Hair care

Anti-aging hairstyles: bangs that rejuvenate

It is generally accepted that bangs are young. And indeed it is! But only on condition that it is combined with the main haircut (base), matched to your face shape and to your overall style and image. Then the bangs will be a win-win option, which will allow you to visually lose several (or even a dozen!) Years. will tell you what bangs are, and how to choose the most suitable one.

Rejuvenating hairstyles

Bangs really help to change the face literally beyond recognition. It will correct a heavy chin, protruding cheekbones, a sharp jaw line. The bangs will cover a too high and convex forehead or lengthen a round face. Stylists advise against banging people with curly hair, even if you pull it out daily. Against the background of curls, the bangs will look like a separate element, they will also curl and constantly knock out of the hairstyle.

Too thick straight bangs from the very top of the head is also not a very good option. It is suitable only for very young girls. But for older ladies, too thick bangs will add a couple of years. The most fashionable today is considered to be a bang, which will look equally good with loose hair and in a collected hairstyle. These are, as a rule, uneven, asymmetrical bangs, profiled, thin, airy and slightly sloppy. This suits almost everyone.

Which bangs make you younger
Which bangs make you younger
Which bangs make you younger

And now we will consider options for each type of face, so that you can easily find the most suitable one for yourself.

Round face

It is believed that it is better to correct a round face without bangs, comb the hair in a straight or slightly side parting and wear it loose on both sides of the face to create the effect of an elongated oval.

Which bangs to choose?

Long bangs combined with a side parting will look best on a round face. It is not recommended to wear a parting in the middle. Side parting - and the main part of the bangs falls on one side, creating asymmetry in the oval of the face. And asymmetry, as you know, always stretches the silhouette, be it a figure or a face.

Bangs on a round face
Bangs on a round face

What exactly won't work?

Definitely, you should abandon the bangs described above - straight, reaching to the eyebrows, with a clear cut, and too thick. Also, torn bangs on half of the forehead that do not reach the eyebrows will not work. In general, the latter option, regardless of the type of person, has long gone out of fashion and is not suitable for anyone.

Bangs on a round face

Long face

Too narrow an elongated face, unlike a round one, on the contrary, needs to be corrected in the direction of expansion. It is necessary to correct a too high forehead and an elongated chin. Here the bangs will be more relevant than ever.

Which bangs to choose?

Thick bangs look good, but not from the crown, and preferably not with a straight cut, reminiscent of a haystack. Try to keep the bangs up to the eyebrows, but not completely cover them, and also so that it does not go below the cheekbones. If the bangs grow back, cut on time. Dropped below the cheekbones, it will stretch the face even more.

What exactly won't work?

Just like for a round face, torn bangs on half of the forehead that do not reach the eyebrows are not suitable for an elongated face. And do not give up bangs in favor of long hair that hangs down on both sides of the face and lengthens it even more.

Rejuvenating hairstyles
Rejuvenating hairstyles

Triangular face

For a triangular face, it is important to place minimal emphasis on the forehead and cheekbones so that the upper part of the face does not appear even wider. This will create a contrast to the narrow chin, and the face will look like a doll.

Which one to choose?

An excellent option would be a frankly side parting, low, with a clear emphasis on one side. The bangs should be light and airy. It can be asymmetrical, starting from short strands on one side and ending with long strands on the other, not reaching the cheekbone.

What exactly won't work?

Do not wear your hair in a straight part, and even more so with bangs - this will further expand the upper part of the face. Again, ragged bangs too short - they really don't suit anyone.

Anti-aging hairstyles: bangs that rejuvenate

Square face

A square face needs correction in the lower jaw area. As a rule, it is prominent and pronounced, therefore it is necessary to create a hairstyle so that it balances both the upper and lower parts of the face.

Which one to choose?

Style bangs look good Brigitte Bardot - dense, starting from the crown, but with jagged jagged edges, reaching the eyebrows. If you don't want too thick bangs, choose airy options, but also straight, without lowering the side strands. This creates a widening effect on the forehead, which balances the lower jaw.

What exactly won't work?

Even if the bangs are straight, this does not mean that they should have a clear straight cut "under the ruler". This will only add geometry to an already "geometric" face and draw attention to its square shape. Slices should be profiled, indistinct.

Bangs on a square face
Bangs on a square face
Bangs on a square face
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