Chinese lemongrass medicinal properties and contraindications
Very often we admire beautiful plants, without assuming that they not only serve as a decoration for our country houses, but can also serve as a source of health, vigor and even become one of the ingredients of our home cosmetics.
The fact that the Chinese lemongrass, or, as it is called in China, schizandra,
helps fight fatigue, gives physical strength and vigor, have been known in Southeast Asia for over a thousand years. The first information about the healing properties of lemongrass is mentioned in the 5th century AD, and in the 6th-7th centuries the plant was already included in Chinese pharmaceutical products as a medicine. It was spoken of as a means for acquiring vitality. Schisandra was one of the favorite plants
Chinese emperors.
In China, Korea and Japan, the berries of this plant are harvested for future use. Dried fruits are taken on long trips by hunters, fishermen and sailors. Small berries help fight fatigue, overcome sleep, and therefore today in these countries the plant is held in high esteem. In Russia, lemongrass grows in the Far East, in the Amur and Ussuri regions, on the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.
In European countries, including Russia, lemongrass is grown as an ornamental crop, using its tonic properties. The climbing plant beautifully braids gazebos, arches, pergolas, and grows rapidly. Its healing properties are found in all parts of the plant, but leaves and berries are used to a greater extent, which are added to tea or make individual aromatic drinks.
Lemongrass energy tea
It is easy and simple to prepare. Leaves (dry or fresh) and stems are crushed. A teaspoon of the prepared mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, honey can be added to taste. A good drink is obtained by adding lemongrass to regular tea.
Schizandra berries can be eaten both fresh and dry, stored in the refrigerator, sprinkled with sugar or made into juice. If the berries are fresh, they are washed, squeezed in a juicer and sterilized in small bottles.
Dried berries are first boiled for 10 minutes (for 1 tablespoon berries 1 glass of water), preferably in a sealed enamel bowl. Then they insist, filter and add sugar to taste. This juice is best kept in the refrigerator. To give the tea aroma and pleasant taste, 1 tsp is enough. on a regular teacup.
Schisandra is a unique plant that is a tonic, an excellent stimulant of the nervous system, it is used when you need to increase attention and concentration, especially in difficult or adverse conditions, with physical and mental fatigue.
However, any parts of the plant and drinks from them are contraindicated for those who have hypertension, some kind of heart problems or insomnia. The bark and leaves of lemongrass have a scent similar to that of lemon.
Useful properties and substances of lemongrass
Although all parts of lemongrass have medicinal properties, berries, seeds, shoots and leaves are most commonly used. In medicine, preparations from seeds and berries are used. They contain organic acids, vitamins, trace elements (zinc, nickel, copper, selenium, iodine, iron, manganese), essential oils, fatty oils, resins, as well as schizandrin, schizandrol, etc.
The main stimulant in lemongrass is schisandrin, which is found in seeds and berries. Schizandrin (Latin name "schizandrin") became known in the second half of the last century.
The juice of lemongrass contains tartaric (up to 3%), citric (52%), malic (40%), succinic (up to 4%) and oxalic acids.In addition, the fruits contain pectins, unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic).
Chinese lemongrass is used in cooking, folk medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry. It is found in many medicines. Essential oil is actively used in perfumery and cosmetology.
In traditional medicine, drugs are used in the treatment of certain diseases of the heart and liver. Chinese magnolia vine is useful in the treatment of malignant tumors, promotes cell regeneration, normalizes the digestive tract and respiratory organs, is used for anemia, hormonal imbalance, improves adrenal glands, helps fight infectious diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections), in diabetes, lowers blood sugar.
It has useful properties for stress and depression is invaluable, you will feel much better, but in these cases, pressure control is necessary, insomnia is possible.
The use of Chinese lemongrass in cosmetology
Schisandra increases the protective properties of the skin, smoothes wrinkles, relieves irritation and tones the skin. All parts of the plant can be used in cosmetics. Creams, lotions and tonics are made on the basis of lemongrass. In home cosmetics, it is also used in various masks and lotions for the face and hair. The plant helps to cure skin inflammation, relieve irritation, nourish with vitamins.
Toning face mask
Connect 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, mix until smooth.
Add 3 drops of lemongrass alcohol tincture, and mix well again.
The mask is ready. You can apply it to cleansed skin and keep it on for 10 minutes.
Rinse off the mask with warm water.
Moisturizing face mask
Crush 2 tablespoons in a mortar. dried lemongrass berries and cover them with hot water (200 ml). Then put the mass on the fire, bring to a boil and hold for another 15 minutes on the fire. Strain the cooled mixture, add 2 tsp. honey. Apply the mask to the face, neck and décolleté, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Toning and nourishing face mask
This mask smoothes wrinkles and nourishes the skin well. It will take 1 hour to prepare it. l fresh berries, which must first be crushed. Add 1 chicken yolk and 1 tablespoon to the gruel. heavy cream. The mask is applied to the face and after 15 minutes washed off with warm water.
Rejuvenating face mask
Crush fresh lemongrass berries into gruel; you only need 1 tbsp. Mix this gruel with 1 tbsp. yogurt or sour cream. In a separate bowl, mix 1 tsp. ordinary yeast with 1 tsp. warm milk, add 1 tsp to the mixture. almond oil. Let this mixture sit for 15 minutes, then add it to the berry and yogurt mixture. The mask can now be applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Lemongrass & Herb Ice Cubes
This ice is more suitable for oily and normal skin. Make a mixture of equal parts lemongrass, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers. Take 2 tablespoons from this mixture. and pour over 500 ml of boiling water, let stand for 2 hours. After the solution has cooled, strain it and pour it into ice cube trays. These cubes can be used to wipe your face in the evening.
Ice can be made from a mixture of lemongrass and lingonberry juices. You can use the compound with other juices.
Hair rinse
Mix the dried leaves and fruits of lemongrass (2 tablespoons each) and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the container and let it brew for 2-3 hours. This solution can be used to rinse hair after normal washing. The conditioner strengthens and stimulates hair growth.
Rejuvenating body bath
We use dried lemongrass leaves - 4 tbsp. They must be brewed with a liter of boiling water, infused for 60 minutes, then filtered. The prepared solution is added to a bath of warm water. This procedure will help you enjoy and improve your health after a hard day. You can put dry leaves in a gauze bag in hot water. And when the temperature of the water is pleasant to the body, experience all the pleasures of a rejuvenating bath.
Schisandra oil
Schisandra essential oil is obtained by steam distillation and extraction of leaves, stems, berries, bark and seeds of the plant. Fatty oil is obtained by pressing seeds, it is called pressed fatty oil. It is often used for medicinal purposes as a dietary supplement.
The oil, which is obtained by the method of supercritical extraction (at a pressure of 135-340 bar and a temperature of 40 - 80? C) from seeds and dried fruit pulp is called extraction fatty oil. It is used in the cosmetics industry. Schisandra extract helps to rejuvenate the skin, it has a regenerating effect.
Fatty oil often contains essential oil along with all the other valuable ingredients.
Mixed with fatty oil the essential oil is better preserved. It is this oil that is considered to be of the highest quality and is used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
These oils differ not only in the method of production, but also in the composition of the ingredients. Lemongrass oil is used externally and internally, as well as for massage and baths. The oil has a tonic effect and is part of creams, masks, lotions. The essential oil should be used with great care, in single drops. Both oils require an allergy test.
The beneficial properties of the oil are used in the treatment of various dermatological diseases, it is also wound-healing.
Chinese Schisandra has a tonic, refreshing and stimulating effect, which is necessary during intense mental work that requires concentration and attention. It will help with overwork, fatigue, decreased performance and spring vitamin deficiency, as well as those suffering from hypotension and psychasthenia.
It is prohibited to use all preparations and products based on lemongrass:
pregnant women, during lactation;
in case of insomnia;
with epilepsy;
with allergies;
in case of liver disease;
with high intracranial pressure;
with great care in case of hypertension;
children under 12 years old.