Frost and winter wind negatively affect our skin, has already told about this, and more than once. How to get your skin back to normal and prepare for spring?
Yes, frosts dry the skin no less than summer sun rays. Therefore, those of you who at the time drew attention to this and used instead of daytime moisturizers with fatty nourishing creams, and moisturizers at night, most likely do not have this problem. If someone missed this point, they probably faced the problem of dry skin, peeling and maybe even redness.
When it's March outside, and a real warm spring is still slowly approaching us, but already the first rays of the sun make us smile, and the first modest mimosa flowers make us feel happy, it's time to start taking radical measures to improve the skin. The skin weathered over the winter has become somewhat coarser, and the pores may have narrowed. And if so, then our skin is hardly freed from excess sebum, and a large number of keratinized particles have accumulated on its surface, because of them the complexion has deteriorated.
Do not be upset if you still came to this, everything can be corrected, it is enough just to carry out restorative procedures.
Restoring the skin of the face should begin with cleansing from keratinized particles. This procedure is known as peeling. Peeling can be done both in the salon and at home.
Let's briefly consider both options.
Peeling in the salon
The main types of peeling are: mechanical - superficial, medium or microdermabrasion and deep or dermabrasion; chemical - surface (fruit acids), medium (trichloroacetic and salicylic acids) and deep (phenolic acid); physical - surface (ultrasound, erbium laser) and deep (CO2 laser).
If you are under 30 years old, superficial peels are enough for you. And medium and deep peels - they not only cleanse, but are also procedures for skin rejuvenation, that is, they can solve age-related problems (decreased tone, fading, wrinkles, pigmentation). A deep chemical peel will take time to regenerate the skin. Moreover, during this period, it is necessary to especially carefully protect the skin from the sun's rays, since the skin after deep cleansing becomes more vulnerable and sensitive, and as a result, it may appear dark spots.
Some other types of deep peels also have a long recovery period for the skin, moreover, some types of cosmetics should not be used during this period. You should be aware of all this by a cosmetologist.
Peeling at home
The first assistants in home peeling are scrubs. Find a scrub that's right for your skin type and age. It is best to choose a scrub from the same line as your main cosmetics.
If you prefer natural remedies, then use the following recipes.
To get rid of flaking and redness of the skin, it will help sour cream and olive oil mask: Mix sour cream with olive oil, apply on skin for 15 minutes: 1 teaspoon of oil and 1 teaspoon of sour cream.
Pineapple and papaya mask
1 cup pineapple pulp, 1/2 cup papaya pulp, 2 teaspoons honey. Mix everything and apply on face. Rinse off with water after 5 minutes. This procedure should be carried out once a week.
Apple and oatmeal mask
Mix the juice of one apple with 1 tbsp. spoonful of cream, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal. Apply the gruel for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.
Pineapple Kiwi Banana Mask
Take equal amounts of pineapple pulp, kiwi and banana, mix. Apply the gruel for 15 minutes. Rinse off with water.
Pay attention to the content of the masks. Each of them contains fruit acids. This is chemical peeling.You can use any fruit for this skin cleansing.
Mask - salt and soda scrub
And this mask works like a nourishing scrub. Take 1 teaspoon of your regular cream and add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and salt to it. Apply the mask for 5 minutes, then you can remove the cream with a napkin. Rinse with water if necessary. All components can be taken in smaller quantities, the main thing is to respect the proportions.
Oatmeal scrub
Grind the oatmeal to small grains, then mix it with water, apply the gruel to your face in the same way as a regular scrub, and you can immediately rinse off or hold for 5 minutes. This procedure is useful for washing your face in the morning and in the evening every day. The skin will be smooth and elastic.