30 years old Sasha Pivovarova

Alexandra Igorevna Pivovarova was born in Moscow on January 21, 1985. Today is the birthday of the Russian supermodel - Sasha turns 30! Since childhood, she preferred drawing to all other activities and planned to turn it into her life's work, but everything turned out differently ...

In the world of fashion, Sasha Pivovarova is ranked among the models - aliens for her special appearance. Sasha has an unusual face with almond-shaped eyes, a high forehead and high, prominent cheekbones. Let's see the best pictures of the beauty!

Sasha Pivovarova
Sasha Pivovarova
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30 years old Sasha Pivovarova

Supermodel Alexandra Pivovarova

Supermodel Alexandra Pivovarova
Supermodel Alexandra Pivovarova
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