
Skin pigmentation and liver health

If you are unhappy with your skin color, you have frequent breakouts or dark spots, which were not noticed before, the fat content increased, it is necessary to check the liver.

Doctors often refer to the liver as a biochemical laboratory. This organ protects the body from harmful substances. With liver diseases, serious disorders and exacerbations of many other diseases appear, and of course, of the skin. Liver dysfunctions can lead to the appearance of "liver" spots, which are often combined with the phenomenon of rosacea.

Sometimes we try to heal the skin using various means and procedures, but there is no success. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the main reasons causing additional health problems. Among many of them is liver dysfunction.

How the liver affects skin color and pigmentation

What leads to a deterioration in liver function?

First of all, poor quality food. Excessive nutrition, in which there is an abundance of smoked meats, fatty, fried, a large amount of flour products. Such food causes the liver to produce more bile. The gallbladder and ducts are clogged with the remnants of protein decay and cholesterol. Part of the bile is carried through the body through the blood, affecting all organs. This is how diseases appear: gallstone, pancreatitis, diabetes, diseases of the stomach, heart and blood vessels.

The main blow from the effects of drugs on the body is taken by the liver, as it participates in their breakdown. We must try to use those drugs that do not affect the liver, that is, they are not processed by it, but are excreted through the kidneys. Buy medicines that are written - completely excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Diet designed for weight loss can be dangerous for the liver... During this period, when we limit ourselves to food, especially fatty foods, there is a rapid release of fat from the subcutaneous tissue into the blood, and then it is captured by liver cells. There is a risk of developing liver inflammation. Therefore, when you lose your pounds, think about it - are you ready to sacrifice your health?

Maybe it's better to think about how to eat right so as not to gain extra pounds? But if you decide to lose weight, then the optimal rate of weight loss for liver health is 0.5 - 1 kg per week.

Skin nutrition and pigmentation

The liver is affected by polluted air and water. For example, chemicals that enter the atmosphere or water. Nicotine and alcohol destroy liver cells. The liver is a natural filter of the body, therefore it participates in the cleansing processes. Nicotine makes the liver tissue looser.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of bile, and the body poisons itself with the decay products of its own vital activity. Corn silk has a good choleretic effect. Seed-based milk thistle many drugs have been created that have a beneficial effect on liver cells and normalize metabolic processes.

The liver is negatively affected by constant stress, irritation, anger. And it's easy to explain. Negative emotions trigger the release of adrenaline, a hormone secreted by the liver. If these phenomena occur frequently, then the liver is injured.

You cannot perform physical work with a great overload for the body without prior preparation. Physical activity should be increased gradually.

Sweets for liver health

What foods are best for normal liver function?

The liver loves sweets. Therefore, it needs a sufficient amount of sugar for it to work well. Grapes will be of great benefit to the liver. If you eat about 200 grams of grapes every day for a month, the liver will be strengthened. By the way, the heart too. There is a lot of potassium in grapes.

The liver loves sweet fruits and vegetables in any form... Among the vegetables, pumpkin is especially popular in the liver. It also contains a lot of potassium. In winter, you should eat more dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, etc. Dried fruit compotes and juices are also very useful products for the liver. Don't forget about fermented milk products. Honey is also useful. In the morning and in the evening, it is useful to take a mixture of one tablespoon of honey and apple juice.

Honey for liver health

What else do you need to know about the liver?

Cholesterol is synthesized in the liver, and such an amount is quite enough for the body. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance necessary for human life. It is part of the membranes of all cells in the body, participates in the formation of many hormones. However, we also consume cholesterol with food, the main source is fatty animal products.

If there are too many such foods in your diet, then the blood cholesterol content increases, and it already becomes, to put it mildly, unhealthy. Cholesterol should not exceed 5 mmol / L.


Introduce polyunsaturated fatty acids found in vegetable oils into your diet. Reduce the consumption of animal fats to a minimum. You should have raw vegetables and fruits on your table every day - they contribute to the elimination of excess cholesterol. Foods containing vitamin C, magnesium and potassium are especially useful, all these substances strengthen blood vessels. Reduce the consumption of salty foods, the amount of salt per day should be no more than 1 - 1.5 g.

Fitness and fitness again... If you don't have time to work out in the gym, go for walking. This is the best sport for the human body. Choose places where there is clean air or go 2 - 3 bus stops. Start at 70 steps per minute, then gradually work your way up to 120 steps per minute.

Try to live with a calm mind, without hatred, anger and envy. No smoking and alcohol. Then there will be no pigmentation and other spots on the face.

How the liver affects skin color and pigmentation
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