What it takes to be a real star - a celebrity
To be a pop star, world cinema, gossip, or a small village is the dream of almost every girl. It is very difficult to become a star of world cinema: the Hollywood Olympus is not too willing to accept new faces, and there are very few free places there.
They become a national pop star much more often, but there are also difficulties here. In addition to the charming, golden voice, financial investments are still required here, and considerable ones.
But almost everyone can become a star of a gossip or a village, of course, who passionately desires it. There is a desire? Then go ahead. Here are some fashionable wisdom that will help each of us, pretty simple girl, turn into a "star".
1. Brilliant special effect.
Want to be featured in the gossip column? This does not mean at all that you need to come to a crowded party in everything.
sparkling and shiny... False thought - a girl's luxurious outfit should be covered with jewelry, for example, Swarovski crystals. After all, there are a huge number of "Fashionistas" who are fond of rhinestones, sequins or beads in every city.
It is in such a shining, like a Christmas tree, that the crowd is quite easy to get lost even for the most beautiful girl. It is not easy to discern who got by with a cheap special effect and who really wears expensive jewelry behind the brilliance of the outfits.
Your outfit
To look spectacular like a real star, appear in front of the public in a simple dress with a little "secret". He should have a good cut and expressive, suitable for you, color. None of the stars can boast that for her there is no difference in the shade of the dress. Each woman has her own color scheme, and only ignorant people use the "rainbow". You need to know and wear only your own, despite the assurances of fashion designers who speak about the priority of the shades of the coming "fashionable" year.
An example would be Sharon Stone. Her dresses are never distracted by sentimental details. They always perfectly outline her figure and have graceful shades: Caribbean turquoise, pale pink or golden beige. Sharon has weightless and almost invisible sandals in store for such ensembles.
2. Own brand.
Gaze at a real star by tracing it from head to toe. World stars will never dress only, for example, in Prada or Louis Vuitton. This is called "fashion snobbery." And it prevents you from looking truly beautiful, charming and stunning. Otherwise, you will be dressed like a mannequin from the window of a fashion boutique: competent and boring. It would also be boring to look at beauties who dress only according to the "recipes" of these fashion stores. What can we say about such a social life: uninteresting and monotonous.
Your choice
Experiment in front of a mirror. Try mixing expensive outfits with simple, high-quality outfits. Add to this decoration jewelry brought from distant travels, not forgetting to pick up a funny handbag, for example, in the spirit of vintage.
This, at least, is what the famous English actress Sienna Miller does. Her spontaneity of outfits, such as the Donna Karan tunic, Ugg felt boots and vintage jewelry from the flea markets of Amsterdam, helped turn Jude Law's head and star in Burberry commercials.
3. A visit from a real lady.
However, eclecticism in dress is not always good and not always out of place. It is very important to develop a sense of time and place in yourself. For example, it would be incredibly stupid to come to a sports club in a scarlet dress from Roberto Cavalli. A snow-white sweater from Escada Sport is much better suited to it. By the way, you can even wear it to a small party, for example, on board a yacht.
Being star is an art.It means: always maintain a dignified appearance, and in any situation. And situations are always up to you.
Your choice
A business morning meeting over breakfast makes you look both bourgeois and democratic. At these events, you can wear classic jeans, fresh colors, fun furs and even small jewelry.
An evening out is always a wider selection of combinations, colors and accessories. But even here you need to know when to stop: crinolines, corsets often look funny. An example can be taken from Monica Bellucci. She does most of her interviews at lunchtime, wearing smoky glasses and a cashmere sweater. And appearing at Cannes parties in a nude sheath dress with lacing or in silk clothes in Campari color and with many cutouts, it is simply impossible to forget her.
4. Dress code, but different.
Remember, real stars never take dress code literally. For example, the invitation says that the party will be in a "nautical" style.
Sea jacket, as many would do, is optional here.
The blue and white range of chiffon clothes (you can add a “goose foot” pattern) and natural pearls will look much more elegant. A striking example of this is Coco Chanel.
Your choice
Try to dream up on a given topic. Given the task to put on "gold" - do not take everything literally. The texture of candy foil is perfect for the dress, but no decorations. An invitation to an oriental party? Think of the robes in the movie Orient Express. James Bond style? It is better to try on a man's suit, because there will be enough low-cut girls in "007" to get lost.
This is exactly what Bjork does. She easily appears at the Cannes Film Festival in a lantern-style dress, and wears baby-style robes for awards on television.
5. Your last word.
The main thing to remember: a real star always remains himself, not recognizing any little things. It's all about how you present yourself. Everything is important here, starting with
subtle scent of perfume and ending with the choice of the finest stockings.
Don't try to stand out by striving to be ideal or originality. You need to feel like this. And then not only will you believe it, but everyone else will. And only in this case the last word will always be yours.
Your choice
A smile, and always. Lip and eye gloss is not cosmetics at all. Try not to live, but to play social life, because it is quite entertaining. Try not to be monotonous. It is better to constantly try on different images, but always be yourself. Now these words for many will seem completely empty. But once they become the main reason for better changes, they will make sense. Who does this? Of course you are! But only if you really want to become a real "star".