Fashion history

Edwardian fashion in color photos

We are used to seeing the life and fashion of the early 20th century in poor quality black and white photographs, and on this basis, many people get the impression that life was then devoid of bright colors. In fact, this is not the case, at the beginning of the 20th century and even in the Middle Ages, fashion offered many bright colors to create fashionable images.

Antique clothing is poorly preserved, difficult to keep in museums and even more difficult to collect in private collections. Therefore, dresses and other outfits disappear irrevocably, remaining in the memory of people and in photographs. Modern photography technique allows you to preserve everything in the smallest detail, and at the beginning of the 20th century, everything was much more complicated. Then photography was black and white, and the lack of flowers in fashionable images deprives us of a lot of knowledge and impressions.

Edwardian fashion

In some cases, the photographs were colored, but such a photo conveys more the artist's imagination than reality. The same can be said about paintings by painters, they often endowed their characters with those qualities and colors that were not in reality. Only color photography conveys fashionable images that are as close to reality as possible.

Women's fashion 1900-1910 in color photographs

Women's fashion 1900-1910

Women's fashion 1900-1910
Women's fashion 1900-1910
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