Recently, more and more often, when switching from a search engine, you see a message about blocking a site, such as - "In accordance with the requirements of the law, access to the requested Internet resource is closed." Depending on the provider, the text may vary, but the essence is the same.
Is blocking websites good or bad?
Many people are used to the fact that you can do whatever you want on the Internet. Now everything is changing, and the era of permissiveness is ending, but there is no need to be sad, everything is not so bad.
It all depends on what queries you enter into the search engine. If you ask PS the following words - buy purple dress, vacation at sea, rating of cosmetics, biography of Ivan the Terrible, the Battle of Stalingrad, air conditioners, number theory and much more, you will not see the blocking page.
If your requests sound differently and contain a list of narcotic and lethal drugs, descriptions of various perversions, ideas of an extremist nature, the likelihood of seeing a blocking increases. But let's think, do we really need drugs for life, descriptions of suicides, adventures of sadists and maniacs, various pornography in the form of texts and videos? Does this information make our life better? Or maybe she helps us raise children?
Why is no one indignant when a janitor on the street removes garbage, and when they take out bins of slop, when they transfer and recycle suburban dumps, because this garbage is needed by someone? Look out the window behind the nearest garbage dump, some people periodically come up to it, dig, find something, which means that they need the garbage dump and it is useful, but we are not indignant and do not demand to leave the garbage in place.
There are people who drag various garbage home, turning their apartment into a dump, neighbors complain about them, they have repeatedly filmed reports about such apartments, and we all look at such people with regret or grin, considering them mentally ill. They are actually mentally ill, because a reasonable person gets rid of garbage.
The cleaner our apartment and yard are, the better we feel, cleanliness is to some extent an indicator of culture. But why, then, are we so indifferent to spiritual and mental purity? Why is garbage in the kitchen or in the yard bad, and the stinking garbage in the head and in the soul is freedom of speech? Why do we keep the courtyard so clean and voluntarily pollute ourselves?
Why do we need to know the thoughts of mentally ill people who, thanks to the Internet, want to express their opinion about literally everything, commenting on various forums and publications on websites? Thanks to permissiveness, some forums and blogs are literally polluted with comments from sick people. This is especially true for resources dedicated to politics.
If a person comes up to you on the street and teaches you life, telling you how to raise children, build relationships, perceive history and politics, you will try to move away from him as quickly as possible, or send him away in a rude manner. And on the Internet, entering into discussions and reading comments, you often waste time on the statements of sick people.
Why is there so much indignation and indignation from the blocking of sites? Are there really valuable and useful ones among the blocked ones? Not at all, there is often one garbage among the blocked resources. For example, the notorious Lukomorye, the blocking of which has been written many times. At the moment, the site is completely blocked, but is this a loss for our culture and for the Internet in general?
Such sites help to kill time, get perverse pleasure and contribute to moral degradation, therefore, blocking such resources is not a loss, but a prudent limitation.Of course, we all have the right to make our choice, and if someone likes filth and filth, this is his business, but there are millions of children and adolescents on the Internet, they still poorly understand what information is useful to them, and what can ruin their lives.
The modern Internet is a continuation and augmentation of reality. Some people spend many hours a day on the Internet, some work is connected with the Internet, and millions of people also communicate on the Internet by visiting social networks. Due to this state of affairs, the Internet determines the consciousness of millions and millions of people, and consciousness determines their existence and the life of the country. Therefore, even if you do not visit garbage sites, they still influence you through other people.
It turns out that the blocking of harmful sites is a kind of concern of the state about its citizens.
In conclusion, I would like to note that blocking does not delete information, and if you wish, you can use add-ons to the browser or set up a proxy yourself, thanks to which, as before, you can collect all the dirt of the Internet, because as you know - whoever looks for dirt will always find it.
In the 1990s, literally everything was possible in Russia, and this was called freedom, but the then state of the country and the population should be called permissiveness. Now permissiveness in reality is a thing of the past, and together with reality, order comes to the Internet, which, as we said above, is a continuation of reality.
Of course, bans, locks and restrictions can hit worthy projects and people, but this does not mean that we must abandon attempts to make the Internet better, cleaner and more useful.