Each flower has its own scent, and it is like the finishing touch of its perfection. Our favorite and recognizable among all fragrances - they each of us have our own, because people react to them differently, and this is the essence of our genes. Therefore, in the description of the aroma by different people, there are certainly differences. And there are flowers, the aromas of which differ depending on their variety. Everyone knows that roses do not smell the same, and the same can be said for peonies, hyacinths and geraniums.
An indoor flower called geranium is pelargonium. Both geranium and pelargonium belong to the Geraniev family. From some types of geraniums, essential oils are obtained, which differ from pelargonium oil both in smell and in chemical composition. One of the many varieties of geraniums is the wild geranium (Geranium robertianum).
In ancient times, geranium was considered a rather powerful healing plant, which was endowed with the ability to treat serious diseases, up to malignant tumors. And you shouldn't be skeptical about it. How many times modern doctors and pharmacists had to be convinced of the correctness of our ancestors. This fragrant plant with a bitter-tart aroma is not only pleasant, but also curative. Geranium has antibacterial and antiviral effects, therefore geranium oil is a reliable protection during a flu epidemic.
The lush-blooming geranium came to Europe from South Africa at the end of the 17th century. The plant began to be used as an ornamental, and from the middle of the 19th century - to obtain essential oil... Geranium was loved, especially among artisans, probably because of its ability to cleanse premises from waste and dampness, to turn the poisonous air of workshops into a green oasis. And our ancestors were not wrong.
Later, modern scientists confirmed that geranium really does a good job of purifying the air, and this helps in the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis, flu, rhinitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract.
Essential oils of geranium, as, indeed, of other plants, can differ even within the same plant species. This happens depending on where the plant grows. Geranium oil is produced in Algeria, Egypt, India, Morocco. It is supplied by France, Russia, Bulgaria and China. Oils, depending on the place of production, may differ from each other, since different manufacturers use different varieties of geraniums. Most often, Pelargonium graveolens, P roseum, P capitatum, P radens, P odorantissimum are used for oil production.
The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation from geranium leaves from the aboveground green mass (yield 0.1 - 0.2%).
Oil of a beautiful pale green color, in which the main elements are geraniol and citronellol, linalool and about 120 other components. The aroma of the oil is composed of the aroma of rose, fruity, mint notes and bitter-sharp shades. Sometimes this oil is used in ready-made preparations to replace the more expensive rose oil. Geranium oil mixes well with many other oils such as bergamot, lavender, ylang-ylang, fennel, patchouli, clove, rose, sandalwood, jasmine, juniper, neroli.
Like many flower oils, geranium oil is a good antidepressant. In addition to this property, the oil has antiseptic, astringent and hemostatic properties. It is possible to use geranium oil as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmias and cardiac neuroses. With prolonged use of essential oil, blood pressure normalizes. There are a lot of ways to use it. Some of the best are cold inhalations, aroma lamps, cold compresses, acupressure or general massage.Your doctor will tell you what exactly you need.
The oil is suitable for both dry and oily skin, as it stimulates the adrenal glands. And, as you know, the hormones produced by them control the production of hormones that enter the bloodstream from other organs. Therefore, it can be of great help in many problems in which hormonal fluctuations occur.
At the same time, geranium oil has a diuretic effect and also stimulates blood and lymph flow. And what does it mean? This means that geranium oil helps fight cellulite by eliminating excess fluid from the body.
Anti-cellulite body lotion
If you are confident that none of the oils listed below will cause you allergies or any other undesirable effects, then mix
3 drops of geranium oil;
3 drops of hazelnut oil;
3 drops of rosemary;
1 drop of neroli.
An emulsifier (honey, milk or alcohol) can be added to the oils.
Immediately after taking a shower, apply the lotion to problem areas, then massage the skin, and then gently dry off with a towel.
Geranium oil has a whitening, toning, softening and rejuvenating effect for all skin types. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
Crow's feet around the eyes... Essential oils will again help fight them. But in this case, since the problem areas are near the eyes, it is necessary to take more base oil. For 100 ml of vegetable oil base, add 3 drops of geranium, rosemary and verbena. Each evening, gently use your fingertips to "drive" the oil into the skin around your eyes.
Phlebeurysm... Do you think this is a disease of the elderly? No, not at all. This is the scourge of many women when blood circulation in the legs is disturbed. This often happens during pregnancy. Veins swell, small capillaries burst. After consulting your doctor, you can take a warm bath with 4 drops of geranium oil.
And here recipe for firm skin of the body:
Jojoba oil 10 ml, wheat germ oil 10 ml, hazelnut oil 10 ml. As essential oils:
fennel - 4 drops;
geranium - 2 drops;
hops - 2 drops.
limet - 1 drop;
Or a bath, which affects the body as a healing and rejuvenating one. In the bath, it is enough to add a glass of cream with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and essential oils:
geranium - 3 drops;
ylang-ylang - 2 drops;
fennel - 1 drop.
Geranium oil repels insects, therefore it is used in many products that help get rid of flies, mosquitoes and moths, and at the same time keep the room fresh. In case of insect bites, the damaged area can be oiled or applied: 3 drops of geranium oil are enough for a teaspoon of base oil (grape seed oil).
In bioenergetics, there is a statement that essential oil is the soul of aromatic plants that can both cleanse and restore the human energy field from the negative influence of the environment, especially in places of mass human congestion.
Bioenergy scientists prove that a unique property of oils is their ability to send energy to that part of the body that at the moment requires the most attention and protection. Essential oils seem to build a protective shield in front of us.
And this remedy among many is geranium essential oil, which helps to heal the energy shell after stress, heaviness in the soul, depression, and various kinds of fears. A person acquires a positive attitude, a philosophical outlook on life awakens. Geranium oil contributes to the creation of a good beginning in a person, anger and aggression go away.
There are contraindications to the use of any oil; there are also contraindications for geranium oil. It cannot be used with a low blood sugar content, it cannot be used simultaneously with contraceptives, since the oil stimulates the production of estrogen. During pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. It is better to use oil for no more than three weeks.