
Luxurious dreams hovered over me ...
In winter I took off to a fragrant flower garden
And breathed in dreams the young scent of spring ...
Oh, I can’t say ... I don’t have enough words,
What power lies in a bottle of perfume!
A. Dobrovolskaya.

Essential oil of ylang-ylang, rosemary and other fragrances

Today I would like to talk about perfume again. Many famous brands always have a perfume line and not only a line, but real masterpieces of perfumery art.

Some scents attract us to enjoy them again and again. Why is this happening? Why do we say - this is my scent. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the compositions of some perfumes have not only attractive, as we say, magical power of influence due to the smell we like, but also due to their therapeutic effect on our body. And our body is such a perfect creature that it knows a lot about what it needs now, or rather, what kind of help it needs. To tell the truth, we listen to him a little.


We will now talk about the therapeutic effect of perfume.
Specialists in aromatherapy claim that with the help of fragrances, significant success can be achieved in treatment. Is it possible not to agree with them, when, probably, each of us has experienced firsthand how positive emotions return, a good mood and even a stressful state disappears, thanks to aromas... And all of the above are the leading factors that prevent many diseases.

We will not delve into the philosophy of fragrances, here are a few examples.
Rosemary oil improves memory, concentrates attention, promotes visual acuity and hair growth, and has a stimulating effect. It turns out that it was not for nothing that in ancient times, many witches and witches used it in their witchcraft herbs.

Everyone knows the feeling of fear or just anxiety: fear of exams, of some kind of trip, fear of talking to your boss, or you just suffered some kind of nervous shock. Then essential oils of lavender, ylang-ylang, neroli, geranium oil, sandalwood will help you. Aromatherapists advise putting 2-3 drops of oil on a handkerchief and inhaling. You can create your own perfume component from various oils.

At times we are calm and happy, and sometimes it is difficult to enter a state of balance, we can hardly bear the surrounding reality…. Moreover, we also cannot fall asleep. Let us remember what kind of help our ancestors found from plants. Plutarch wrote: “Myrrh - its pleasant, refreshing smoke prepares the human body for the bliss of sleep. The failures that followed him during the day disappear without a trace. And the well-known Queen Cleopatra, it turns out, used pillows stuffed with rose petals.

Many of us reassure ourselves - "I am at the age at which I feel." This is certainly good, you need to cheer yourself up. But more often we are at the age that we look. At a young age, cells are renewed quite quickly - a few days - weeks. But in mature, it is not at all like that. Essential oils of lavender, neroli, patchouli, vetiver, ylang-ylang enhance the intensity of cell renewal and the regeneration of subcutaneous tissues, and bursting capillaries on the cheeks can completely disappear if you use a mixture of jojoba oil (10 ml) and rose oil (1 drop) with regular lungs rubbing in.


Ylang-ylang is often found among the components of many famous perfumes. Oriental or floral perfumes contain the scent of ylang-ylang flowers in their composition. This is an evergreen high-stemmed (up to 40m) tree with fragrant, reminiscent jasmine scent and neroli, flowers.Ylang-ylang is used not only in perfumery, but also in aromatherapy - it acts as a sedative, relieves anxiety, stimulates a sense of confidence, creativity, normalizes high blood pressure, and in cosmetics helps with skin problems: moisturizes, smoothes, prevents skin aging, gives it elasticity, tenderness. Ylang Ylang essential oil helps to strengthen hair as well. Using this oil, you can completely eliminate split hairs, make them elastic and luxurious. For nails, ylang-ylang oil is also a good helper, eliminates brittle nails. It is better to use this oil on a base oil base, which can be used as jojoba oil. The aroma of the oil lasts for a long time, so this oil is a favorite of all perfumers.

Ylang Ylang essential oil

Ylang-ylang flowers in Indonesia are used in every wedding ceremony, as their sweet scent has a pronounced erotic effect.
Dozens of examples can be cited when our favorite scent brings positive emotions into our lives. When choosing a perfume, you should know that the most important thing is to feel the base notes of its sound. These notes last longer on the skin, but it will take 30-40 minutes for you to hear them after applying the perfume.
Choose perfumes that give you a burst of energy, a feeling of happiness. For every person, scents evoke different associations, but sensuality never goes out of style.

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