Whether we like it or not, everything in the world is interconnected, you can be convinced of this if you familiarize yourself with the history of fashion. After reading 1-2 books on the history of fashion, you can see how statesmen, wars and revolutions, economic crises and scientific and technological progress form fashion trends.
Now the military operation in Libya is being completed, it is called differently, some are the liberation of the oppressed people, others are of the opinion that this is an invasion. The essence of what is happening is as follows - the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has been killed. This means that many leaders of other states will be concerned about their fate and will begin to arm themselves. Some will arm themselves for defense, others for attack or restoring order. Everyone will strive to produce, or acquire the most advanced weapons and nice military uniform... The military-industrial complex will work with greater power, which of course will affect other areas of life.
It is difficult to predict what changes are coming in the world, and what fashion trends, but it is quite possible that the military style in its variety will become more popular. This style appeared during the First World War, due to the lack of clothing and fabrics. In those years, people altered military uniforms, used military belts and accessories.
Over time, life became more stable and the need to alter the military uniform disappeared. There were also more fabrics, the style changed, patch pockets appeared in the image and likeness of military uniforms, a turn-down collar or stand, patch shoulders, order ribbons, decorations resembling orders, wide belts or wide bandolier belts, chevrons, lacing, badges, heavy buttons.
Time passed, the world began to live richer, and more expensive fabrics - cashmere, velvet, leather, denim.
Today, the military style is clear and strict lines in clothes, for example, a women's coat borrowed a cut from an overcoat - the shoulder line is straight, a strict stand-up collar. The buttons are arranged in two rows, a wide belt with a buckle. Various blouses, reminiscent of military tunics, trousers with breeches made of dense material, boots of a rough shape or boots with thick soles. This is how the military style of a military is reflected in modern clothes.
Periodically, the military style leaves the catwalks, but time passes and it returns. Therefore, we must admit that the military is a bright trend in modern fashion, which finds a place for itself at all levels of the consumer market. No matter how people want peace and defend human rights, the values of democracy, apparently the time has not yet come when we will see military uniforms only on the pages of textbooks and in colorful encyclopedias on fashion history.
World events and fashion trends, military style
Further photographs on the theme of the events of Libya - the life of Muammar Gaddafi.