
Mosquito repellent and how harmful mosquito bites are

“… Oh, summer is red! I would love you
If it weren't for the heat, yes, dust, mosquitoes, and flies ... "

This summer shows its own characteristics, including the unprecedented activity of mosquitoes and midges. The fact that mosquito bites are not harmless to humans is clear to everyone. Therefore, I want to know which mosquito repellent is most effective?

Not only smoking, alcohol and drugs can harm human health, but even chips, pets, coffee in the morning, tap water and much more. The mosquito is also not such a harmless creature whose bites can be ignored.

The harm from mosquito bites is definitely not small. The female chooses the victim, focusing on thermal radiation, carbon dioxide exhaled by a person, on the smell of lactic acid, which is released with sweat.

Mosquito repellent

Before the mosquito starts drinking blood, it injects saliva into the skin, which contains substances (anticoagulants) that prevent blood from clotting. In addition to swelling, itching and allergic reactions after a bite, various infections are transmitted to a person with a mosquito's saliva. Some of the most dangerous diseases are malaria, yellow fever, tularemia, and various kinds of encephalitis.

And the number of mosquitoes in many regions of Russia is so great that it becomes dangerous to go outside. In addition to these diseases, mosquitoes can ruin even the funniest holiday on the street. Many of us know about this. Therefore, everyone is trying to escape from the flock of mosquitoes.

Some biologists argue that before biting a mosquito, it chooses a place that emits a certain smell and heat, and the sore spot smells most strongly. However, for some reason I don't want to trust a mosquito like a doctor for the sake of dubious experiments in order to find out my sore spot. We sometimes worry when we find a small pimple on our face, but here, after a Sunday outdoor recreation, we can come to work swollen and swollen beyond recognition.

Some people have been noticed to attract mosquitoes... And this is nothing special. And everything happens because some of us emit more carbon dioxide. These are people with a fast metabolism, overweight, pregnant women. If you move actively, the human body also emits more carbon dioxide, and sweat containing lactic acid and other substances is an additional bait for mosquitoes.

It is difficult to hide from mosquitoes; they smell smells several kilometers away. Going out into nature can be a big problem, so you should consider all possible options for rescuing from them.

How harmful are mosquito bites, and what means to protect yourself?

Mosquito repellents

The safest natural remedies against mosquitoes are cloves, lavender, geranium, basil, anise, eucalyptus, citrus fruits. The essential oils of these plants should be diluted with vegetable oil and applied to exposed areas of the body every 20-30 minutes. Mosquitoes don't like these scents, so they can be used in an aroma lamp or as a lotion.

Those who have been to Abkhazia have probably noticed that mosquitoes are not particularly likely to be found there. What is the reason? - Eucalyptus.

If repellents are used to protect against mosquitoes, then you must act carefully and carefully. There are general rules for using all repellents.

Spray should be sprayed at a distance of 15-25 centimeters from the surface to be treated. Do not contact mucous membranes and damaged areas. The risk of allergic reactions can be from almost any agent, it depends on your health.

Some repellents are best applied to clothing rather than skin. The active substances of all repellents are poisons that are absorbed by the human body, absorbed into the bloodstream and can affect the liver in the most severe way.Therefore, the use of repellents is contraindicated in pregnant women, during breastfeeding and in childhood. Most repellents are not recommended to be used more than twice a day.

Examples of the best repellents include:

"Off Smooth & Dry" - this product has the effect of a "dry aerosol", is available in the form of a spray. The main active ingredient is DEET (diethyltoluamide). There is no sticky feeling, the effect starts already in the first minutes after application and lasts for three to four hours.

"OFF Extreme" - an agent that protects against mosquitoes, ticks, midges, fleas, mosquitoes, horseflies, etc. The main component is DEET. The protective effect lasts longer when applied to clothing, when applied to the skin it protects against mosquitoes for about seven hours, and against ticks for two hours. Release form - aerosol. The most serious drawback is the stains left by the product on clothing.

"Gardeks Extreme". This repellent comes in spray form and is considered one of the most effective mosquito repellents. The active substances are alphacypermethrin and permethrin.

"Moscidosis" - the composition includes active substances - DEET, ethylhexanediol. The repellent comes in the form of a spray or cream. "Moscidosis" has not only protective properties, but also soothing and wound healing.

"Moskitol Super active protection" - the product is available in the form of a spray. The main active ingredient is DEET, its concentration is high here - 30%. The repellent can be used to protect not only from mosquitoes, but also from ticks, fleas and midges. The effect lasts up to 5-8 hours. Does not leave stains on clothes.

"Medilis comfort" - spray is applied to clothing and other textiles, as well as nets, tents and other camping equipment. This product is not applied to the skin. The active ingredient is DEET.

Mosquito fumigators

Fumigators as a mosquito repellent

Fumigators are indoor and outdoor, pyrotechnic and electric. Their action is based on heating the active substance, which at the same time begins to evaporate and kill insects. As for the human body, their harmfulness is unambiguous. Therefore, they should be used no more than the specified time.

Pyrotechnic fumigators (spirals and candles) begin to act 10-15 minutes after lighting. They are best used outdoors.

Electric fumigatorsplug-in kills mosquitoes with pyrethroid poisons. They are also not harmful to humans and should not be used for more than 3 hours indoors. And you can't leave them on all night.

It is not recommended to stay near any type of fumigator in operation.

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Videos about mosquitoes and the dangers of their bites

Mosquito repellent - ultrasonic repellents

The action of scarers. Ultrasonic scarers emit alarm sounds. It produces a sound of the same frequency that females hear from males in times of danger and, frightened, fly away from sound sources.

They cannot be called completely harmless to humans either. Many users complain of headaches, and mosquitoes are less vulnerable. According to biologists, there are more than 100 species of mosquitoes in Russia, and the alarm sounds for different species are different, and therefore there is no common ultrasound for all, warning mosquitoes about the danger.

They can work as portable - on finger-type batteries or rechargeable batteries, and as stationary, powered by solar panels or mains. We can say that of all the repellents named, ultrasonic ones are the most harmless, but the trouble is that among ultrasonic mosquito repellents there are many fakes.

There are special biological traps that create an environment that lures mosquitoes and destroys them. However, these are expensive devices, and those sold somewhere in the crossings, "similar" to them, are nothing more than deception.

The safest mosquito repellent is regular mosquito nets and clothing that covers the entire body.

Mosquito repellent and how harmful mosquito bites are
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