Spring fatigue in women - what to do?
Are you tired and your nerves are on edge? Think proven antidepressants like sweets, coffee, and other drinks, including alcoholic ones, will help? Spring brings not only joyful sunny days, but also spring fatigue, followed by depression. Why is this happening, how can mood swings and even drowsiness come along with the long-awaited warm days and the bright sun?
Not only in the fall, but also in the spring, most of us are subject to frequent mood swings, and, unfortunately, not for the better. It seems "spring, spring is the time of love." But it will be later and may not be with you, but now you are in a bad mood, drowsiness, fatigue, a headache, someone's heart rhythm is disturbed, etc. Young children and the elderly are especially susceptible to this mood and well-being. In the former, immunity is still weak, and in the latter, it is already weak.
Researchers argue that for most of us, during the winter time, the body, as it were, adapted to winter inactivity, because walks in the fresh air during the winter were to some extent limited. In the formation of spring depression, an important role is played by the winter lack of vitamins and sunlight, weakening of the immune system due to colds. And with the long-awaited spring warmth and sun, he has to rebuild, and the human psyche reacts sensitively to all changes.
Changes in the weather affect the human body. In spring, nature changes, which means our body, too. The composition of the air, humidity, pressure change, temperature drops occur, the ultraviolet radiation of the sun increases.
The human body has already adapted to winter conditions, it has its own biological clock, according to which the heart, stomach, brain, lungs work, and here such changes are, therefore, it needs help. Abrupt changes in nature, fluctuations in the weather, a deficiency of vitamins - all this causes a negative reaction in the human body, and first of all, our weakest link, who hurts, reacts to this.
A stressful state leads to an acceleration of metabolism and a decrease in the level of potassium, which is responsible for the heart rate and the supply of oxygen to the brain. We begin to seize our bad mood with delicious food. But which one is better to seize?
How to beat fatigue in women with proper nutrition
A fish... Fish dishes contain the amino acid tryptophan, from which serotonin is formed - the "hormone of happiness". Therefore, fish should certainly be on your table. Fatty fish also has vitamin B6, which not only improves mood, but also strengthens the immune system. Try to eat fish dishes at least three to four times a week for 100-200 g.
Red and orange fruits. Tangerines,
oranges and other bright vegetables and fruits cheer up. In addition to those vitamins that are inherent in them by nature, their bright color can create a positive attitude.
Don't skip chicken broth. It has properties that affect calmness, because chicken meat contains proteins, in which the same amino acid tryptophan, and hence serotonin.
Seaweed. These algae are extremely rich in B vitamins, which regulate the functioning of many organs and therefore the production of various essential hormones. It is better to eat seaweed not canned, where there are many flavorings and not the most useful ones, but freshly prepared salads. Such salads can be seasoned with carrots, mushrooms, sesame seeds, etc.
Avocado - a source of vitamins and potassium, which increase the body's resistance to stress. Avocados can be used to make a delicious guacamole sauce. Traditionally, guacamole is eaten with corn chips, but it can also be eaten with other dishes.
Bananas are rich in potassium and can help restore potassium loss. In addition to potassium, bananas contain vitamin B6.
Asparagus will make you not only more perky, but also happier, because she is natural
aphrodisiac... It's all about folic acid, which raises levels of the happiness hormone serotonin.
Blueberry rich in vitamin C, which is one of the main helpers in the fight against stress. And blueberries are also recommended by all ophthalmologists to support eye health.
Raisins, dried apricots - this is potassium and many other minerals and vitamins.
Nuts. All nuts are healthy. They, like fatty fish, are a source of
fatty acids - omega-3s that help relieve symptoms of depression and can keep brain cells functioning normally. They contain, already known to us, the amino acid tryptophan and vitamin B6. And besides that, nuts have a lot of selenium, which will also cheer you up. It is especially useful for the elderly, since the content of selenium in the blood decreases with age.
Bitter chocolate. It is cocoa beans that contain all those substances that improve mood and relieve stress. However, those with a sweet tooth should know that dark chocolate has these qualities, the rest will be of much less benefit.
Oatmeal and buckwheat. These grains also contain the amino acid tryptophan, as well as carbohydrates that help normalize blood sugar levels.
Don't forget beets, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and of course apples.
There are foods that should be postponed. Among them: smoked meats, hot sauces, fatty meats, and indeed all fatty foods, as well as sweet and starchy foods - this food increases blood cholesterol levels, and also leads to dehydration.
But do not expect help from smoking, alcohol and tonic drinks. Alcohol and caffeine contained in tonic drinks energize and amuse for only a short time. And they make the work of the adrenal glands heavier and contribute to an increase in blood sugar. This is one of the reasons why a tummy gradually appears from the regular use of these drinks.
Excessive consumption of coffee, tea, sweets also leads to an increase in blood sugar, and this contributes to chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and mood swings. And there is nothing to say about smoking, its harm is so obvious.
Sleep and insomnia
You say sleepiness has appeared? You don't have to fight it. Try to increase your sleep time if possible. After all, sleep is the best way to replenish energy and recuperate. With the arrival of spring, daylight hours increase, and the level of the sleep hormone melatonin still remains the same as it was in winter, that is, the body did not have time to rebuild. That is why drowsiness arises in the morning and afternoon.
Get yourself a good rest. Before going to bed, you can take a walk in the fresh air, and it is imperative to ventilate the bedroom. You can place a sachet of lavender or pine essential oil under your pillow.
Fatigue and exercise
Dosed physical activity will only replenish the stock of vivacity, and the mood itself will improve. After all, physical activity contributes to the production of endorphins, which normalize the emotional state.
The sun and fresh air also contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. Under the influence of sunlight, the body maintains normal levels of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium. And as you know, calcium is required for bone health.
Don't forget about morning exercises. A contrast shower is helpful. It helps not only to quickly wake up and invigorate, but at the same time has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the nervous system.
Fatigue in women and tonic drinks
In some cases, when fatigue, insomnia and mood swings exceed all the limits of patience, someone resorts to tonic drinks. If they are natural, that is, vegetable, then their effect is somewhat delayed and the effect has to wait.
If these are artificial, then they will bring you to your senses quickly, but the body can get used to them, and this is a disaster. First, you will feel instant relief - finally, relief has come, and then the consequences, such as insomnia, anxiety, changes in blood pressure. In addition, you should know that alcohol is contraindicated when taking energotonics.
Plants-biostimulants, despite the delayed action, mainly tone up, increase the body's resistance, stimulate the nervous system. Natural biostimulants are ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, leuzea and many others.
While using these natural remedies, it is necessary to forget about alcoholic beverages, as they are incompatible with any energy tonics. In addition, only a doctor can recommend natural remedies, since contraindications are hypertension, nervous excitement, disorders of gastric and cardiac activity.
Ginger lemonade is an excellent tonic and at the same time vitamin drink. It is very simple to prepare it.
Peel 100 g of fresh ginger root, cut into thin strips, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes, then let it brew a little, strain and squeeze out the ginger. Next, add 70 g of sugar to the ginger broth and bring to a boil again.
While the syrup is cooling, squeeze the juice of 2 lemons, 2 oranges and 2 limes into one bowl. Now combine the syrup and the resulting juice mixture, and then add the same amount of water or according to your taste. This lemonade can be drunk occasionally instead of sweets or coffee.
Plants - St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, wild rose, mountain ash - are those plants that have an even milder effect on the human body, and therefore their tinctures should be drunk in courses during the winter, preparing your body for spring. For example, start drinking St. John's wort tea, after two to three weeks you will get a positive result - your mood will improve, you will be cheerful.
If you know all this about your body, with the arrival of spring you will not panic about fatigue and some ailments, just prepare your body in advance, knowing all its strengths and weaknesses.