Beautiful girls

Beautiful and ordinary Chinese women - Chinese beauty standards

Russia has the largest territory and natural resources, while China ranks first in the world in terms of population and is our strategic partner. Therefore, looks towards China with interest and love.

We have already understood the standards of beauty many times, and today we will see photos of the most beautiful Chinese women and ordinary Chinese women through the eyes of travelers from Russia. The publication was prepared by Yulia Alexandrovna, impressed by her trip to China. disagrees with some of the thoughts and statements of the author ...

Chinese beauty standards

I have never considered myself a beauty, but after visiting China my self-esteem increased dramatically. Indeed, the Chinese nation cannot be called beautiful: short arms and legs (legs are often crooked), a long body, flat on all sides, regardless of gender, and a large head.

chinese beauty standards

Usually aliens are drawn with such proportions. Beautiful people, like ordinary people with good looks, are very rare in China. But if there are beautiful Chinese women, then you just can't take your eyes off!

Maybe the Chinese have always had such unattractive proportions, or maybe the gene pool was influenced by 150 years of opium intoxication, in which the whole country was located until the arrival of the communists. The latter turned the people into a sober, but faceless, asexual, gray mass, dressed in tunics a la Mao.

Any self-expression, including in appearance, was sharply suppressed. This was especially true for women. In those days, paying attention to your appearance or generally looking feminine was not easy, not accepted, and even dangerous. Therefore, those who are over forty (that is, the still old times of Mao Zedong) are not particularly concerned with fashion trends, and indeed with any aesthetics in the style of clothing and hairstyle: something shapeless on the head, a shapeless T-shirt and capri pants, as a rule, the wildest colors.

The combination of colors sometimes comes as a shock - decades in gray have completely killed good taste in color combinations. All those who are ahead of the deadline try their best to be at their best.

Young people up to about 25 years old, mostly not preoccupied with anything and being kept by their parents, experiment with haircuts and hair dyeing (and they cut it cool there even in cheap street hairdressers - hair to hair, besides with great taste).

Dressing is reminiscent of Japanese youth styles. However, more and more young girls are looking closely at the fashion trends of the Western world and trying to be in the subject, sometimes even very successfully.

However, even here there are some curiosities. Everyone knows that motor transport is very developed in China. Because of the rains, motorbikes are equipped with visors and a special waterproof cape that covers the front of the driver like a peignoir in a hairdresser, only with sleeves and gloves. But stylish women of fashion prefer to wear an old coat instead ... backwards. After all, the wind and spray are in front, so they close in front.

Women from twenty-five to forty for the most part look at the European point of view at least strange. Their outfits amaze the imagination not so much with a combination of incompatible ones, as with thoughtlessly putting on things that emphasize figure flaws.

ordinary Chinese women

It reminded me of our 90s, when for so long nothing was possible and suddenly everything became possible. However, we managed to do this in ten years, while the Chinese aesthetics of taste, forty years after the end of Mao's rule, still leaves much to be desired.Traditional sheath dresses with oblique closure, which so admire women around the world, are here only worn as a uniform in places where tourists gather.

Chinese traditional clothing for women

But the most amazing thing about the clothes of Chinese women is its inappropriateness. This circumstance taught me subsequently to keep the camera always uncovered. So many frames were lost! Mountain Park in Zhangjiajie (Avatar Park) was especially rich in fashionable "masterpieces". The first thing that caught my eye was a cleaning lady emptying an urn in velvet shoes with 8 cm heels studded with rhinestones.

ordinary Chinese women

All the way I was surprised at the young mothers who walked along the mountain paths on high platforms with babies in their arms. Then I did not know that the most impressive was yet to come: in the Red Dragon Gorge, a Chinese woman would climb the rocks with us on the same tall platform and with a small lady's handbag in her hands.

In the mountains, I met women in long evening dresses and, conversely, in a T-shirt and capri pants, but with a haircut like a wedding. Very few were equipped according to the situation, I would say, a few out of thousands.


After this park, I thought I saw everything. But on the road to Wuyishan, a girl - a road worker managed to surprise me. In my understanding, she was wearing pink layered chiffon pajamas. At the same time, she kept the road mixture on the shovel. It's scary to even think that the road company provided her with such workwear!

The style of Chinese women in clothing is greatly influenced by their inferiority complexes, and the first of them is their own ugliness, especially in comparison with natural blondes. Passing between them, we could only hear them chirping: "Oh ... how beautiful they are!"

Blondes are especially treated here. And if the average Chinese man has zero chances of becoming a handsome blonde boyfriend, then the Chinese girl may be lucky. At the same time, she will live like on a volcano, in conditions of tough competition, burning up in jealousy. But she will feel like a queen.

Therefore, if you see a girl of this kind: heels of 12 cm, a miniskirt or short shorts, nude thin tights, a blouse that falls from one shoulder, loose hair to the waist with lightened and curled ends, makeup and a triumphant expression "life is good", look for her European boyfriend nearby.

The second complex is short legs. The fix is ​​simple - heels and platforms of unreal height. With a small foot size, a heel of 10 cm or more makes Chinese women walk on tiptoes. Platforms are more stable, but often look very bulky, especially on thin legs. Even platform sneakers.

Chinese women

Young Chinese women wear high heels everywhere, except, perhaps, in the rice fields. And this at a time when in Europe they refuse heels and live as conveniently.

Chinese women in heels

The third complex is not light enough skin. According to the Chinese, a woman's skin should be as pale as moonlight. And the umbrella has been to help them for many thousands of years. Tanned skin is the lot of peasant women.

Women all over the world are the same - everyone wants, if not to belong, then at least to seem to belong to high society. Not relying on modern sunscreens, Chinese women seek to protect their skin from the sun as much as possible.

Unlike the Muslim world, where women also close themselves, from the sun and prying eyes, they do this in a very strange way. Firstly, these are wide-brimmed hats with large ears, which are fastened on the chin (like a budenovka).

Sometimes the hat also has a third part that falls around the neck. For some, this is not enough and they put on a medical-type mask, in this case the face is completely closed, only the eyes remain.

Secondly, for clothes with short sleeves, sleeves like our accounting ones are worn, only for the whole arm and with a flounce that completely covers the wrist. If the type of activity makes such clothes uncomfortable, then the shuttlecock is replaced by gloves. And this is even in the hot summer. In such outfit, the tanning of a bazaar trader, when only the face and hands become tanned, is practically excluded.

Beautiful Chinese women and Chinese beauty standards

Beautiful Chinese women on the beach

Until recently, Chinese women could not be dragged to the beach. But they found a way out: they supplemented Muslim swimming suit (a kind of scuba diver's suit with a skirt) with a stocking on the head with holes for the eyes. The sight is not for the faint of heart. In this outfit of a Fantomas - scuba diver, one could rob banks, if not for the crazy color schemes of this ensemble, causing irrepressible laughter from Europeans.

Thirdly, closing themselves on top, Chinese women allow themselves mini-skirts and short shorts from below, but again in their own way. Even in the extreme heat, they wear tights. The result is such a miracle: a hat and a mask on the head, sleeves on the arms, short shorts on the legs, and under them black tights with a thickening layer of "shorts", which is much lower than the shorts, and shoes on a platform of 10-12 centimeters.

Inevitably, the thought comes that the girl has little chance of arranging her personal life. Although the hat, mask and armbands are removed when you are in the room for a long time, then you might get lucky.

But what if the girl's skin is initially dark? It's simple - it needs to be bleached. For this, various means of traditional medicine and modern cosmetology are used.

By the way, about creams. Creams of some popular brands, even if they do not whiten the skin, will make it unusually pleasant to the touch. And the fact that after 1.5 months after opening the jar, the cream begins to change its consistency, speaks of its natural nature (provided that the cream was bought in a pharmacy and costs at least 1,500 yuan per jar).

Everything that has not been bleached by creams is powdered with pearl powder (in the composition of natural pearls). With especially dark skin, this powder plays a cruel joke - it acquires a bluish tint.

If everything is in order with caring cosmetics in China, then there are obvious problems with decorative cosmetics. Rather, with its application. Make-up, as a rule, turns Chinese women into painted dolls. After all, I want eyeliner, and shadows, and blush. Not everyone can catch the line when enough is enough.

There is another trend in China that is surprising in the Russian view: it is traditionally not customary to get rid of hair on the legs and armpits. Those Chinese women who come into contact with foreigners shave and do hair removal. It seems strange to us now, although still in 1960s in the USSR, women did not shave either.

Therefore, we can assume that Chinese women are simply lagging behind in following fashionable world trends. However, one cannot help but smile at the fact that the Chinese women have just begun to shave, while the Europeans have already stopped.

European women, who were originally elegant and stylish, now more and more often refuse opportunities to be beautiful for the sake of comfort. Every day more and more European girls and women refuse epilation, dress in comfortable but ugly clothes.

Clothing and accessories - shopping in China

After staying in China for two weeks and seeing with our own eyes what beautiful and ordinary Chinese women dress, we did not at all connect what we saw with the upcoming shopping, which we left on the last day before flying home.

When choosing a place to shop in Beijing, we looked at various reviews on the net and selected stores where locals dress. For us, this meant that shopping there would be inexpensive (for tourists, everything is usually fabulously expensive), but of high quality. It was only after fruitless wandering around the shops that we realized our mistake.

Of course, it is unrealistic for Russian girls to dress there: the sleeves are short, the legs of the trousers, too, the colors, to put it mildly, are cheerful, the shoes are for children. Even global brands like ZARA or H&M are completely focused on the proportions and tastes of the Chinese.

shopping in china

On the Internet, we, of course, came across information that for the Russians in Beijing there is a whole Yabaolu district. From there, supplies to the Russian market go on everything: from clothing to electronics. But we were let down by stereotypical thinking: if Chinese is for Russians, then it is of very poor quality, as in the Moscow market. In fact, they bring us a very cheap product, and its price corresponds to the quality.

In Yabaolu, there are goods for every taste and wallet. And most importantly, everything is adapted to Russian conditions, that is, clothes are adapted to our proportions, and electronics are Russified.In addition, after the fall of the ruble, one should not count on cheap purchases abroad at all. Therefore, the result of our shopping was calligraphy brushes, whitening cream, souvenirs and tea.

Beautiful chinese woman

The most beautiful Chinese women

At the end wants to have his say. This publication contains many personal opinions of the author. But in the 21st century, everyone has their own opinion, and besides, we perceive beauty in different ways.

Beauty standards are very different and that's great. It would be boring if all people on Earth had the same idea of ​​beauty and style. China is a wonderful country, I have Chinese girlfriends, and in the very near future I plan to learn Chinese.

Now and in the future, all thinking Russians need to learn two languages ​​- Chinese and English. Chinese is already more important today than European languages, with the exception of English.

Now I propose to see photos of the most beautiful Chinese women ...

Chinese girl
Chinese girl
Chinese girl

Chinese beauty
Chinese beauty

Chinese beauty

Beautiful chinese woman
Beautiful chinese woman
Beautiful chinese woman
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