Celebrities and Fashion

Actress Elizabeth Taylor. Beauty Liz!

The famous actress died on March 23 Elizabeth Taylor... Elizabeth loved everything beautiful: luxurious, tastefully furnished houses, cars, outfits, jewelry... But she herself was beautiful. Her beauty has always evoked admiration not only among men, but also among women. When Elizabeth appeared on the screen, she immediately struck everyone with a dazzling femininity. She was an unusually passionate, sensual and emotional woman. Her beautiful, unusual face radiated genuine passion. In the 50s, Taylor starred in several films that fit her type: "Place in the Sun", "Giants", "Rainbow Country" and "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." This was followed by many other roles, but the public was interested in her not only as an actress, but also in her personal life: how she changes husbands, what jewelry she has, what outfits she has.

Elizabeth Taylor

And the greatest fashion designers sewed her outfits: Canadian Lloyd David Klein, Italian Valentino Garavani, whose regular clients were - Sophia Loren, Jane Fonda, Gina Lollobrigida. Elizabeth adored the style of femininity, loved chic furs, a deep neckline in dresses, a thin waist, tightened with wide belts.

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor loved not just jewelry, but unique jewelry, which is an extraordinary rarity. But better than precious stones is the love of loved ones who surrounded her in the last minutes: children - Michelle Wilding, Christopher Wilding, Lisa Todd, Maria Burton, 10 grandchildren and granddaughters, four great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters.

Elizabeth Taylor

In 1997, the British Empire magazine included Elizabeth Taylor in the list of the 100 best film actors around the world.
Movie star Elizabeth Taylor, two-time Best Actress Oscar.

“Every time you take a breath, you have to think of someone,” she wrote on February 10, 2024.

Elizabeth Taylor

[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = jAkAtE0OpNk]

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor photo

Update as of 20th March 2024

The anniversary of the death of Elizabeth Taylor is approaching, I remembered her, leafed through old magazines, opened a book with a biography. How quickly time flies! On the pages of the book, Elizabeth appears as a little girl, pages, more pages and her bright life flies by. A life in which there was everything, and wealth and glory and love.

Elizabeth Taylor as a child - girl Liz

If we are talking about Hollywood actresses, calling some of them stars, then Elizabeth Taylor is better called one of the brightest stars in Hollywood. Elizabeth's beauty, talent, passionate nature will remain forever on the brightest pages of Hollywood and in the hearts of the audience.

Elizabeth was born in England, although her parents were American - her father, Francis Lenn Taylor, was engaged in buying art for art galleries, and her mother, Sarah Viola Wormbrodt, performed on Broadway before her marriage, although she did not have much success, but this did not bother her. And as soon as they got married in 1926, she immediately left the stage. Soon the father was transferred to the London branch, and they settled in England, in London itself. Here they had two children - first a son Howard, and in 1932 - a daughter, who was named after her grandmother Elizabeth Rosamund. After a while, they returned to their homeland and settled in Los Angeles. Francis was well versed in art, his delicate taste and knowledge helped open an art gallery in Beverly Hills, where there was always a rich and distinguished public interested in art. His gallery was frequented by such an audience, but soon Elizabeth's parents noticed that visitors were not only interested in art. It turns out that their little daughter, who at that time was just over seven years old, also enjoyed increased attention.The girl was really just delightful - porcelain skin, high cheekbones, huge eyes of extraordinary blue, framed by eyelashes of rare beauty. Little Elizabeth admired her beauty not only for the gallery visitors, but also for the heads of the largest Hollywood studios MGM and Universal. When they saw Liz, they immediately suggested that their parents sign a contract with the little beauty.

For some time, Sarah doubted - she thought the future of the child actress was terrible. However, the chairman of the board of directors, Chiven Cowden, was persistent, he offered to sign a contract with Liz's parents even without samples for a period of seven years. Elizabeth was so good that no one thought about the talents of the actress. At the age of nine, she starred in the film "Every Minute Someone Is Born." After some time, Universal canceled the contract with her. Why did this happen? Most likely, the words spoken by one of the directors to Elizabeth: “… there is nothing childish about her. Her eyes are too old ”, had grounds for terminating the contract. But Liz's parents, who were accustomed to the fame of their girl and were no longer going to return back to England, immediately learned that in the film "Lassie Come Home" MGM studio is looking for a girl with a British accent. The father took his daughter to audition, and Liz was accepted - a contract was signed with her. Then a funny incident followed - the director demanded that the makeup be washed off Liz's face. But the fact is that there was no makeup on the girl's face - nature endowed her with bright colors, Liz's eyelashes were the same that no one else had, from which the eyes were amazingly blue, like violets, and the look was inimitable. When the film was released, Elizabeth was talked about as a promising talented actress. Sarah did not believe for a long time that her daughter was talented. She even decided to play one of the old plays with her, and was very surprised - Liz is really talented, she is a natural born actress. Not only Sarah, in the past, an unlucky actress, but also the directors saw in the girl that, in addition to extraordinary beauty, she also has talent. Therefore, proposals for more characteristic and complex roles soon followed.

The film "Champion Velvet" brought Elizabeth an unprecedented success - the total box office gross was $ 4 million, and the audience and film critics were captivated by the talented beauty. Everyone demanded new films with her participation from the studio. But this film brought her not only laurels, but also an injury that left health problems for life - Elizabeth fell from her horse during the filming and injured her back. Elizabeth has starred with great success in the films The Courage of Lassie, Cynthia, Little Women and many others. The success of each of her new roles exceeded all expectations, and no one doubted the talent of the actress. She was even nicknamed "Liz of one take" - as she knew how to perfectly play the scene the first time, without repetitions. But along with the glory came, as it is called, "star fever." Liz began to be capricious, to arrange scenes, to be late. Many biographers claim that she never came to a meeting without delay in her entire life.

By the age of sixteen, Liz was already playing adult roles, and Time magazine called her "a magnificent jewel." Her beautiful eyes, which could convey deep feelings, allowed her to play complex roles with ease. She began her acting life early - from the age of nine, Elizabeth was almost all the time on the set, studying in between. Such studies ended with the fact that by the age of seventeen, she did not really know how to count - she counted on her fingers, and wrote with an unthinkable number of mistakes. Liz saw only life on the set - she did not have time to, even a little, live the life of an ordinary girl. Her mother, who was once against her daughter's acting life, now saw in her only her talents and all the time convinced Liz of her belonging to the cinema and her duty to viewers, critics, and even the whole world. And at seventeen with nearly ten years of filmmaking experience, she was famous. Much later, Elizabeth Taylor will say about herself that she "does not remember the time when she was not famous."

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor photo

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor photo

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor photo

Elizabeth Taylor
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