Flaxseed oil is a healing oil, the properties of which were known ancient Egyptians... This oil was also recommended by Hippocrates. It has long been used to treat the stomach, urinary tract, burns and in cosmetology. The famous physician Avicenna specifically pointed out that this oil "... helps with ulcers of the bladder and kidneys." And in Russia, oil was revered not only as healing, but also as a food product. Linen was also used in weaving - linen was used to make clothes and threads. There was a time when linen and linen made from it played the role of money. We'll talk about linen fabrics later, but now - about the healing properties of linseed oil.
Linseed oil is a product made from flax seeds, a greenish-yellow liquid with a pleasant smell. It contains unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic and linolenic; vitamins A, E, F. The name "unsaturated fatty acids" is associated with the molecular structure of the substance. They are a chain of hydrogen and carbon atoms. Some fatty acid "Saturated", that is, saturated with as many hydrogen atoms as they can attach. By the way, saturated acids are found in hard fats such as beef and pork.
Their presence in the body disrupts normal hormonal activity, narrows the arteries. In other words, we must strive to eat so that there are more unsaturated fatty acids in our body. Flaxseed oil is a concentrated linolenic acid (almost 60%) and linoleic acid (16%).
These acids have other names, better known to us - linolenic - Omega-3, linoleic - Omega-6. For comparison - in soybean oil, unsaturated acids occupy only 8 - 12%, and the well-known fish oil in the content of linolenic acid is 2 times inferior to linseed oil. In the human body, for normal metabolism, the ratio of linolenic and linoleic acids should be expressed as 4: 1.
The smell of linseed oil is a bit like the pleasant smell of fish oil, it is pleasant, not pungent and pungent. This is one of the indicators of the purity of the oil, in other words, this smell can be used to check if it is mixed with some other oils.
Flaxseed oil, which grows in the northern regions, is much richer in nutrient content than oil from the southern regions.
In many vegetable oils, such as olive, sunflower, mustard, soybean and others, there is a sufficient amount of linoleic acid - Omega-6, but Omega-3 to a greater extent - in fatty fish and flaxseed oil. Linseed oil also contains oleic acid - about 10%, that is, Omega-9.
What is the daily human need for unsaturated fatty acids? To have a sufficient intake of these acids, you need only 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil per day. But it all depends on your diet. If oily fish often appears on your table, then less oil can be used.
If you often use this oil in food, then additional use of it is not needed, and if you need it as a healing agent, then within 2, 3 months it should be consumed in 1 - 2 tablespoons three once a day. Then try to monitor your diet and add this oil to salads if necessary.
You can use flaxseed oil in food in a mixture with other oils, both vegetable and animals. The oil goes especially well with cheese, kefir, yoghurt, fruits, honey. The oil should not be heat treated before eating it.
The best oil is oil obtained by cold pressing at a temperature not exceeding 40 - 45 degrees.If the oil is obtained this way and has no impurities, then all active substances, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids are preserved in it. This oil has a golden yellow color. If the oil is dark in color, then the extraction was hot and, as a rule, not all substances are retained in such oil, and its smell is somewhat pungent and pungent.
The oil should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is better to store it in a dark, tightly closed bottle at a temperature of +4. Without access to light and air, oil can persist for a long time, otherwise it becomes more viscous.
Flaxseed oil cleanses the body of toxins. The oil has a choleretic and laxative effect, improves cell metabolism, and thereby improves the quality of the skin - rejuvenates it, makes it velvety, soft and smooth. It also improves the structure of the hair, especially if you have a lack of vitamin F in the body, which is also called the elasticity vitamin. And this can be assumed if the hair is dull, brittle and quickly graying. True, there may be a lack of not only vitamin F, but also vitamin B, as well as iodine.
Be that as it may, but if you lubricate your hair with oil mixed with one egg yolk for just 15 minutes before washing your hair, the condition of your hair will definitely improve - it will become lush and shiny. As you can see, the oil helps to treat a wide variety of diseases. The oil will help to normalize fat metabolism, and then the unattainable weight loss while avoiding the use of solid fats will become a reality.