there is also knowledge about medicine, cosmetology and plastic surgery. Only I hate medical websites and generally the search for medical knowledge on the Internet.

One has only to ask the search engine about something related to medicine, all abomination is issued - pictures of terrible diseases in such a neglected form that you immediately close the site and for 10 minutes you come back to normal. This often applies to materials on plastic surgery.

Website owners and creators of advertising materials think that shocking pictures will definitely attract attention and make us see what is hidden behind that banner, and what thoughts that article wants to convey to us. Perhaps someone will want to, but I want one thing - to close this muck and forget.

Medicine, internet and our health

In addition, there is no certainty about the accuracy of information posted on medical websites. How can you believe everything that is written on the Internet, let alone apply health advice?

More than once I had to deal with stories when people treated themselves or their loved ones, guided by advice from the Internet, and this led to sad consequences. One young mother's treatment of her child, based on advice from the forums, ended in a very tragic way - the child died.

The Internet is a unique phenomenon in our life, the Internet is a continuation of reality, it allows everyone to express their opinion. But, unfortunately, the opinions of others are often useless or even harmful. This is especially true of medical sites, which are most often created not by doctors, but by various students and simply different people who are tired of working for their uncle and have decided to do their own "business" on the Internet.

Medicine, internet and our health

They register a domain, install WordPress and free design, then fill their site with texts. Someone simply copies everything in a row, others rewrite materials from sites and books, changing phrases and supplementing with their thoughts. Some site owners hire copywriters who are also far from medicine, and only in rare cases, texts for the site are written by a person with a medical education or a practicing specialist.

Therefore, medical websites must be treated very carefully, clarifying everything with medical workers in reality and checking the books of famous authors. Medicine is not fashion, where you can make mistakes many times and, through trial and error, gradually collect a chic wardrobe and an ideal image.

Medicine, internet and our health
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