Natural cosmetics and healthy food

Blackberries - benefits and harms to health and beauty

Blackberries are very beneficial. Therefore, while it is time to collect fruits - August - September, be sure to take advantage of this. Delicious and healthy berries will protect your immunity for the whole year. In addition to the benefits of berries, blackberries are simply a beautiful plant that can decorate gazebos and other garden areas for relaxation.

The benefits of blackberries

The benefits have been known since ancient times. Even the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates pointed out the medicinal properties of this plant, recommending berries for the treatment of arthrosis and gout, and Dioscorides advised the use of an infusion of leaves to heal the gums, as well as to heal wounds.

Blackberries have a high content of potassium and iron, which is necessary in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Blackberries will also benefit those who have cholelithiasis. It promotes the motility of the biliary tract, prevents the occurrence of congestion and stones.

Blackberry health and beauty benefits

Possessing antioxidant properties, the plant has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic organs, increases the activity of cells in the fight against severe diseases, and normalizes the level of hemoglobin.

The calorie content of blackberries is low, no more than 35 kcal / 100 g. Therefore, the berry can and should be consumed by those who seek to reduce weight, while not forgetting about their health. After all, blackberries improve metabolism.

100 grams of berries contain:

1. Carbohydrates - 7.5 g.
2. Fiber - 5 g.
3. Proteins - 0.7 g.
4. Fat - 0.4 g.

Black beauty has a rich content of vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP, and also contains Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Zinc, Copper.

Almost all parts of the plant have useful and medicinal properties of blackberries. In addition to delicious, beautiful berries, you can use leaves and seeds. Dried leaves will help in the treatment of colds, if you make a delicious and healthy tea from them, with a cup of which you can sit in a cozy armchair in winter, wrapped in a blanket. This tea can help lower blood pressure.

Blackberry health and beauty benefits

Harm and contraindications

Does blackberry have contraindications? It is a stomach ulcer and intestinal inflammation in the form of an exacerbation that prevent the use of these berries. However, when these diseases are in a calmer stage, blackberries, with a healing effect, can even help when ingested, they relieve stomach inflammation caused by gastritis or ulcers.

While it's time to pick berries, you can take advantage of this and make some supplies for future use. For example, freeze berries. However, when frozen, they lose some of their beneficial properties.

You can make blackberry juice from fruits and leaves, which will help with colds: bronchitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, flu. It will also help with anemia, colitis, diarrhea and dysentery. The juice of the leaves can be used for various skin problems, as well as stomatitis and other gum diseases. Berries are used with a decrease in immunity, insomnia and general weakness of the body.

And the berry also has a positive effect on the brain, improves memory, and activates thinking processes. Blackberries make excellent pastries - pies and dumplings.

Blackberry Dishes

Using blackberries for beauty

Are there any uses for blackberries in cosmetics? There is. Blackberries in cosmetics used. Different parts of the plant are used in different cosmetics, while providing certain cosmetic effects. This is the fight against inflammation, skin regeneration, nutrition, hydration, peeling and many others. It uses blackberry extract, seed oil, berry fiber.

For example, blackberry extract is widely used in cosmetology in anti-acne products.Its astringent and cleansing properties make it possible to use berry extract in lotions and toners for the care of oily and problem skin. These funds can normalize sebum production in a short time.

Blackberry extract is used as an ingredient in nutritional and cleansers, and is also used in toners and lotions as a regenerating and healing ingredient. Blackberry extract in cosmetics is allowed in concentrations of 5-10%.

Fiber of berries. How is it useful in skin care? In combination with mechanical exfoliants, the peeling effect is increased due to, albeit insignificant, but still, the acid content, which improves the cleansing of the skin from dead particles and reduces skin trauma. It is used as part of various scrubs, sometimes as part of hair care products. The fiber content in cosmetic products can reach a concentration of 20-25%.

Blackberry Dishes

Blackberry seed oil. I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that blackberry seed oil is used in cosmetics and beauty supplements. Its antioxidant properties work against free radicals. Dietary supplements are essential for improving health and, of course, beauty.

Seed oil contains lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are essential for eye health. In addition, the oil is a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-6, which makes it one of the most valuable cosmetic ingredients.

And also, when you, having familiarized yourself with the composition of a cosmetic product, find blackberry seed oil in it, feel free to trust it, since the formula of this product will contain a minimum content of synthetic preservatives. Why? Because blackberry oil has excellent oxidation stability.

Why blackberries are useful for beauty and health

Seed oil is used in cosmetic products for face and body skin care; in products for newborns; in sunscreen series, especially designed for after-sun and self-tanning; in hygiene products (soap, shower gels, mouth rinses); in hair care products (shampoos, conditioners, etc.); as part of decorative cosmetics.

The aroma of blackberry cannot be called too harsh, it does not create an aromatic cloud around itself, however, blackberry oil is actively used in perfumery products. Here are some examples that will more than convincingly tell us about the benefits of blackberry aroma:

1. L'Artisan Parfumeur - Mure et Musk
2. Dior Addict Dior
3. Purple fantasy guerlain
4. Amethyst lalique

Perfume compositions with such a sound are doomed to success. They have both the necessary proportion of femininity and mystery, which literally captivate the imagination from the first notes.

Blackberries in perfumery
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