Celebrities and Fashion

Men's fashion and fashion journalism

Fashion is a woman's business. Fashion is created for women. Women are in fashion. AND read about fashion, and only women write. And, of course, they write and read about women's fashion. Place men beside fashion exclusively. They either hold a camera or are designers, often famous. This is the opinion of the majority about fashion and who creates fashion. And whoever writes about fashion. And, of course, women write.

But this is not entirely true. Men's fashion and fashion journalism about her also exist. And there are male models too. And there are those who write about fashion, about men's fashion. And one of those journalists is G. Bruce Boyer (G. Bruce Boyer). Notice the man who writes about fashion, about men's fashion. It was he who wrote the phrase that it is impossible to write about men's fashion as well as about women's, to write about men's fashion a little differently: articles should “be not just about getting rid of the old wardrobe and buying new things”. Former editor of Town & Country magazine wrote that G. Bruce Boyer takes an "intellectual approach" in his articles.

Men's fashion and fashion journalism

So who is G. Bruce Boyer, who is now deservedly considered a real fashion guru? Let's start with the fact that today he is already 70 years old and already 35 years old he has been writing about men's fashion. He is also a professor, a former professor of literature at DeSales University. In 1973 G. Bruce Boyer took the risk of quitting his job and writing about fashion for Town & Country magazine. He then wrote for magazines such as New Yorker, Esquire and Harper's Bazaar. Was fashion editor magazines GQ and Esquire. Now the fashion editor of Town & Country magazine. G. Bruce Boyer has published many books on men's fashion, one of the most recent is Harry Cooper: Unbreakable Style. The book is about the style and impeccable fashion sense of a Hollywood superstar. G. Bruce Boyer wrote this book in collaboration with Cooper's daughter Maria.

Despite his 70s, he does not lag behind modern life, reads fashion blogs and notes that they are perhaps more informative than his articles. However, according to G. Bruce Boyer, fashion blogs have a significant drawback, which is that many of the bloggers do not wear the clothes they write about.

According to G. Bruce Boyer, people often do not pay much attention to clothes, but at the same time clothes play a certain role in our life. But at the same time, he says that it is not worth taking clothes too seriously, because "it is not everything in life, and it will not solve the problems of hunger and overpopulation."

G. Bruce Boyer is concerned that despite the current demand for luxuries there are fewer and fewer real tailors and shoemakers in America. But he sees hope in the East. He finds it curious that Asian designers, using English and Italian lines and patterns, make them in their own style. “This is where the future is,” he says.

Men's fashion and fashion journalism
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