Sagan Daila - an alternative to coffee and Guarana
In the dark, and especially after the New Year holidays, many people lack energy. In the morning you have to wake up in the dark, and then before you have time to look back, the sun hid again, and it's dark outside. In such conditions, additional sources of energy are needed and here coffee, guarana and other stimulants come to the rescue. But there are more useful, and at the same time very powerful gifts of nature.
Everyone is familiar with coffee, some have become so friends with it that without a mug of coffee the day does not even begin in summer. Guarana is sold as pills and drinks at sporting goods stores. It is believed that one tablet of guarana can replace several cups of coffee in terms of the amount of caffeine. Such tablets are very convenient when you need to continue working late into the night.
Only coffee and guarana, except for an invigorating effect, do not promise any other benefits for our body. Sagan-dail is another matter, it will have both a tonic effect and long-term health benefits. I was able to convince myself of the benefits of Sagan-Dail on my own experience, so I want to recommend this miracle plant to all readers ...
What is Sagan Daila and where does it grow?
The scientific name of Sagan Daila is Adams' rhododendron (Latin Rhododendron adamsii), a family of heathers, a small evergreen shrub. You can meet these shrubs in the highlands in the East. For example, in Altai, the Far East, Tibet, Buryatia and Mongolia.
A shrub can grow on plains, but such a plant does not have all the power of a real Sagan-dail. Only the bushes grown in difficult mountain conditions are filled with useful properties and energy. Apparently the harsh climate forces the plant to store energy for future use, so it can share with us.
For collection, choose fresh, not darkened flowers and leaves. At the end of summer, tea accumulates much more vitamins, so sagan-daila, collected in the middle and at the end of summer, is preferred. When dried, the leaves and flowers resemble witch's herb or extraordinary tea.
If you love perfume, you will surely appreciate the Sagan Dail scent. I have a small bag of dried leaves filling the entire cabinet where it is stored with aroma!
Why can you trust Sagan Daila?
In the East, Sagan-dayl has long been valued by shamans and hunters. There were many difficult moments in the life of hunters when a lack of strength could cost their lives. Sagan-daila was an additional source of energy for them and helped them out in the most difficult situations. When the hunter got tired, he made tea with leaves or simply chewed the leaves and received an additional reserve of strength to survive in harsh conditions.
Useful properties for the benefits of Sagan Dail
1. This wonderful plant contains a large amount of essential oils, resinous substances, phenols.
2. The bark and leaves contain a lot of tannins (tannins), which gives the tea and the infusion from the plant a characteristic astringent taste. Therefore, after drinking tea, it is quite possible that you want to quench your thirst with a glass of water.
Tannids are very useful because they have bactericidal properties, they are effective in relieving inflammation, healing burns and treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
3. The shrub is rich in glycosides (rutin, myricetin) - they reduce blood clotting and have a beneficial effect on capillaries, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole.
4. Contains linolenic acid, which is one of the essential
omega-3 fatty acids, and other equally useful acids.
5. Ursolic acid helps to maintain muscle tone, oleanolic acid helps to expand the blood vessels of the heart and brain, improves their blood supply, has a wound healing and tonic effect.
6. Thanks to ascorbic acid, which is abundant in the leaves, Sagan Daila tea has strong antioxidant properties.
7. Andromedotoxin (stimulates the central nervous system). The presence of this substance indicates that it is necessary to observe the measure in the brew.
8. Sagan-daila is called a natural energetic. It endows with efficiency and endurance, surpassing even ginseng in these qualities.
How to brew and drink Sagan Dail tea
Buy well-dried leaves. You need to buy exactly the leaves and petals, as in the photographs. You should not take the crushed version, because other, cheaper components can be added to it.
You can brew like a regular brew, or dilute
green tea... When it comes to concentration, it's best to start small. Try to brew 3-5 leaves per mug. You must drink the drink no later than 18-00, otherwise you can disturb your sleep.