At first glance, jewelry is not practical, but if you look into the very essence of this world, jewelry is useful. Through jewelry, women can emphasize their status, power and be more seductive. Jewelry can also become a passion and collectible, sometimes a smart investment, and some jewelry is of cultural and historical value.
In museums, there are a lot of jewelry with a huge history from vintage jewelry of the 20th century to real antiquities - the gold of the Scythians, huns and treasures Ancient egypt.
Paintings by artists allow you to go even further, and fully see the images of women from the distant past, how they combined and wore jewelry. It is a pity that not everything has survived to our times, especially few portraits of the Middle Ages. Therefore, you will have to admire the later paintings.
Looking through the images of women who have long gone into another world, you think about their life and time. How did beautiful and ordinary, rich and poor women of past eras live, what did they dream about, whom did they love and were they happy? At the same time, you draw parallels with our time.
It’s interesting what impression our descendants would have if they had at their disposal only works of contemporary art, without photographs and information on digital media. What would we ourselves be able to say about women of the first half of the 20th century if we did not have photographs and many digitized videos, but only pictures of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso?
Why are the paintings of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso so different from those of earlier masters? On this topic, you can talk a lot and philosophize about a special vision of the world, which is characteristic of real artists, about new painting techniques and a new reality, but you can find another explanation. The further the artist moves away from God and from nature, the more he distorts the images of people, things and nature in his works.
Therefore, the work of artists is to some extent a litmus test, thanks to which we can check our state of mind. If we admire works where the traditional beauty of women and nature is praised, the state is one, but if we are delighted with distorted images, the state is completely different.
The artist has reached the highest level in art and his work gives us a complete immersion in aesthetic perfection.