Beautiful girls

How to take beautiful selfies

Someone thinks selfies are self-admiration, others are pampering, but sometimes selfies are the only opportunity to capture themselves against the backdrop of places and sights. This is well understood by those who like to travel without the company of friends. It is not always possible to ask passers-by to take a picture of you against the backdrop of the majestic cathedral, in many countries and cities it is unsafe, because you can lose your smartphone or camera!

Therefore, you need to learn a few simple selfie rules in order to take beautiful selfies on your own anywhere at any time.

1. Camera position - do not shoot from below!

Never shoot from below, this will help avoid the appearance of a double chin in the photo, but it will visually enlarge the eyes. The best selfies are obtained by holding the smartphone slightly above the level of the bridge of the nose.

How to take beautiful selfies

2. A good angle

A good angle for beautiful selfies is determined by trial and error, but in most cases, a little head turn works. Almost every star has a working side - the one with which they look beautiful in the photo. Find your best side through experimentation.

3. Do not photograph yourself in a flash mirror.

Such photos are almost always unsuccessful, because the glare from the flash spoils the frame in every possible way.

How to take beautiful selfies

How to take a selfie correctly using filters and Photoshop

4. Use proven Instagram filters

"Star" makeup artist Patrick Ta said that many celebrities use a special filter on Instagram, which almost everyone avoids, since it is not in the main filter list, but in the settings. Patrick and the celebrities use the red filter found in the photo settings under Color. In his opinion, he makes photos warmer and then selfies seem even more beautiful.

5. Photoshop

Don't be shy about editing your photos! On Instagram, many accounts post photos from professional SLR cameras, and of course they use Photoshop. Working on yourself is not only about going to the gym and getting the right makeup, you need to use all means.

6. Clean camera lens

Many girls forget that they constantly touch the camera lens and leave marks on it. The lens gets dirty very quickly, and this affects the quality of the pictures. Sometimes, in order to get a beautiful selfie, you first need to wipe the camera.

7 secrets of the perfect selfie

7. Correct background does not support selfies at home, it is allowed to the stars, because everyone is interested to know what kind of environment they live in. It is best for ordinary girls to take selfies against the backdrop of beautiful places and interesting events. Never forget about what is behind your back, consider all the details. At first it may seem difficult, but then you will automatically notice all the good and bad details, thereby developing attentiveness and good taste.

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