Brides in wedding dresses near the mirror
More and more designers are faced with difficulties when creating new collections. Recently, so many fashionable images have been invented and created that it is almost impossible to create a completely new one. Therefore, designers are turning to ideas from the past. In addition, many fashionistas fell in love with vintage outfits, since earlier there was much more elegance and femininity in fashion. This is especially important for wedding dresses.
Each collection of vintage photographs takes us on a journey through time. It is good to study the history of fashion from photographs and draw inspiration for your own stylish experiments. Today presents an unusual selection, there are not just dresses, in every photo
the bride in front of the mirror.
Old cameras were much inferior in quality to modern technology, and even time left its mark on photographic paper. Therefore, looking at the pictures, you immediately understand that before you are vintage and even antique photos. But it's not just the quality that gives away the age of the photos. The very images of brides and their dresses are not at all the same as in our time.
Here we see brides from different times, but there is not a single transparent wedding dress or dress with a deep neckline, but there is a lot of lace and satin. Today, many people want to have a wedding in a certain style, including a retro style. These looks will help you decide whether such beauty standards are right for you or not.