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What conclusions should be drawn from the story of Kim Kardashian

In recent days, everyone has been discussing the robbery of Kim Kardashian, many are happy, and someone doubted the reality of the robbery, and this story was continued. Now there are publications accusing Kim of imitating a robbery, for the sake of PR. Perhaps this is actually the case, but in any case, some conclusions must be drawn.

Kim Kardashian

1. Social networks

Today, many successful people, especially girls, are eager to showcase their wealth through social media. Such a demonstration is a great advertisement for thieves, robbers and even kidnappers. Even if we do not have jewelry worth millions of euros, many robbers need much less to decide on a crime!

We ourselves talk about the latest purchases, about the cost of new things, show photos of our apartment and house, share the coordinates of our favorite places and tell how we spend our time. All our girlfriends are visible on the pages in social networks, who know even more about us, thanks to which they can become free or unwitting informants for the robbers.

Why do we share so much on social media? For celebrities like Kim Kardashian Is a job and even if it is actually robbed, these losses will quickly pay off. But if we are not celebrities, but simply brag about our well-being, this is a sign of complexes and stupidity.

Demonstration of wealth on social networks can result in theft or robbery, or it can lead to more tragic consequences, while we ourselves attract potential criminals!

Social networks

2. Europe is an unsafe place

It's time to come to terms with the fact that Europe has long been not the safest place on planet Earth. Every year and even month, the situation in Europe is getting more complicated, there are more and more various refugees, people in need and just dregs of society who are ready to commit crimes for the sake of profit.

At the same time, the level of security in European hotels and clubs, as well as the work of the police, leaves much to be desired. If you compare the security of Moscow hotels and clubs with European public places, security in Europe is much worse.

Why is this happening, because in Europe in recent years there have been many terrorist attacks, do they really not learn anything? This is a long history, but the main point is the following - European states cannot provide sufficient security. Therefore, we need to think about our own safety on our own and try to foresee situations, places and actions that make us a potential victim of intruders.

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