Terracotta color in clothes - photo of images
Terra cotta translated from Latin means “burnt land”. It is a reddish-red color, the color of fired clay. Terracotta color refers to dark orange shades. Terracotta comes in a range of "warm" and "cozy" color shades. It is a reddish brown range in which colors range from brick to caramel, cinnabar and light brown.
Psychology of terracotta color
Terracotta, brick, rust color create a feeling of home, peace, comfort. These shades are very close to each other. Pottery - pots, jugs, cups, dishes - it's all home. Brick is also a house. Terracotta color can be characterized as attractive, reliable, traditional.
Who is terracotta color suitable for?
Terracotta color does not suit all girls. In some cases, it is even able to add years and make the complexion greyish-earthy. It will be the most ideal for girls.
autumn color typewho have autumn-colored hair, that is, with a redhead,
dark skin, Brown eyes.
Brunettes also look good with many shades of terracotta. Blondes need to choose a terracotta shade more carefully, reddish shades are most acceptable for them. Most often, terracotta is chosen by confident girls who do not need to draw attention to themselves. For all those who do not like terracotta color, but you like it, use it either on the bottom of your clothes or as an accessory.
Terracotta color in clothes
Terracotta is associated with an autumn wardrobe. The combination of terracotta and beige shades is considered universal. For example, with vanilla, creamy, light beige shades. Terracotta with orange looks perky and bright, very summer-like.
In everyday looks, the combination of terracotta, with mustard, pistachio and brown will make an original version. Terracotta with coral or pink color will make a bright and elegant impression.
You can make the look just as elegant by adding a short terracotta mini-skirt to a white blouse. All terracotta shades look great in jackets.
A terracotta bottom with a turquoise top looks good, such as a terracotta skirt and a turquoise blouse. Add terracotta shoes or boots to this set.
Consider wearing light blue jeans and a terracotta sweater or cardigan for a casual level of dress. Speaking of monochrome, it should be emphasized that a mini-length terracotta dress will look good with a warm, cozy reddish cardigan and similar suede boots.
The ensemble should not use one terracotta color, it definitely needs support from the listed color shades. It, just like brown, can lead to despondency or discomfort.
If your choice of color gives you confidence, then you have chosen the right color. If you notice with the help of color that your
mental condition normalizes - it means you have chosen the right color.
One of the key factors by which you can assess how well a woman is dressed is the color that she is wearing.
You can create numerous images in which the color palette will be completely subordinated to the red-brown scale. Everything is permissible in modern fashion. Therefore, you should not be afraid of bold experiments with terracotta color. Just to create your own color scheme should be approached wisely and tastefully.