ATTENTION! The publication is intended exclusively for bloggers.
Occasionally I look at the ratings of our, what positions it occupies among Yandex blogs, sometimes I check who is next to us. I opened one blog for study, went to the tab - ABOUT MYSELF and read it. Lots of comments! What is the secret of success and can this blog be called successful?
After reading dozens of comments, I looked at the sites of commentators, and you know, they are all alike - sites and commentators.
I don't know the people themselves and I can't give them an objective assessment, but the impression that develops from their avatars, blogs and the semantic load of posts, comments, pages about themselves, they are all literally like twins who grew up in the same bed. Why did it happen?
It turns out now that there are several schools for bloggers on the Internet that teach people and give them basic knowledge of blogging. Then people create blogs, guided by the knowledge gained at school. The result is obvious - most of the blogs and the mindset of these bloggers reminded me of Herbalife sellers or Jehovah's Witnesses. Their every word, every step can certainly be foreseen, and this is not good. Most of these blogs will only bring disappointment to the owners.
I wanted to share the experience gained from my acquaintance with blogs, to share absolutely free of charge, just from the bottom of my heart.
Let's start….
Why create a blog?
First you need to decide on this point - why the blog is created, what is the mission of the blog, and what is the benefit to the owner. Only two serious motives are possible here: the first is to create a blog for the sake of money and the second is to blog as a hobby. It should be noted that many say - never create a blog or website for the sake of making money, but create for people! Somewhat wrong position, the site should be created for people, but the main purpose of its creation is commercial benefit. If you choose a commercial topic, draw up a flexible project development plan and regularly engage in it in order to derive benefits, such a project has more chances for a serious future than a blog created as a hobby. The mistake of many bloggers is that by starting a blog with the aim of making money, they strive to make profit from it as quickly as possible. At the same time, they invest little in the blog, and they want to receive a lot.
Conclusions - If you want to start a blog for the money, this is a good start. Just do not rush things, everything has its time and besides, take into account one important point, the chosen topic should be of interest to you. It is not at all necessary to be an expert in it, you can have only basic knowledge and learn in the process of growth and development of the blog. With a blog, it is possible - every day to read information on your topic, view the most successful blogs on various topics and write to your blog every day, improve and develop it in every possible way. The main thing is not to forget - it takes a lot of time, effort and patience to create a successful blog. In about the same way as when doing fitness - you can't build a beautiful body in one day, it takes months, and in some cases it takes 1-2 years. It's the same with a blog, you have to work with it every day.
Having decided on the topic of the blog, you need to write two dozen publications and then you can create the blog itself. Today it is very easy and costs mere pennies. The WORDPRESS and DLE platforms make it easy and fast to create high-quality blogs. If you do not have knowledge of this, you can ask for help on the forum - There is a section for beginners and there are sections where you can find specialists in blogging, here are their names - Web-building, Work for a webmaster.You need to choose an artist based on his reputation and reviews on this forum. Ideally, to do this is to read these sections of the forum for a few days, find answers to the most basic questions for yourself and take a closer look at the forum participants. Then you can create a topic or contact the artist via mail, ICQ.
Don't want to part with your money? You can figure it out on your own and make a blog without outside help, while saving several thousand rubles, only you will spend much more time. It is better to immediately find a specialist, order a blog for him and periodically take consultations. As a result, you will be involved in work almost immediately.
When your blog is ready, update it regularly. Someone is of the opinion that it is enough to write 1-2 times a week, but it will be much better if you write every day. This will show the search engines that the blog is regularly updated, and most importantly, daily practice improves the quality of texts, the speed of writing and raises self-confidence. In addition, every day you need to replenish your stock of knowledge - to learn.
When adding blog posts, you need to consider search queries. You don't have to become an SEO expert to do this, it is enough to follow the basic rules. When you sit down to write a post, select 1-2 search queries and use them as keywords. Keywords must be included in title, description, keywords. In addition, in the headings H1 - H4, several times include in the text itself, preferably closer to the beginning of the text. If the post is large, you can highlight the keywords with the strong tag. It is not necessary to abuse it, but a couple of times for 3000 characters can be fully applied.
As new publications are added, view the statistics, for example, using the LIRU counter. Choose the most successful publications that have taken the best positions in search engines and put internal links to them in new publications, thereby moving to the TOP 1. For example, write at the end of the publication as it is written on this page - You can clearly see that after all the photos there is a link to one of the news. Next is the block of internal linking by means of the engine.
By adding 2-4 news every day, you can bring very good queries to the TOP of search engines in 5-6 months by internal linking.
For those who have a desire to invest in their blog, I can recommend the ROTAPOST exchange - There are others where you will get guaranteed high-quality links, but in ROTAPOST you can buy inexpensively. Consider one point - you need to be able to assess the quality and prospects of the sites from which you are going to buy links. This is a separate topic and using the search, you can easily find publications that reveal all the secrets of site evaluation.
Thanks to this approach - daily updates, optimization of articles for specific queries, setting links from new publications to the most important ones, buying links to important publications, all this will give your blog a chance to quickly gain traffic. Depending on the time, effort and of money, the results will be different.
It's that simple for a blogger with SEO, you need to study the basic principles and then follow them. It's like driving a car - you learned to drive, and then you can ride, but follow the rules. SEO difficulties and high costs threaten those who create commercial sites with a small number of permanent pages and want these pages to be in the first places in Yandex. For example, the site of dentistry wants to be the first in its region for all requests related to prosthetics and dental treatment. To do this, they will have to try and spend money, and a blogger who writes interesting posts every day has a completely different path, where the SEO rules are not so complicated.
If you doubt my words, take a look at, it has been promoted exclusively through search engines so far.As you can see there are no comments, none of the authors is actively blogging, does not participate in discussions on forums and does not comment on other people's blogs. Only occasionally do I comment on blogs. Authors Olga and Veronica in their own way participate in the life of the Internet, one blog in LiveJournal, the second writes articles and is engaged in some trade through Internet auctions. Tatiana, Marina, Karina, they only write articles. If we hadn't optimized for search engines, the traffic would have been 100-200 people per day, nothing more.
Conclusions - when starting a blog, optimize your publications for search queries. It will pay off in the future, many times over. More and more people will visit your blog every month, and even if you go on vacation, the search engines will give you visitors.
Blogger personality, Photos, story about yourself.
A very important point, at the expense of which there is an opinion that it is necessary from the very beginning to write detailed information about yourself, put a photo, indicate a link to a profile on a social network. As if this approach is more credible.
There is an element of truth here, but for a beginner blogger, all this is not so important. When you start blogging, no one knows you, you are not a celebrity and authority, so it will not matter who you are - Peter Nedobeyko, Aaron Lieberman or Ivan Smirnov.
While you are learning, you can blog without Photo, surname and home phone number. They give some confidence to the user, but in some cases, bloggers, having told detailed information about themselves, by publishing a photo, begin to behave somewhat constrained, and this interferes with the creative processes. In reality, most of us have our own fears, experience some uncertainty in certain issues. When you create a blog without photography and a home phone, it gives you a chance to behave naturally, not to be complex and write whatever you want, from the heart.
Over time, you will gain experience, your blog will become recognizable, and then you can put a photo, home phone and whatever. In the meantime, no one knows you and blogging is a new business for you, adding a photo and a phone does little, but it can take away your confidence completely. Someone will aptly notice, but if I have a blog that sells real goods, who will buy from me if I am invisible ?!
I have a sales blog focused on the USA, there has never been a photo there and in all the years I've been doing it, no one has ever asked for my photo! High-quality goods and guarantees of safe payment and delivery are important to people. All this is guaranteed by such systems as PayPal and courier services. It's another matter if you sell your own electronic books, then the identity of the author is important. It's only when you start blogging that your first and last name doesn't say anything to anyone.
Conclusions - you can blog without photography and home phone. You will lose a little in trust, but you will get a margin of self-confidence, which is so necessary at the initial stage of blogging.
Commenting on blogs
When you first set up a blog, commenting can provide some links for search engines to refer to and index your blog. In addition, you can start constructive communication with other bloggers, make friends and help each other in the future. Friendship with other bloggers can provide useful knowledge, link exchange, technical support and, of course, pleasant communication. This is the last most dangerous thing!
When you meet one blogger, with another, mutually comment on blogs, communicate, it is pleasant, interesting and fun, but often time is spent ineffectively. I can say from my own experience - at first it is very pleasant when you are commented on, quoted in other blogs. It looks like the blog is actively developing, every day people come, comments are written, ideas for posts appear, there is pleasant communication.
In the beginning, it really helps the development of the blog and the blogger himself, but then it starts to go to the detriment.When 150-200 comments or more are left on a blog every day, they need to be viewed and answered. After all, it was written by your new friends, how can you leave them unattended! As a result, you will spend several hours every day on the same comments. By responding to comments, you let in many different emotions of completely different people, and this, in turn, changes your mental attitude. One day, the mood changed for the better, and you wrote an interesting post, the other day your mood was ruined, and you will not be able to write anything. And it is very easy for a novice blogger to spoil the mood. Especially if you do everything right with SEO, your blog will be visited by thousands of people, strangers, who at times do not really delve into what has been written, glance over and write what came to mind. Anything can come. Look at comments on popular blogs where the author does not moderate the blog, and comments are immediately added to the page.
I can tell right away that 99% of the comments of large visited blogs are of no value. Different people come to Magazine, men, women, girls and girls. When you write about hair masks, only those who really need them will go there, and absolutely everyone goes into some topics - dedicated to models, celebrities, relationships, love. As a result, what we see - an individual comes in and writes a comment of this kind - (Yab Vdul to her). Or (Thank you jerked off) These are cultural comments, but sometimes they write that you wonder why people get so much stupidity and anger.
Then, following the commentator, little girls come in, read all sorts of nasty things. Anyone else, but I do not want to take part in the spiritual molestation of children, so I decided to completely get rid of commenting.
Refusal to comment is a radical measure and will not suit everyone. Here you need to carefully figure out what topic your site is, and what do you want from it? If the site is about cosmetics, and you write serious articles, while a decent audience reads you, they ask questions on the essence of the post, you answer, then commenting helps the blog develop, and you find out the thoughts and wishes of your readers. If the blog is devoted to topics where there is an element of entertainment, provocation and at the same time you do not want to receive hundreds of garbage comments, it is better to turn them off.
I had blogs with open comments and closed ones, there were blogs with hundreds of comments a day, and therefore it is possible to compare and draw conclusions. Even if the topic of your blog is serious, and there will be only comments on the merits, this is also useful only for the time being. While several dozen comments come in, it takes a little time, and when there are hundreds, hours are wasted! It is much better to write another interesting and useful blog post during these hours. If you succeed in interesting and regular blog posts that are useful to people, while they will be closed from commenting, you will still be read. There are not many interesting resources on the Internet that are maintained by a competent author and are updated daily. Let the development process take more time without comments, but during this time you will become a great specialist, perhaps the best specialist in your topic.
In addition to the fact that comments take up time, there is also an unpleasant moment - the so-called trolls. If you know how to recognize them, you can manipulate them and use them as enthusiasts for the development of your blog, only this can be done by an experienced blogger, and a beginner will most likely be in a bad mood.
Trolls are different, but most of them are people running from reality. At home or at work, they visit social networks, forums, and popular blogs. Having looked through the topics, they choose the most popular, where there is, what to catch on to and provoke the participants. Provocations can be from primitive to those that are generally invisible. Such trolls can have commercial tasks and make great money online.At the same time, they can use bloggers for their own selfish purposes.
The troll studies the blogger in all the subtleties. Then he writes the corresponding post on 2-3 forums under different names. Bianca wrote on one, Marat on the other, Daiquiri on the third. Next, the troll enters into a discussion on the blog, when a lot of participants gather, he throws up a link from one of his fictional characters. His other characters, along with other users, are actively discussing this on a popular blog. The link begins its path from blog to blog and leads to a discussion that benefits the troll. As a result, the troll gets his own using the audience of bloggers, although he himself may not even have a VKontakte page.
Such cunning trolls with a commercial purpose come to the blogs and forums they visit, and a beginner's blog is likely to be visited by a simple troll who has no commercial benefit, but just wants to annoy people, provoke them, ideally quarrel, and from this the troll enjoys it. Trolling gives such people a pleasure comparable to drugs and alcohol, because trolling makes you feel superior over people, a kind of power. And power is more pleasure than alcohol, so some people get on the Internet, getting such a dubious pleasure.
Conclusions - comments are needed, they make it possible to quickly find out the opinion of readers, but it is possible without them, to develop a blog productively.
The advantage of not having comments can be discussion of your posts on other blogs, forums, social networks. Think for yourself, if you can't leave a comment, but you really want to speak, then a person may well want to discuss your publications somewhere else. And these are links, conversions, advertising for your blog. True, such a scenario is possible only if you have a visited blog, a lot of publications, you write regularly, have your own unique author's style, and put an element of provocation in your publication for some segments of the population.
If you are bored with blogging like this, you want to communicate with your audience, you can do it in a tricky way. Create your own autonomous blog and keep it without comments, in order to keep it clean, and in LJ ( create a parallel blog, write about everything and at the same time not point out your autonomous blog to anyone. Meet, communicate, make friends, at the same time strictly regulate the time in LiveJournal, because such services are delaying, and you can spend too much time there to the detriment of commercial projects.
While spending time on LiveJournal, study popular bloggers, their interests, and the most active commentators on their blogs.
In a little time, you will know in which blog, which topic can be raised in the TOP records, and it will be distributed to other blogs. Next, write a post in your autonomous blog that carries an element of provocation, sharpened for one TOP blogger. After a while, enter into a discussion in the TOP blog. It is necessary that at this moment the most active commentators were present on the blog, whom you should have already studied, what motivates them, how they react to certain events, words and information. Chat and drop a link to some blogger, who, in turn, has already published an announcement and a link to your offline blog. If everything is thought out and calculated correctly, you will get interesting communication and promote your blog using social optimization methods. The scheme of such work is identical to the scheme of a commercial troll, namely a commercial one, not a troll that humiliates and provokes people.
The most important thing in such a scheme is that your LJ blog can be completely impersonal or be different from your standalone blog. Thanks to this, you get the opportunity to carry out various experiments. True, all of the above does not fully disclose the social optimization of the blog, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but it is advisable for you to get to everything else on your own. In any case, a novice blogger will not be able to do everything clearly and harmoniously, he will be quickly figured out and trust will be undermined.
For those who are afraid and do not want to take risks, you can act in a different way - quite simply. Create your list of LJ and LIRU bloggers who write on your topic. When you publish an interesting post, go through their blogs and link in the comments. If your post is in the topic, and you culturally presented the link in the comments, most likely no one will delete and send you to the BAN, and it is quite possible that the blogger will enter into a dialogue with you or even make a REPOST by publishing your post with a link to your blog ...
These tips will always work, because people are always driven by curiosity, a desire to communicate, discuss, condemn, a desire to stand out and prove their superiority, challenge someone else's opinion. When all of these principles are used wisely in blogging, great results can be achieved. The main thing is not to sink morally and not to lose dignity, respecting others and not humiliating anyone.
Literacy of your texts.
Absolute literacy is practically unattainable, everyone makes mistakes, some make more, others less. There is only one way out, you need to write as much as possible, the only way you can acquire your unique style of writing posts, literacy, confidence and speed.
In some cases, mistakes can be made on purpose. I used to have a blog, and I developed it using various methods, including commenting on literary blogs. Comments were written with the inclusion of ridiculous mistakes, such that the semantic meaning changed. Thanks to this, I was discussed, and the blog was gaining popularity.
As you can see, in blogging, almost all means are good, it all depends on your moral principles and ultimate goals. For me and my friends personally, blogging is mostly a hobby for the soul, with the prospect of one day growing into a big hobby that brings good money. In the meantime, receives very little income from advertising, and no one even has any thoughts to withdraw this money, everything is spent exclusively on development.
In conclusion, I want to say a little about the design of newbie blogs.
Hang up the LiRu counter small, make attendance hidden. What's the point of showing statistics if several thousand people visited your blog in a month? For most advertisers, this figure is negligible and irrelevant. The exceptions are blogs in expensive commercial topics, which are led by a professional and his readers - promising clients.
Links, banners, affiliate programs.
The mistake of many newbies in posting banners and affiliate links that offer all sorts of dubious goods or services. Someone places an affiliate banner promising to teach easy earnings to anyone, from schoolchildren to retired women. Others, and there are more of them, are women's blogs, they advertise diet constructors, breast augmentation using wonderful techniques, various secret methods of seducing men, getting married in a week, and the like. Almost all of the above affiliate programs deceive users, or mislead them. At best, people will lose money, and at worst, they will harm their health and appearance.
If you want long-term growth and a good reputation, it is better to give up these affiliate programs instead of posting your photo and a detailed story about yourself. In any case, you cannot earn a lot of money on them.
Bookmark buttons and social networks.
It is enough to put a block of buttons from Yandex, there is no counter, but it loads instantly and does not slow down the site. Separate buttons with built-in counters are good for those with three-digit numbers, they make an impression, and advertisers are willing to spend big budgets. The Yandex block contains enough of the most basic buttons, all other services that offer to add a site to hundreds of bookmarks are suitable for the English-speaking Internet.
A story about yourself, about the site
Look at the descriptions of other sites, most of the blogs of newbies trained in blogging schools are almost the same. Write something of your own, different and distinguishing you from the crowd.
Don't make a website about making money, start with something else, there are a lot of interesting topics in the world and most people who come to the Internet are looking for useful information or entertainment here. By making a website about making money, you doom yourself to communicate with blogging novices like you. It turns out to be a kind of market in which there are many people, everyone is actively communicating, but at the same time they are all sellers, and only occasionally they sell something to each other, change and wait for buyers with money to come to them.
It is good to write about earnings and website promotion for the first time, while the hope burns in your soul for big and quick earnings. After reading books with success stories, people create such sites, write and rewrite stories, communicate with their own kind, and only a few begin to earn amounts that are somehow close to the salary of a Moscow janitor. And the majority, having fiddled with a blog for 6-8 months, despair of making a real profit from it, leave the blog and start looking for a job or create a new blog on a different topic, forgetting that the patient wins in any business.
How to create a popular blog, fashion blog