
How to remove dark circles under the eyes

Most eye creams prevent wrinkles and moisturize the skin, but few are able to deal with dark circles under the eyes.

It is believed that stress and fatigue are the main causes of dark circles under the eyes. However, besides this reason, there are others:

bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);

various kidney diseases, hypoxia, cardiovascular diseases, allergies;

lack of sleep;

malnutrition and many others, and finally, age, that is, aging.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes

And yet, how do dark circles appear?
Dark circles appear as a result of leaky capillaries, that is, according to the same principle as bruises when we hit something. The thin, almost transparent skin around the eyes contains many capillaries that are narrow enough for the passage of red blood cells.

The thickness of the skin under the eyes and the strength of the capillaries are different for everyone, and are hereditary. The reasons listed above interfere with blood circulation, which leads to the appearance of dark circles.

You do not sleep well, do not sleep well. What's going on in the body? In these cases, the process of tear formation is disrupted, the eyes become dry. You wake up and start rubbing them. But this cannot be done. Thus, you activate the production of melanin (you are already familiar with it), pigmentation increases, that is, dark circles under the eyes are formed. During a sleepless night, microcirculation of blood is also disturbed, and these are the same circles under the eyes.

It is not difficult to identify what reason each of us has. Firstly, you yourself may know what is going wrong in your lifestyle, and secondly, the color of the spots can betray your secret.

1. Very dark, almost black spots - chronic fatigue and blood congestion.

2. Yellowish spots - abnormalities in the liver or gallbladder.

3. Almost blue - diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypoxia, lack of iron in the blood.

4. Brown - blood circulation disorders, or increased skin pigmentation.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes

How to remove dark circles under the eyes at home?

Unfortunately, this is not always possible by simple means. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of this problem.

The most difficult spots are those that form with age, when blood circulation and metabolism deteriorate. And yet, let's not talk now about miraculous creams, which do not exist, but about the most common home methods for improving blood circulation.

Try a simple procedure - lymphatic drainagewhich will help stimulate blood circulation. Rub your body with a dry brush every other day. Use a soft natural fiber brush. Start at the feet. Long sweeping movements from the bottom up - from the hands to the shoulders, up the torso to the heart. Thus, we direct, or rather accelerate the movement of lymph, which helps to improve circulation and lymph and blood.

The directions must be strictly followed, otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved. Take a shower after rubbing. This procedure may be contraindicated in those with malignant neoplasms. Therefore, consult your doctor first.

When you are finished and shower, take two cucumber slices from the refrigerator, lie down and place these slices over your closed eyes. It is enough to lie down for 5 minutes. Cucumber refreshes, moisturizes and whitens the skin.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

You can attach tea bagsdipped in water. Green tea helps to remove excess fluid from the body. When used topically, it reduces swelling and helps stimulate circulation.

Include daily relaxation exercises in your dark spot removal treatments. The results will be visible in two months.Slowly? But it is possible that you no longer need a concealer.

External agents can be those that include kojic, ferulic, betulinic acids, bearberry extract, arbutin, niacinamide, vitamin C and glucosamine. These remedies also work gradually, training the skin cells under the eyes to produce less pigment.

All natural skin brighteners are very delicate, so don't expect quick results. Be patient for two to three months. Along with the listed agents and actions, use antioxidant agents containing vitamin E. Such agents stimulate the activity of fibroblasts in the dermis and help tighten the skin.

In addition to all of the above, remember that good sleep is the best medicine. Rub the skin around the eyes with ice cubes, but do not hold in one place for more than 3 seconds. Cold strengthens blood vessels. Prepare cubes from infusion on herbs, infusions on parsley, chamomile or sage are especially good.

Review your diet. Be careful when removing makeup. Know not to rub your eyes. The appearance of even microscopic wounds on the eyelids can provoke the appearance of dark spots. Wear sunscreen and glasses.

Do not forget that fitness will also help with this problem. After all, what exactly, no matter how fitness, helps to improve blood circulation?

Exercise your eyes... For example, such:

Blink your eyes - slowly at first, then faster, faster, and very quickly. Close your eyes. Repeat blinking again.

Concentrate your gaze on the distant object, then transfer to the near one. Do this several times.

Look up, in front of you, down, again in front of you, up, etc.

Look left, in front of you, right, etc.

Make circular rotations with your eyes clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Finish your activities by blinking.

One of the best eye masks is a parsley infusion mask. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour water into a saucepan, let it boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, add a handful of parsley (fresh or dried), cover and remove from heat. Let it brew. Now you can use it.

Moisten two gauze pads or discs, place them over your eyes and rest quietly for 10 to 15 minutes. You can at the same time use a relaxation technique.

You can not insist parsley, but simply chop its greens and put on eyelids, covering on top with a gauze napkin dipped in water. In this case, lie down for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Sage mask... The infusion is prepared in the same way as the infusion of parsley. If the herb is dry, a teaspoon of sage is enough for a glass of boiling water. When the solution has cooled, divide it in two. Put one in the refrigerator, heat the second. Once the first part has cooled, start making compresses. Put the moistened cotton pads alternately from a solution of warm sage, then from cold. This procedure can be done within 10 to 15 minutes.

Finally, potato mask... Grate fresh potatoes and put the resulting gruel on the lower eyelid, using a gauze napkin. The same mask can be made by adding a little flour and milk to the potatoes (one teaspoon each). You can hold the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The use of special cosmetics is no less important condition for the care of the skin around the eyes, but more on that another time.

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