All girls dream of being the one and only, many consider themselves mysterious and even mysterious persons. But when it comes to weddings, almost everyone chooses a white dress, and this outfit blends in with the crowd of other brides. does not convince anyone to give up a white outfit that symbolizes cleanliness. It's just funny - we dream of being unique, and at the same time we are afraid to go against the generally accepted norms, in such trifles as the color of the dress!
According to statistics from Yandex and Google, black wedding dresses are not popular. People very rarely ask the search engine how to choose and where to buy a black wedding dress. There are two main reasons for this.
1) Many people believe in omens and think that a black wedding dress does not bode well - instead of a long and happy life, soon widowhood and other misfortunes are possible.
2) Almost all people are worried about what others think of them, especially those around them. Many will condemn the bride in black attire, and the grandmother and mother of the groom may think that their son is getting married a real witchwho is seriously into magic and will surely kill their boy!
In the good old days, a black dress was allowed as a wedding dress.
If the opinion of others is very important to you, you should not choose a black wedding dress, even if you adore black and almost everything in your wardrobe is black. Most people do not understand how they can think of wearing a black dress for a wedding. Black is a very versatile color, but at the same time it is the personification of mourning, which is in no way compatible with a wedding.
Therefore, black wedding dresses are perfect only for those girls who do not plan to invite distant relatives, but will gather only a close circle of thinking relatives, friends and acquaintances who understand that black is the height of elegance and style.
Black color has many advantages, it makes us slimmer and lighter, and a dress in dark shades gives confidence, because it is not as easy to get dirty as white. In addition, it is easier to choose accessories for such a dress, and after the wedding it will easily turn into an evening dress, and you will not have to think about where to hide it or who to sell it to.
A black dress is a matter of taste, and is the choice of very brave brides, because a black wedding dress will help to become an original and unique bride! There are a lot of photos of brides in a black wedding dress on the Internet, but this is somewhere far away, but in your real life have you seen a wedding ceremony where the bride was parading in black attire?
All this does not apply to special brides - girls ready and followers of other dark subcultures. All their lives they stand out from the crowd, go against the ideals of society, so for them black will be the norm, and white, on the contrary, will require some effort on themselves.
In addition to an exclusively black dress, lighter options wedding image.
Have you decided to buy a black dress for your wedding? Hear the last warning! After the wedding, there will be many joyful and happy days in your family life, but there will also be problems. At such moments, your mother or grandmother may recall a dress with a black belt, saying something in this sense - put on a dress with a black belt, now it goes with a black stripe throughout life!
If you are not afraid of condemnation and reproaches, feel free to choose a stylish black dress and remain the mistress of your fate and mood for life!