Dolls and baby clothes

How to choose and buy a doll

There are many dolls of different prices in stores, so buying a doll seems to be an elementary matter that does not deserve serious discussion, but in fact, buying a doll for a child is a very serious matter, because a doll to some extent affects the psyche and worldview of a girl. Therefore, let's take the purchase of a doll very seriously.

How to choose a doll for a girl

How to choose and buy the right doll for a girl?
If the girl is very small, you should buy various baby dolls, choosing which, first of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of workmanship so that the child cannot tear off, gnaw and then swallow anything. In addition, the material of the doll is important, it must be completely harmless.

When the girl grows up, she will want other dolls, and here invisible dangers may lie in wait for us. There are many dolls in stores that can be made from safe materials, but at the same time they bring spiritual and psychological harm to the child.

We have already heard more than once about attacks on Barbie, allegedly she has a bad effect on the child's psyche, girls tend to resemble their girlfriend doll, and looking at themselves in the mirror get upset and receive psychological trauma. This is very rare, and in general, the Barbie doll becomes a wonderful girlfriend for girls.

Barbie is beautiful, gentle, kind - these qualities outweigh the non-standard volumes of her figure. In general, one can argue and argue for a long time about the perception of the volume of a figure by a child and an adult woman. Someone advises buying girls a doll that matches the figure of their age, and generally looks a lot like your girl. The doll's eyes should be closed, and she should also stand and sit steadily. Some people like realistic dolls - children, and they buy similar dolls for their daughters.

There are many options for dolls, thanks to this we can choose to our liking, and in order for the child to like it, the main thing is not to forget the basic principles - the doll should be beautiful, kind and gentle. But over time, the girl will want to make a choice on her own, then the dolls bought according to our understanding may turn out to be unloved and unnecessary.

How to choose and buy a doll

Do you remember your childhood, when you dreamed of getting one as a gift, and you were given something completely different? This is how our girl will want a certain doll and will throw tantrums at home and in the store, demanding to buy a new doll. Which dolls are the most popular now? There are many popular dolls, but the most famous, and at the same time affordable, are Monster High dolls.

How to choose and buy a doll

Why not buy Monster High?
Monster High are very popular, they have found a place for themselves everywhere - on school notebooks, backpacks, felt-tip pens and pencil cases, in cartoons and games, so you won't be able to pass by the Monster High dolls. Girls see these dolls at their girlfriends, and demand from their parents to buy them the same dolls!

It is difficult for a child to refuse, but sometimes it is necessary to gather strength and refuse. Monster High dolls are exactly the case. As we said above, the doll should be kind, beautiful and delicate. Monster High have a specific beauty, because they are zombies, vampires and other creatures of darkness. Therefore, buying Monster High, we give our daughter a little demon, and our girl will give him her love.

A doll for a girl is not just entertainment or interior decoration, but the whole world. The doll is both a friend and a child, with whom the girl plays, sometimes adopts, cares, gives her love and in many ways wants to be like her doll. In the case of Monster High, the desire to be similar can be very strong. Monster High are not simple dolls, they are like a kind of ideal and a small dream, because Monster High looks at a girl from games and cartoons, they adorn many accessories, therefore, they are really alive in the child's mind, endowed with strength and abilities.

Monster High dolls
Monster High dolls

Let's remember who Monster High are - they are zombies, vampires, witches, which means that our girl will want to be like one of them. Perhaps, in her dreams, she will imagine herself as a vampire or a zombie, or maybe a queen of demons, in any case, all these characters are associated with the world of darkness, evil and death. They have a dark cold beauty, they have fangs like those of vampires and werewolves. Along with the Monster High dolls, accessories and pets are sold, only these are not pink handbags and little fluffy dogs, but coffins and various mutant freaks.

In terms of volumes and proportions, Monster High goes even further from reality Barbie. Beauty barbie possesses only refined volumes, and Monster High can take us to the land of madness with their fangs, demonic wings, gray skin and pins piercing the body. And maybe the moment will come when your daughter wants to modify her body in their image and likeness.

Do you think this is funny and unrealistic? Look around - how many girls are flaunting their tattoos. In summer, the number of tattooed girls is especially visible, and most tattoos do not represent anything beautiful. And 15 years ago, it was difficult to imagine that the hobby for tattoos would become so widespread. Now it's natural - a tattoo is normal and even beautiful. The same can happen with other modifications and "enhancements" to the body.

Monster High dolls

It is difficult to predict how the dolls will affect the girl's later life. Most of them forget their dolls, and at first glance the dolls do not even leave a trace in their lives, but in fact it is unrealistic to calculate all the consequences. In any case, playing with demons, vampires, zombies and other wickedness will not bring anything good to the girl's mind.

The fascination with vampires and zombies can, at best, contribute to an excessive infantilism that does not go away over the years. Because of their infantilism, we can see 35 year old women who are fascinated by vampire series, and this is given the fact that they did not play Monster High in their childhood. I wonder what awaits today's girls at 35?

One can argue on this topic for a long time and make predictions, but it is unrealistic to foresee the future, so it is best to stay true to proven traditional values, namely, to choose kind and beautiful dolls with warm tender beauty.

Kind doll

How to convince a child to love a kind and beautiful doll?
When a child demands to buy a new Monster High doll and throws a tantrum at the store, it seems impossible to convince them to give up Monster High and choose another doll. But in fact it is real, you just need to talk to the child and convince him of the following ...

Monster High dolls are generally available, almost every girl has them, and besides, they are ugly. Monster High is miserable for you! You deserve the best!

Next, you should show Tonner dolls, or inexpensive BJD dolls with a height of 44-45 cm, these dolls are incomparably more beautiful than all Monster High, any child will immediately see the difference. And when the daughter finds out that this doll is much more expensive, and most importantly, other girls in her environment do not have such a doll, she will want such a beauty to be bought for her. Of course, this is not the best approach to stimulate vanity, but in some cases it may be the only one.

Beautiful and kind doll

The girl will love the new doll, take care of her, and this will affect her perception of the world. Dolls Tonner and BJD dolls will help to bring up in the girl a sense of beauty, love for real art and beauty. When the girl grows up and becomes a girl, she will be more neat, stylish, well-groomed and economic, because her childhood friend was a doll close to the ideal, and she strove for this ideal. And most importantly, her girlfriend doll was kind and conveyed some of the kindness to her maturing mistress.

Beautiful and kind doll
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