Vintage Photos - Selfie Portraits 1930-1940
You can treat a photo like a selfie in different ways - you can like or not like a selfie, but sometimes no one is around, but you really want to capture yourself against the background of a landmark or event. It also helps you self-improve your dress and makeup style. Selfies also add a little creativity to our lives.
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with selfie photos, the main thing is to know the measure in everything and not fill your
Instagram page similar photos. And those who think that selfies are a phenomenon of the new era, and a clear example of the degradation of modern youth, should look at the selfies of the 1930-1940s.
Recently, photography has become publicly available, everyone has a camera in their smartphones, which is nearby 24 hours a day. That is why we see a lot of primitive photos on social networks. It used to be much more difficult to take a photo, and besides, there was no social media.