Troubled times are beginning for the Russian-speaking Internet - laws are adopted one after another, restricting and regulating activities on the Internet. Soon there will be no former freedom and opportunities even in the virtual space. On the one hand, everything is correct - the Internet is a continuation of reality, it affects the minds of people, therefore it is impossible to allow the Internet to be used by various criminal elements. But on the other hand, we all know how it happens in life!
The idea of laws - to protect children from pernicious influence is a good idea, but who will implement it? All people are wrong, and Russian officials are wrong too often. As a result, new laws could harm the Russian-speaking Internet. And in recent years, the Russian-language Internet has slowed down its development.
In the 2000s, a lot of people rushed to make websites. The Internet inspired people to labor exploits and achievements; only over time, search engines began to struggle with blogs and websites. As a result, many sites in which years of work were invested have gone into oblivion. Many people became disillusioned with the internet and left. And with the adoption of new laws that allow sites to be closed without a trial, the situation will worsen even more.
In Russian reality, no one plans business and affairs seriously and for a long time. The Russian reality is that nothing can be planned. Therefore, entrepreneurs and just people are guided by the principles - to tear everything at any cost and as quickly as possible, because tomorrow they can take everything away. As a result, we have everything of a very mediocre quality and at the same time high prices for all the goods in demand, because everyone wants to extract as much profit as possible while they give the opportunity.
A similar fate awaits sites. It is highly doubtful to create a site with a long-term perspective, because tomorrow a new law may be adopted, and then again and again, and everything will be taken away from us, everything will be closed without a court or reason. These are the thoughts that suggest themselves at the beginning of 2024.
Let's hope for the best though! is celebrating its birthday tomorrow. The site is 3 years old.
Starting tomorrow, will resume business as usual, stop celebrating and relaxing. is tired of idleness and entertainment)))