
The work of the human lymphatic system and lymphatic drainage

Today we will talk about beauty again, but instead of testing new creams and face masks, we will turn our attention deep into the body, namely, we will study the lymphatic system, lymphatic drainage and their effect on beauty and health in general.

Skin is of great importance to us, and not only because it is well-groomed and beautiful, it makes us beautiful. The skin performs many different functions - protection from harmful external influences, maintains the temperature of internal organs, softens harmful effects of sunlight on the body as a whole, through the skin, poisonous waste products of the body are constantly released. In other words, the skin is an intermediary between the body and the external environment.

The respiratory and excretory functions of the skin are vital to health. If the normal functioning of the skin ceases, poisoning of the body can occur. A skin disease always affects the health of the body, in the same way, a disease of any organ affects the condition of the skin. By acting on the skin with various medicinal means, it is possible to influence the entire body, for example, hydrotherapy, massage, etc.

And so, everything in our body is interconnected. When we talk about skin care, we always start with cleansing, then moisturizing, etc. But most importantly, if the body is not cleansed from the inside, then all efforts to rejuvenate the skin will be in vain. Therefore, let's first think about health. What we are going to talk about now will tell us what efforts and where each of us needs to make in order to combine beauty and health.

Lymphatic system and beauty

Today we will talk about such an important system that plays a special role in the human body, this is the lymphatic system. In order for you to seriously think about how important it is for the skin and the entire body as a whole, you will have to delve a little deeper into the structure of your body. Perhaps then many of us will understand what prevents our skin from having a beautiful color, being firm, elastic and velvety.

The lymphatic system is part of the vascular system in the human body. The lymph circulating in the body moves slowly under low pressure, since there is no organ in the lymphatic system that acts as a pump, which the heart plays in the circulatory system. Its movement speed is 0.3 mm / s. The lymph moves in one direction - towards the large veins.

It plays an important role in the metabolism and cleansing of the cells and tissues of the body. Thus, we can already see where the cleansing of the body begins, and in particular the skin, which we take care of in the first place.

The work of the human lymphatic system and lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system includes:

Lymphatic vessels and capillaries
The lymph nodes
Lymphatic trunks and ducts
Tonsils, thymus, or thymus gland.

How is lymph formed and, in general, what is this structure?

Even ancient Greek doctors discovered that in the human body, in addition to the red liquid, there is also a transparent one, which was called lymph, which means “pure water, moisture” in translation from Greek.

As a result of the contraction of the heart, the liquid part of the blood penetrates the walls of the blood vessels, and tissue fluid is formed. Part of the interstitial fluid returns to the bloodstream. Since the heart works, and blood constantly flows through the vessels, the difference in fluid pressure outside the vessels and inside always exists.

It looks like a perpetual motion machine that works as long as the heart lives ... But part of the tissue fluid, washing the cells, enters the lymphatic capillaries, which permeate the tissues of the whole organism, this is how lymph is formed. The tissue fluid nourishes the cells, removes their waste and moisturizes the body.

Beauty and the lymphatic system

The fluid that has entered the lymphatic system is already called lymph.Tiny lymphatic capillaries drain into lymphatic vessels, which have thin walls and valves that prevent lymph from flowing out. Lymph moves in one direction along the lymphatic vessels, along which there are also lymph nodes.

The lymph nodesThese soft and small internal structures produce immune cells. It is the nodes that act as filters in which microbes are neutralized. When there is a threat to our body from infection, and various bacteria enter the lymph, the lymph nodes increase the production of protective cells that are actively involved in the destruction of microbes and foreign substances.

From the lymph nodes, the filtered lymph through the lymphatic vessels enters the veins, that is, returns to the blood. You can feel the largest lymph nodes yourself, they are located in the cervical regions. Large nodes are also found in the axillary, popliteal, and groin areas. When you get sick with a sore throat, an increase in lymph nodes - tonsils occurs, because it is here that a battle takes place between microbes and the protective substances of the body.

The lymphatic system contributes to the redistribution of fluid in the tissues of the body, since its capillaries drain all tissue intercellular spaces. From here we see that the lymphatic system not only cleanses our body, but also moisturizes it. And we hope to achieve skin hydration only with the help of moisturizing creams, when all this directly depends on the lymphatic system.

If everything is in order in our body, there are no failures, excess tissue fluid does not accumulate in the tissues, since the lymphatic system moves it through the lymphatic vessels and returns it to the blood. Otherwise, fluid accumulates in the intercellular space, and edema occurs.

For example, in cellulite, the accumulation of fluid in the tissues is often associated with the presence of toxins in the body. In this way, the lymphatic system cleanses and moisturizes all body tissues and also carries nutrients.

lymphatic drainage cosmetology machine

Cosmetology apparatus for lymphatic drainage

If, after reading, you understand everything, then you will be able to answer the question, why is at least morning exercises so important for our body? The answer is simple. After all, lymph moves very slowly. But if there is no "pump" in the lymphatic system, then how can it move, no matter how due to muscle contraction, which pushes the lymph further on its difficult life path.

Lymphatic capillaries and blood vessels penetrate the muscle tissue, the muscles contract - the lymph is pushed, but there is no way back to it, the valves in the lymphatic vessels do not pass. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work, then where does the movement of lymph come from? Now you understand what movement and, in general, physical activity mean.

Stagnation and damage to the lymph from the fact that the muscles are lazy, because we are too lazy to do exercises, leads to sad consequences. Exercise significantly speeds up the movement of lymph. And this, in turn, improves the condition of the tissues with edema and congestion.

A sedentary lifestyle in combination with an abundant intake of food leads to an overload of the lymphatic system, and often for this reason various diseases and immunity disorders occur.

Lymphatic system and exercise

From all that has been said, we see that the lymphatic system

- redistributes fluid in the body;

- protects the body from infections and diseases by removing and destroying various bacteria in the lymph nodes; human immunity depends on it;

- removes foreign substances and waste products;

- transfers nutrients from tissue spaces into the blood.

Now imagine that the lymph nodes are clogged, what will happen then, because they are the body's filter? Then, let's say this, dirty lymph cannot pass through the lymph node, and the body throws it out onto the skin. What will you see on your skin? - There will be dermatitis, furunculosis, acne, acne, diathesis, psoriasis ... Probably enough to list.

When we catch a cold, we get a runny nose and nasal congestion.Since the body is fighting microbes, and lymph is directly involved in this, then before it enters the blood, it must be cleansed of toxins. Lymph gets rid of this trash through mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, you should not use vasoconstrictor drops for a long time during a cold, we interfere with the work of the lymphatic system.

The second example where we deliberately disrupt the work of the lymph nodes is a deodorant for sweat. Excretion of sweat is a release from the body of not just moisture, but also toxins. If you constantly use deodorant that blocks sweat, you harm your body by leaving harmful substances in tissues in certain areas, for example, in the armpits. In this zone, the mammary glands are very close. And then a lot should be clear to you.

And what will help the lymphatic system work, besides charging?

In Russia, treatment with a steam bath with a broom, tea with currant leaves or raspberries has long been used. The use of the bath should be consulted with a doctor.

Breathing techniques can also stimulate lymph flow, improving your health.

The movement of lymph is also helped by massage, which increases the outflow of tissue fluid. However, the massage should be in the form of light and gentle circular strokes and kneading. In addition, you need to know for sure that massage is not contraindicated for you.

The main reason for contraindications may be malignant neoplasms (cancer). After all, massage movements force the lymph to move, and with it the malignant cells, which contributes to the formation of metastases. And in general, any procedures that affect the lymphatic system are unacceptable for cancer.

lymphatic massage

How does massage affect the lymphatic system?

Accelerates the movement of lymph in the lymphatic vessels. Massage movements should occur in the direction of the outflow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. Pressure on muscle tissue facilitates the penetration of tissue fluid through the walls of blood vessels, and this prevents or reduces edema.

Harmful substances are removed from the body more quickly and easily pass through the walls of the lymphatic vessels. Massage movements - stroking, pressing and squeezing should be gentle. With swelling of the legs, the outflow of fluid will help if they are raised, since in this case gravity will help the movement of fluid and lymph.

A professional massage therapist can do a lymphatic massage with benefit, not harm. You can do it yourself at home, but for this you need to get instructions on the main techniques also from a specialist. Thanks to massage the volume of lymph flow can be increased 20 times, which means increasing the ability of the lymphatic system to remove toxins and harmful bacteria, and strengthen the immune system.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage useful not only for problems with the lymphatic system, but also when you catch a cold or just want to relieve fatigue. All touches should be gentle and soft.

Massage with essential oils such as geranium, rosemary and juniper, grapefruit, atlas cedar and lemon oils is effective to activate the movement of lymph and reduce edema. And also the essential oils of anise, orange, basil, cloves, oregano, ginger, hyssop, cypress, coriander, lavender, lemongrass, carrots, nioli are used.

Transport oils can be wheat germ oil, almond oil, avocado, peach oil, jojoba, macadamia oil, safflower oil.

Lymphatic drainage of the face and body at home

At home, you can use a bath with a lymphatic drainage mixture, which includes:

geranium -3 drops
lemongrass - 3 drops
hyssop - 2 drops
nioli - 2 drops
wild carrots - 2 drops

If you add 30 ml of grape seed oil to this mixture, you can do self-massage with it.

Disruptions in the functioning of the lymphatic system are indicated not only by edema or cellulite, but also by other diseases, where there is an ineffective excretion of harmful substances from the body. For example - frequent colds, headaches, skin problems, etc.

Lymphatic drainage will help in stimulating the immune system, removing toxins from the body, poor complexion, fading skin, and bruising under the eyes. After a course of lymphatic drainage, cell nutrition usually improves, the body is cleansed, metabolism improves, skin regeneration processes are stimulated, its dryness is eliminated, bags under the eyes disappear, wrinkles are smoothed.

Now you see the necessity and importance of the lymphatic system, on which human immunity depends. And immunity is life!

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