Natural cosmetics and healthy food

Grapes - beneficial properties for beauty and health

Grapes are one of the most important components of natural recipes care products and beauty. And in autumn there are plenty of this beautiful berry. Take advantage of this and heal your body and skin with grapes.

Grapes - useful properties
The skins of nutmeg and red grapes are high in the antioxidant resveratrol. What are the features of this difficultly named antioxidant from others? It has anti-cancer, antiviral, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and life-prolonging properties.

One gram of fresh grape skins contains about 50-100 mcg of resveratrol. Red grape juice contains the most resveratrol. Its concentration is low in light grape varieties. Scientists have shown that resveratrol is capable of killing cancer cells and is beneficial for cancer prevention.

Grapes - useful properties

In addition to resveratrol, grape skins contain other antioxidants: myricetin, quercetin, ellagic acid, camferol. All such difficult names for the uninformed in medicine! But this is not the most important thing to remember them. Maybe, after reading today, tomorrow we will forget what doctors and cosmetologists call them? And everyone knows grapes, and most likely, many love them.

By using a pure natural product, you can protect yourself against many types of cancer, including skin cancer, which has become more common lately. In addition to grape fruits, seeds are also beneficial. They make an oil that softens the skin well and is also an exfoliating agent.

Dark and red grape varieties contain another substance that plays a very important role in the human body, especially for its vision. This less difficult name is anthocyanin. This substance is also an antioxidant.

Anthocyanins enter the human body with food, the body itself is not able to produce them, and they also cannot accumulate for a long time, they are quickly excreted. The main actions of anthocyanins are bactericidal action (they destroy various types of harmful bacteria), strengthen the walls of capillaries, and have a decongestant effect.

All these properties are used in the fight against colds, help the immune system fight infection, and are used in the production of various biological supplements, especially those used in ophthalmology.

Recently, a person spends a lot of time near monitors and smartphones, vision is deteriorating. If you already noticed this at home, think about grapes. Scientists have found that anthocyanins accumulate well in the retina, strengthening its vessels and reducing capillary fragility.

Anthocyanins improve the structure of cells and fibers of connective tissue, restore the outflow of intraocular fluid. Thus, the pressure in the eyeball is restored. This property is used in the treatment of glaucoma. Those who regularly eat foods rich in anthocyanins have keen eyesight, and besides, their eyes can easily cope with fatigue and tolerate high stress well.

Grapes - useful properties

Research by scientists shows that the antioxidant activity of grapes, i.e. its substances are many times higher than that of vitamins E and C.

You can not only enjoy grapes, cosmetologists use its properties in skin care products... For moisturizing, the face and neck can be lubricated with cut grapes.

Rubbing the skin with ice cubes made from frozen grape juice is helpful.

The skin of the hands is rubbed with grape juice, then greased with olive oil or fat cream.

From the juice of grapes, you can prepare a lotion to moisturize the skin.

Here's a grape lotion recipe you can make yourself.

Crush the grapes into pulp and let stand for 2 hours. Then squeeze and strain the juice. Pour the juice into a jar. For 400g of juice, add 1 - 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of salt. Strain the resulting mixture and add 1 glass of vodka to it. The lotion is ready. Stored up to a year in the refrigerator. This lotion can be used at any time, when it is convenient, for this you need to moisten a cotton pad and apply to the skin, leaving for 1-2 hours.

Grape masks

Grape masks cleanse and tone any skin, leaving it velvety and smooth.

Even in biblical times, grapes were one of the most essential foods on the human table. The Israelis prepared not only wine from grapes, but also "grape honey" - a product similar to our preserves and jams, but without the addition of sugar and preservatives. It was added to cakes.

The Roman legionnaires used wine and vinegar to prevent disease. Grape vinegar was added to the water for washing dishes and hands. Now we already know why - to destroy microbes. And we can answer the question why red wine is stored for a long time?

And, finally, you can recall that “... when you eat and are satisfied, then bless the Lord your God for the good land that He gave you” (Deuteronomy 8:10).
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