Home and interior

A chair for a doll as an interior decoration

Decorating the interior of your apartment or house is a very pleasant and exciting activity that brings pleasure immediately and for a long time. Unlike travel, the beautiful things of our home will stay with us every day, for many years, and maybe all our lives, therefore, do not be stingy.

If you already got a taste for collecting dolls, or maybe you just could not resist and bought a beautiful doll, the next step for decorating the interior will be to buy a chair for the doll.

Doll furniture, and especially chairs, in addition to beauty, contribute to the safety of the doll itself. Sometimes the dolls fall from the stand, and this may end badly, especially for large BJD dolls and Tonners... The armchair will reliably preserve your beauty, and at the same time the composition - doll plus armchair will decorate the interior much more fully than just a doll sitting on a nightstand.

A chair for a doll as an interior decoration

What are the doll chairs

1. The simplest chairs and armchairs are made of plastic, most often they are included in furniture sets for Barbie... Such furniture will fit only for a children's room, where the child will play with dolls. Plastic furniture cannot serve as an interior decoration.

2. The second available option is various armchairs and sofas that act as caskets. They look prettier and more expensive than plastic furniture, and they can also store jewelry and all sorts of little things, but such chairs have a small distance from the seat to the floor. Therefore, it will not work beautifully to seat a doll with a height of more than 35-36 centimeters.

A chair for a doll as an interior decoration

3. Crafts and blanks from wood. Many shops for needlewomen and craftsmen sell wood blanks. The assortment includes a wide variety of products - boxes, cabinets, chests, chairs and much more. At a cost, these wooden products are very affordable, but they will have to be finished and varnished along with wood stain.

At first glance, the task is simple, but in reality it is not so easy to make it beautifully. Therefore, if you decide to purchase such furniture, practice in advance on the blocks of wood.

chair for doll

Carved bench for a doll

4. Chairs for dolls, made to order. These chairs can become a real decoration of the interior. In some cases, a chair for a doll can be more luxurious than furniture for people, because if you wish, you can order the manufacture of precious woods, and the chair itself can be made in the Baroque, Gothic style or come up with something of your own.

The only drawback of such chairs is the price, which can equal or exceed the cost of ordinary furniture for people.

Antique doll chair
A chair for a doll as an interior decoration

Luxurious doll chair
Luxurious doll chair
A chair for a doll as an interior decoration
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