
Skin protection in the mountains

If you want to spend a vacation in a ski resort, you should prepare for this in advance. You have seen fashion models in glossy magazines in breathtaking suits with luxurious flowing curls and a delicate blush on the face. But you've probably seen female skiers too?

And what? What is the match? - Do the faces of the beauties from magazines and the faces of the athletes shining with joy of victory, weathered in the wind and frost, match?

Protecting your skin while on holiday in ski resorts

Skiing is a great sport, it is a physical and mental competition. The skin is constantly exposed to frosty air and even wind, the body is in a state of tension from physical exertion, the body is adrenaline rush. You are pleased with a wonderful pastime, you feel cheerfulness, joy, a surge of strength and a lot of positive emotions.

But high altitude, snow, which reflects the sun's rays, and thereby enhances their effect on the skin - all this is unsafe for our skin. Alpine skiing is a sport that creates all unfavorable conditions for her. But if you have made up your mind, go to the mountains. You will not regret it if you prepare well ...

Buy a sunscreen with maximum UV protection, lip protector, Sunglasses... UV radiation in the mountains is very strong, even on cloudy days.

When your face freezes, the oils that hydrate your skin freeze too. Pores open on the face and moisture loss increases. If your skin type is dry, you are especially vulnerable. You cannot change the temperature, the strength of the wind, but you can control the loss of moisture. Apply a good protective cream on your face, taking into account and protecting against UV radiation.

Protecting your skin while on holiday in ski resorts

Use a cream containing nourishing oils, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins. For example, Cr? Me D? Salt? Rante, Clarins contains cataphray bark extract, retains moisture and enhances the protection of the stratum corneum.

Shea butter is a valuable antioxidant that removes any irritation of the epidermis from wind, sunburn, and even mosquito bites.

Cr? Me de la mer - algae, vitamins, oils - an excellent remedy for peeling and tightness. Alpine Ecology Rich Cream, Swiss Line - soothes dry skin and restores elasticity.

Cr? me De La Mer cream

Apply sunscreen every two hours.

Lip balm will protect your lips. And before leaving, start taking the amino acid lysine, which helps prevent herpes sores on the lips.

It is better to choose sunglasses that cover the eyes from the sun as much as possible, that is, the entire area around the eyes.

Holidays in ski resorts for girls
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