Milk thistle oil - properties and benefits in cosmetology
The milk thistle plant has been known for a long time and its use is permitted by official medicine in many countries, including Russia. Milk thistle oil is recommended for diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.
Diseases such as acute and chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, biliary dyskinesia, periodontal disease, stomatitis and many other diseases can be alleviated or even completely defeated with milk thistle oil. But this is not all the advantages of the plant.
Application in cosmetology
Milk thistle oil is also used in cosmetology. It helps with various types of dermatoses, allergic skin diseases, burns. Milk thistle is known for its powerful antioxidant properties, it promotes collagen synthesis, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves tone, smoothes wrinkles, and even helps lighten skin and get rid of age spots.
Milk thistle oil perfectly nourishes the skin, protecting it from moisture loss and flaking. Researchers have found that, in addition to the listed advantages, milk thistle opposes carcinogenesis - the transformation of normal cells into malignant ones. The powerful actions of the plant are able to prevent sunburn, accelerate blood microcirculation in the dermis.
But if we talk only about cosmetology, then in general, milk thistle oil contributes to additional nutrition, improves complexion, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity.
Due to the presence of chlorophyll in the plant, this oil is known as one of the most powerful anti-aging agents. Cosmetologists say that the owners of problem skin, when using milk thistle, will forget not only about inflammatory processes, but also about other unpleasant and unattractive skin problems.
Milk thistle oil is good for both oily and dry skin. The fact is that the plant normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, restores lipid metabolism, elasticity, tone and freshness. Dry skin will also receive adequate nutrition. Milk thistle oil for face care
protect it from ultraviolet radiation, cold wind and frost.
The oil is rich in vitamins A, D, E, F.
The main active ingredient of the oil is silymarin, which strengthens the cell membranes, especially the liver, on which this substance has a beneficial effect. Milk thistle oil also contains trace elements such as zinc, selenium, manganese and magnesium. Therefore, the oil effectively vitaminizes any skin, moisturizing and rejuvenating it.
What is the best way to use milk thistle oil in cosmetic skin care?
The benefits of the oil depend on regular use.
Evening massageThe oil provides excellent results when applied with massage. To do this, lightly lubricate your face with the prepared oil and massage, which is recommended in the evening after cleansing the skin.
Lip careLubricate your lips with milk thistle oil every night. Soon the border of the lips will become clearer, they will acquire bright expressiveness, become softer and softer.
Rejuvenating maskIn addition to milk thistle oil, this mask will help to make tea tree essential oil. True, not everyone likes its peculiar smell, but the result is worth it. The mask requires 12 ml of milk thistle oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil. The prepared mixture must be warmed up and then applied to the face. After 30 minutes, the skin will glow, become softer and younger.
Anti-wrinkle applicationsApply oil-soaked wipes to your face every day for 10 minutes. To 15 ml of oil, you can add 2 drops of essential oils of cedar and lavender.
Protective agentIf the oil is used as a protective agent against heat, wind or cold, it is enough to lubricate your face with a thin layer of oil before going outside.
NutritionTo improve the nutritional properties of your favorite skin care product (it can be a cream, lotion, tonic, gel, etc.), add 3-4 drops of milk thistle to a serving of the product. The properties of the new product will increase their effectiveness many times over, thanks to the milk thistle oil.
In any case, depending on the problems of your skin, add different essential oils to 15 - 20 ml of milk thistle oil - 2 drops each. Apply a napkin soaked in this mixture to your face and lie down quietly for at least 15 minutes. Such procedures should be done up to 2-3 times a day, and sometimes more. If the problems are serious, help will still come, but you will need to wait 1.5 - 2 months.
PeelingCleansing is necessary for our skin, so let's take advantage of the benefits of milk thistle oil. An excellent peeling will turn out if we make a mixture from the seeds of a plant, previously crushed, and its oil. This will require 15 g of crushed seeds and 10 ml of oil. After several minutes of mechanical action on the skin of the face, leave the mixture for another 15 minutes, then remove the residue with a cotton pad.
Useful properties of milk thistle for hair
The oil will help keep your hair healthy and strong. The easiest way. Apply the oil to strands of hair, preheating it to a warm state. It is best to apply the mixture to dirty hair. After 40 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo. Hair will shine beautifully.
It is even easier if you add a few drops of milk thistle oil to your shampoo, mask or hair balm and wash your hair with this product. It is necessary to add oil to the product in the proportion: oil: product (shampoo) - 1: 10.
Hair mask with milk thistle oil and lemon juice.Main Ingredients:
milk thistle oil;
lemon juice;
any vegetable oil.
Heat a small amount of vegetable oil, extra virgin olive oil is best. Add raw yolk to olive oil and beat in butter. Then squeeze the juice of one lemon into the mass.
Add a teaspoon of honey to milk thistle oil, mix. Combine the two masses obtained in one container and mix. Can now be applied to hair. The amount of oil can be changed depending on the length of the hair. With regular use of such a mask, the hair structure will improve. Hair will become shiny and strong.
Vitamin maskMain Ingredients:
sour cream;
milk thistle oil;
essential oil of orange;
liquid honey.
Mix all the ingredients, you should get a light mousse. Apply to hair. It can be washed off after 30 - 40 minutes. Usually, oil masks are washed off with shampoo.
In the spring, when there is a lack of vitamins, hair can fall out, so you should feed your curls with useful substances. And you can do it at home with a simple mask. Vitamin mask restores the hair structure, making it strong and elastic.
To get a positive result, use all masks regularly, at least twice a week. Lubricate the strands thoroughly, leaving them for 30 to 40 minutes.
In addition to hair and face masks, consume milk thistle oil by mouth with food. The daily rate is no more than two tablespoons. Oil can be used to fill various salads, drink in pure form, in the form of capsules.