Wedding dresses in 19th century photographs
Recently, a lot has been written and talked about the diversity of modern fashion and that people used to be deprived of such diversity. In fact, fashion now allows immeasurably more. But in the 19th century, there was also a choice. Even conservative bridal fashions provided brides with ample choice.
Check out these wedding photos from the Victorian Era. All brides are in closed wedding dresses with long sleeves, nowhere is there any hint of a neckline, almost all of them have a completely closed neck, and the length of the skirt does not allow showing wedding shoes in all their glory.
Only these wedding looks can not be called boring, the absence of cuts, neckline and transparency is compensated by a variety of decorative elements, a wealth of materials and handicraft. In terms of richness of decor and work, these dresses surpass many modern wedding dresses, so the images of brides do not look boring.
However, not all Victorian era brides wore a fully closed dress for their weddings. Brave brides with great opportunities could afford much more. For example, a dress with a neckline, short sleeves or no sleeves at all, a chic lace skirt and even an Angelica neckline. Such images can be viewed in
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Some photos where
bride in black dress, at first glance, may seem not at all wedding. A man and a woman in black, you might think that they are going to a funeral, but the veil clearly says - this is a wedding photo.
Previously, it was possible to wear a white wedding dress only for the first wedding. If a woman remarried, she chose a dress of a different color. The wedding dress could be just an evening dress or the best dress from the bride's wardrobe.