How to whiten teeth at home

Bad teeth, and not even the best tooth color, can ruin the whole impression of the most beautiful look. Only when our teeth are even and perfectly white do we want to show our snow-white smile to others.

If your teeth are not perfect, you can go to the dentist for professional whitening, but what if you can't go to the dentist right now? Are there any simple, but not harmful, remedies that allow you to whiten your teeth on your own? In fact, there are many such remedies, and even "real" princesses from social networks whiten their teeth at home.

In the video below Princess vampire Victoria demonstrates home teeth whitening. As you can see, even vampires have to watch out for the whiteness of their sharp teeth!

Why do teeth change color? In some cases, bad habits and diet are to blame, and sometimes time itself. With age, the enamel on the teeth becomes thinner and more transparent, and the inner layer looks darker.

Before you start whitening, you can roughly predict the success of the procedure as follows: take a sheet of white paper and compare it with the color of your teeth. If they look yellow, then the spots are probably on the surface - the teeth can be made whiter by at least a few shades. If your teeth look grayish, the reason for the darkening is probably inside the teeth and whitening will not help.

How to whiten teeth at home

Home remedies for teeth whitening

Baking soda

Most dentists agree that this method is safe for the teeth and helps to whiten teeth quickly and effectively. You can use baking soda to rub your teeth with a damp toothbrush, or mix it with toothpaste to neutralize the salty taste.

Hydrogen peroxide

One of the most popular home remedies. Hydrogen peroxide is a key ingredient in most bleaches. The higher the concentration of peroxide, and the longer you leave it on your teeth, the whiter they will be.

The flip side of the coin: bleach molecules can get into the space of the dental nerves, as a result of which the sensitivity of the teeth will increase. So, you will most likely feel some burning sensation in your gums, but your teeth will indeed become whiter. Typically, for most people, results will be noticeable within a few weeks, but this can happen much earlier.


Few people know that strawberries and strawberries contain natural whitening agents and are great for cleansing. Since it also contains sugar and acids, it is very important to brush your teeth immediately after this procedure with a fluoride toothpaste. For an easy and quick application, you can mash the strawberries in a puree and use it as a toothpaste.

Wood ash

As strange as it sounds, wood ash helps whiten teeth. It contains potassium hydroxide, which can whiten teeth. However, using wood ash too often can damage your tooth enamel, so it is best to avoid using this method for an extended period of time.

Homemade toothpaste

One of the best homemade teeth whitening recipes: a paste of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, salt, and regular toothpaste.

How to whiten teeth at home
Photo from Instagram - victorialovelace

Things to remember when deciding to whiten your teeth

Too frequent and aggressive cleaning with strong substances can corrode the enamel surface, and it is impossible to restore it. Damage to the enamel can make your teeth significantly weaker, more prone to cavities and sensitivity.

There are other methods teeth whitening at home.Many sites write materials on this topic, and claim that it is all safe. But teeth are of great importance in our life, they must be protected and the best means used. Therefore, it is better to seek professional help from a dentist ...

Safe ways to whiten teeth at home
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