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The main reasons and meaning of collecting dolls

Initially, serious collectors collected only rare antique dolls in good condition, and then Barbie came to our world, she spawned whole clubs of collectors. In the 1990s, the puppet world expanded, and luxurious realistic BJD dolls appeared.

Today on the Internet you can see fabulous beauties who can compete with the best in photographs. top models... So it's not surprising that doll collecting is gaining popularity, but still, let's look at the main reasons that justify this hobby.

Why do we need an excuse? If we collected paintings or antique porcelain, we would never need an excuse, and with dolls we experience some misunderstanding and rejection of society. This applies not only to Russia. I personally know collectors of dolls from the United States, they also try to hide their hobbies and show their favorite dolls only to relatives and other collectors.

6 reasons to start collecting dolls

In ancient times, dolls had a sacred meaning, then they began to play the role of glossy magazines and spread fashion trends, but then they were given to children, and during this time they literally became the personification of children's games. Therefore, in the minds of people, dolls are strongly associated with childhood. If the dolls are assembled by an adult woman or man, they may be considered infantile, strange, or sick in the head.

Let's see what dolls can give their owners in addition to good mood and smiles, even on autumn and winter days, when many people do not have enough sun and warmth?

Since ancient times, our collective unconscious has laid gathering instinct... In those distant times, people collected everything that could be useful. Millennia have passed, but scientists argue that the intention to collect has not disappeared anywhere. With the help of collecting a certain type of things, we try to supplement our life, because rarely any of the people are completely satisfied with their lives, we all lack something.

Collecting dolls

1. Spiritual meaning

Holy people say - if you gain a connection with God, all the values ​​of this world seem insignificant and your soul will no longer value anything, except for a connection with God. Only this does not apply to ordinary people with worldly values. That is why people need small and big joys in order to fill their lives with beauty and meaning.

Life is filled with entertainment, alcohol, sex, work, family, travel, creativity, but sometimes this is not enough, or maybe we do not feel the desires or opportunities to fill our lives with universal values. Then special meanings come to our aid, for example, collecting dolls.

Buying new dolls, we create a whole world that lives by our rules, thanks to which we get around us an atmosphere of stability, which is so lacking in our real life. This is the deep spiritual meaning of any collecting - we need to fill the time of our life and make life as comfortable as possible.

Now let's talk about simpler and more understandable reasons for buying new dolls.

Collecting dolls

2. Dolls as interior decoration

Many dolls look like a work of art. The authors work with great love on the faces of the dolls and the perfection of their bodies. In addition, for modern dolls, you can purchase a chic carved furniture and luxurious clothes. Some dolls have such dresses and accessories that the wardrobe of many women seems simple and squalid!

The modern collectible doll is a functional sculpture and at the same time a fantasy character. Therefore, the doll is a very active and unusual element for interior decoration.Admiring dolls gives aesthetic pleasure not only to the owners, but also to the guests.

6 reasons to start collecting dolls

3. Find a common language

First of all with yourself. With his inner child, who may have been put in a dark corner by the years of growing up. Dolls help to find a connection with childhood (after all, almost all girls played with dolls), they help reduce the pain of losing this important part of ourselves, and also bring a part of that past into our present. Let your girl out to play! A child is exactly that part of our soul that creates, and all people need creativity in life.

4. Make life colorful

Collecting a collection will help color life with sharp turns, pleasant surprises and adrenaline rush. When a collector enters the trail of finding a new piece for his collection, a real treasure hunt begins.

Rivalry on Internet auctions, visiting flea markets, seeking information on doll forums ... But how much joy the lucky one feels when he finds what he wants in the struggle and search!

Therefore, collecting dolls is ideal for those who want to fill their life with thrills without risking it.

5. Development of creativity

If you consider yourself a person incapable of any creativity - do not believe yourself! At least that's it. Collecting dolls is a unique activity that can revive the craving for creativity in everyone. After all, collecting their own collection of dolls and wardrobe for them is already creativity.

A doll collector is forced to solve such extraordinary creative tasks as the location of his collection in an apartment, the selection of doll furniture and clothes, so that each of the dolls looks as beautiful as possible and conveys a certain mood.

Dolls can be given names and even positions. If you have a small business, you can mentally imagine that the dolls are your loyal employees and assistants, they will not betray or let you down at a difficult moment!

Many collectors suddenly have a craving for sewing and knitting in order to present their favorites with original new clothes. Others suddenly find themselves making accessories and beautiful miniature furniture.

But even if you don't go that far in this hobby, but just buy ready-made armchairs, clothes and accessories, your collection will already become creativity, because it will reflect your vision of the world, mood and peculiarities.

6. A source of good mood and new acquaintances

Dolls are almost the most ancient object that has survived to this day. This is because at all times the doll reproduced a person. Collecting dolls can help you complete the part of yourself that you are missing.

This is the psychological effect of collecting dolls - the collector begins to know himself better and more through his dolls. Some experts even say: "Show me your collection and I will tell you who you are."

Communication with dolls brings a very strong charge of smiles and positive emotions. Sometimes collecting helps people to cope even with serious losses in their lives, to find another meaning in life when they retire, to gain confidence and peace within themselves.

Finally, it is important to remember that collecting dolls develops a sense of camaraderie and encourages new acquaintances. Collectors love to exchange news, talk about their acquisitions and achievements, share information, and show photo shoots of their beauties.

Many create your blogs or sites that communicate with sculptors - doll makers, arrange exhibitions, house parties and photo sessions in parks. Therefore, thanks to dolls, you can find many friends in your city and in other cities and countries. At the same time, you will be united by a common idea, and such friendship is the most lasting and useful.

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