Hair care

Women's hairstyles with bangs

Hairstyles with bangs can be of different lengths. The bangs can be worn with both long and short hair... Hairstyles with bangs are always a risk, however. Bangs are not suitable for everyone. And here you should definitely remember the folk wisdom - “measure seven times and cut one”.

Who is suitable and how to choose

The first thing to do when thinking about a hairstyle with bangs is to determine your face type. If you have an oval face, you can safely cut your bangs. If the face is rectangular or triangular, then in this case it is worth remembering that not all options for bangs will suit you. But hairstyles with bangs still won't ruin your appearance. But if you have a round or square face, then it is better to do without bangs. Since the bangs will narrow your face and make it look even more like a circle. Well, or on a completely equilateral square.

Who is suitable for hairstyles with bangs

However, owners of round and square faces with a great desire to wear a hairstyle with bangs, you can try to do a hairstyle with oblique bangs. Such bangs are considered versatile and suitable for any type of face. Oblique bangs look best with long hair or cascade hairstyles.

The second thing to remember if you suddenly decide to experiment with your hairstyle and make bangs is that you don't need to cut your bangs short for the first time. For the first time, it is better to make a long bang and see how much such hairstyles suit you in general. In the end, long bangs will grow back quickly, and if it really does not suit you at all, it can be stabbed or easily hidden in your hair.

The same rule applies to oblique bangs for owners of round and square faces. It is better for them to cut long side bangs.

The rules for the selection of bangs - we look at the type of face

Thus, we decide on the rules for the selection of bangs:

• we determine the type of person
• for the first time we cut long bangs
• and see if it suits you.

And we realized that with oblique bangs you can be less careful than with other options, since hairstyles with oblique bangs are suitable for almost everyone.

Women's hairstyles with bangs

Hairstyles with side bangs are suitable for almost everyone
Oblique bangs look good with long hair

Long and straight symmetrical bangs are still very popular. She looks best with long hair or hair tied in a bun or ponytail. Straight bangs look good and with bob haircut... Long bangs can be thick or sparse. At the same time, if you have a rectangular face, that is, a too elongated face, you are better off wearing rare straight bangs. The thick option will not work for you.

The most popular hairstyle with bangs is straight bangs hairstyles

But if you have a triangular face, then long bangs can be laid on the side, which will visually make your facial features more symmetrical.

Also, do not forget about the length of the bangs. Long straight bangs can reach their maximum length and almost cover your eyes. Such a bang, which practically covers the eyes, but at the same time is quite rare, is called "pikabu". Hairstyles in the style of "pikabu" are liked by young people who consider themselves to be a subculture of "emo". It is believed that hairstyles with long bangs that cover the eyes, which "emo" comb to one side, give them a mystery.

Emo bangs
Emo bangs

The long ragged bangs option is a good idea for those with a very chunky chin. Such bangs will distract attention from the large lower part of the face.

Another good option is the classic feather bangs. This bang is suitable for almost everyone and looks very good with almost any haircut.

Who are suitable and how to choose hairstyles with bangs

We select bangs for growth

Having decided to cut your bangs, you should also pay attention to your height.If you are short, then the perfect hairstyle for you may be a hairstyle with long, voluminous bangs. This hairstyle will create the illusion of taller growth. And, accordingly, on the contrary, very tall girls are not recommended to wear hairstyles with long voluminous bangs.

In addition to the owners of round and square faces, girls with curly hair may also have problems with bangs. Choosing bangs for curly hair is very difficult. Perhaps, in this case, the best option would be to straighten your hair, and only then cut your bangs.

Unsuccessful bangs can be hidden in a hairstyle

In the event that you did a hairstyle with bangs, and the bangs still did not suit you at all, then you should not be upset either. There are options for hiding a bad bang in your hair.

If your bangs are short, it will be much more difficult, but also quite possible. So, a short bang is combed back or, if it is oblique or longer, to the side and stabbed with invisible hair under the bulk of the hair.

You can also use headbands and headbands. For example, with a thin headband and strands of hair entwined around it, you can make a "Greek weave" hairstyle, thus disguising the bangs.

When growing bangs, it can be removed into a braid or a tourniquet. So, the easiest way is to weave the bangs that you are growing into the side braid. Such a braid begins to weave from one edge through the forehead and to the other edge of the face, from which weaving continues from the hair of the bulk of a small thin lateral braid. The version with a tourniquet is when the bangs are twisted into a tourniquet over the forehead.

How to hide bangs in your hair
How to hide bangs in your hair
How to hide bangs in your hair

Women's hairstyles with bangs
Women's hairstyles with bangs
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