Pollen - beneficial properties and uses

"Let your medicine become food and food medicine."

What is the composition of pollen?

The ancient Greek healer Hippocrates attached special importance to pollen and successfully used it to treat many diseases. The ancient Greeks believed that honey and pollen were food that kept you alive and young.

The benefits of pollen

Pollen contains proteins, fats, sugars, mineral salts, many different vitamins, amino acids, phytohormones and phytoncides. The pollen contains many elements from the table of D.I. Mendeleev, but the level of their content, of course, depends on the plants from which the bees brought this pollen.

In any case, you can see how carefully nature preserves everything useful to humans, even in the smallest flowers, and how hard it is for a tiny bee to get this wealth for us. All that remains is to enjoy these benefits and give thanks.

If there are so many different nutrients in pollen, then, most likely, it can be used in the treatment of various diseases? Yes this is true. Some diseases can be treated, but to a greater extent, pollen is used as a general tonic or in addition to basic drugs.

Flower pollen - beneficial properties

Pollen contains much more nutrients than honey. It should be noted that the protein content in pollen exceeds many other food products (from 7 to 30%). Or, for example, this product contains such amino acids, which the human body itself does not produce, but we need them, therefore, the intake of these substances must be due to food.

It all depends on us, what kind of food we eat - how good is it for us? Pollen helps correct our dietary mistakes. Now more and more people are becoming either completely vegetarian or do not allow many meat products in their food. In addition, many products leave much to be desired - they are refined, heat and even chemical processing. And this deprives them of most of the substances important for humans. Flower pollen will make up for this deficit, increase the rate of cell regeneration in the body. It contains many minerals and is a source of energy for the human body.

Pollen contains vitamins that help to strengthen the capillary walls and increase the resistance of the immune system. Pollen is the richest source of vitamins A, E, C, D, P, PP, K and B vitamins. Pollen contains a lot of potassium, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iodine and many other elements.

Flower pollen - beneficial properties

It is known that pollen contains rare biologically active substances:
phospholipids (lecithin);
ethanolamine phosphoglycerides (cephalin);
inositol phosphoglycerides;

All of them are valuable because they are part of the cell membranes of the human body and are actively involved in metabolism.

Pollen contains phytosterols, some of which act as anti-atherosclerotic agents, lowering cholesterol levels in the body.

Pollen contains lipids and carbohydrates. And that is not all. Scientists confirm that the pollen of all plants contains carotenoids, which are converted in the human body into vitamin A and vitamin C. And these vitamins are vital for us for growth, vision and protection from various diseases, as well as for the normal functioning of the skin and mucous membranes.


Useful properties of pollen, and indications for use

Flower pollen is able to strengthen the human body, stimulate the process of cell regeneration.It can be used as a product for recovery after a serious illness or surgery, for the elderly and simply the weakened. Pollen is not a panacea for all diseases, but it can significantly enhance the healing effect of many medicines.

If you have to engage in mental activity for a long time and diligently, then pollen is simply necessary, because it contains a whole storehouse of useful substances that will very effectively affect the human brain, increasing its capabilities, acuity and power of perception.

At any age, various hormonal disorders occur, but this is especially noticeable in old age. Therefore, pollen will help to normalize the hormonal balance. It can give good results also with the symptoms of senile weakness and senile dementia in the early stages of the disease.

The use of pollen is effective in stressful situations, as well as for people depressed, neuroses, insomnia, neurasthenia and other nervous disorders.

Pollen is also useful for hypertensive patients. If you mix pollen with honey in a ratio of 1: 2 and take the resulting mixture one teaspoon 3 times a day, the pressure will decrease, but much softer than when treated with synthetic agents. In general, pollen helps in the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases.

Pollen can help prevent bleeding in the brain, heart and retina. In anemia, pollen will increase hemoglobin levels. To do this, consume pollen 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon, mixing in a 1: 1 or 1: 2 ratio with honey.

Effective in the treatment of prostate adenoma. It is enough to take 15-20 g of pollen with honey 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 - 4 weeks, then a month - a break. And so the cyclical techniques should be repeated throughout the year.

How quickly can you benefit from pollen?

1. Improved appetite.
2. Normalization of the state of the body after ruthless diets and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Improving the state of the nervous system and relieving psychological stress.
4. General improvement in the condition of a weakened organism.
5. There is an improvement in the composition of the blood.

The benefits of pollen for beauty and health

How to use pollen

1. Pollen should be taken no more than 3 to 4 weeks, then take a break.

2. For all cases of diseases, pollen can be taken before meals 1 time per day, 1 teaspoon with the same amount of honey. In some cases, you should adhere to two or three single receptions. Pollen should not be taken before bed.

3. After taking pollen, it is not recommended to take any liquid for 15-20 minutes.

4. The pollen can be stored for a long time in a dark and cool place. The shelf life of dry pollen is 2 years, pollen in honey is up to 5 years.

Pollen for the beauty of facial skin

The regenerating and nourishing properties of pollen are a wonderful prophylactic against wrinkles. Thanks to these properties, the skin will be smoother and more elastic.

Here are some tips. Cleanse your face with lukewarm water. Take a few grains, add a few drops of warm water and some honey, stir. Apply this mask for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water as well. This mask perfectly nourishes and tones the skin.

From 1 tsp. pollen mix 1 tbsp. l. white cosmetic clay, add 1 tablespoon each of honey and olive or peach oil. Mix and apply on face for 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. This mask can be done once a week. Beauty will be on the face.

Pollen contraindications

Pollen contraindications

Usually, remembering plants, they immediately remember the allergy to them. However, scientists say that allergies from pollen are extremely rare. Let's make a reservation right away, here we mean the pollen fermented by bees, and not the pollen that we collected from flowers. But some have allergic reactions to honey in the form of a runny nose, itching, headache, watery eyes, etc.

1. Since pollen is a tonic, it should not be used later than 7 pm - 8 pm.
2. In diabetes, pollen with honey is also not recommended.
3. The dosage must be observed ...
4. Talk to your doctor before using pollen as a remedy.
5. Pollen, as a rule, is taken as a food product to enrich our diet with those substances that are not found in conventional foods or are extremely scarce.
Comments and Reviews
  1. Michael (Guests)
    I started using pollen about two years ago. The effect is amazing. A surge of strength and energy, clarity of mind! At first I bought pollen from beekeepers. From them I learned that it can be manually collected. From alder, poplar, aspen, for example. But it is used only for feeding bees. I tried harvesting from corn. Walked along the edge of the field a couple of times and scored three hundred grams. I just shook it off into the bag. Most, of course, fly by. This spring I will try to collect pine pollen. She is considered the most useful. You need to collect quickly, quickly and only three or four days a year! Hopefully I'll be in time. Bees cannot be persuaded to do this!
  2. Dmitry (Guests)
    What I liked about the information provided in this article is that the versatility of pollen is clearly indicated. It really has a positive effect on both human health and beauty and youth. But most of all, information on contraindications for pollen has become useful. Now I will definitely buy myself this wonderful and versatile remedy for many problems.
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