
How Skinoren helps treat acne

How to cure acne? Which remedy should you choose? Can it be cured at home? What Causes Acne?

We need to start with the last question. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause, and for this, visit an endocrinologist in order to get an appointment for a hormonal examination. In addition to hormonal imbalance, a decrease in immunity can affect the occurrence of acne, a fairly common cause of skin problems is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Allergic reactions are also the cause of acne.

How Skinoren helps treat acne

An unbalanced diet, taking certain medications and even stress can provoke the onset of the disease. But the latter factors by themselves cannot cause acne, only in the case of a possible predisposition to them in your body. There are other reasons, no less dangerous than those listed, for example, demodicosis - a disease caused by the microscopic mite demodex. All these are serious reasons and they are not solved in one day and with medical help.

Acne often manifests itself in adolescence, when everything in the body develops and hormonal imbalances occur. Of course, and this should be treated with the help of doctors. Only if the doctor tells you - "you will outgrow, then it will pass by itself" or "this is age", you have to run away from such doctors, look for another who will look for the cause, and not indicate the age. At any stage of human life, everything can be explained by age-related phenomena, but the doctor must find the reason.

It is necessary to treat acne, and today, now. In modern cosmetology there are all the necessary tools, but many are trying to self-medicate, and the situation is aggravated. Those who decide to take this step can be advised the following: if you notice that the problem that has arisen is still in a mild form, you can try to treat it yourself, but not bring it to an extreme degree of complexity.

Cosmetologists distinguish three forms of acne: mild - when no more than 10 elements without signs of inflammation; medium - from 10 to 40 elements with minor signs of inflammation; severe - more than 40 inflamed elements.

Here is a mild form of acne that can be treated using topical remedies - gels and ointments. In moderate and severe form, it is already necessary to combine local therapy drugs with medications that need to be taken orally. In the latter case, only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

How Skinoren helps treat acne

What drugs are most effective in treating early acne? Many types of creams, ointments and gels can be found in pharmacies to solve this problem. Most of them contain benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, azelaic acid or sulfur. The most potent ingredients are benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid.

Skinoren for acne treatment

Today we will consider the drug Skinoren, the active active ingredient of which is 20% azelaic acid.

Azelaic acid normalizes follicular keratinization, slows down the synthesis of filaggrin (filaggrin is a protein that creates a protective skin barrier in healthy people) and its release from cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and stops the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause acne.

Skinoren is a non-hormonal drug. Skinoren normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, eliminates inflammation and irritation, normalizes the condition of the skin, its color and relief, destroys pathogens, promotes exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. For mild to moderate acne, Skinoren can be used as monotherapy for inflammatory and non-inflammatory forms.

Everyone knows that after acne treatment, dark spots can remain - hyperpigmentation. This problem can be avoided when treating skinoren. Azelaic acid contained in the composition of the product has a whitening property, which allows skinoren to be used even with chloasma and stagnant age spots after acne.

Acne treatment

The active substance of the drug affects the acid-base balance of the skin and brings it back to normal. Skinoren can become a protection for the skin, protecting it from ultraviolet radiation. Getting on the skin, skinoren blocks the production of an increased amount of melanin. As a result, pigmented areas are eliminated.

For severe forms of acne, Skinoren is used in combination with other drugs. With which of them - only the doctor will tell about it. The advantage of the drug is that it can be combined with various local and general remedies.

Despite the proven effectiveness of many drugs in treating acne, none of them provide a complete cure for this disease if it is severe. Acne is dangerous because of its chronically recurrent nature of the process. Acne takes a long time to heal. Many drugs have a limited duration of use due to side effects. Skinoren is an indispensable drug for maintaining the therapeutic effect.

How Skinoren helps treat acne

How to use Skinoren

Application: the cream is applied 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. It can be used in combination with cosmetics, for example, under foundation. It can be used in summer as it does not have a phototoxic effect.

Dosages and duration of the course are selected individually. Before applying the product, you should cleanse the skin of make-up and dust. The product is distributed in a thin layer on those areas where pigmentation or acne is present.

To completely even out the complexion, it is important to apply the cream daily to problem areas of the skin for 3 months. It is best to do this without interrupting the course of treatment. Skinoren is prescribed for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age.

When treating, be sure to use sunscreen, which will help prevent re-pigmentation. When the skin condition improves, they gradually switch to supportive therapy - apply the remedy 2 times a week in the morning.

Side effects

In the course of treatment, such negative phenomena can be observed:
peeling of the skin;
burning and excessive redness of the skin;
Sometimes some people complain that skinoren at the beginning of use causes irritation and discomfort. Here it is important to check for a few days, reducing the amount of mass for a single application. If after a few days these sensations go away, continue to use. If irritation continues to bother you, you should stop using this product.


Contraindications are possible with individual intolerance to any of the components of the product, as well as for children under 12 years of age.

Skinoren - gel or cream - which is better?

Skinoren gel and cream are different. To make the treatment more effective, you need to understand this.

Skinoren cream has a thicker consistency and helps to normalize processes in the skin, it is not absorbed immediately, but gradually.

The gel has a lighter texture and is quickly absorbed, therefore, beneficial elements are absorbed faster and deeper.

How Skinoren helps treat acne

When is a gel or cream recommended?

The action of the two dosage forms is the same. Both products are great for treating acne and reducing skin breakouts.

The cream is more effective for melasma (this is the pigmentation of the epidermis caused by acne or acne, as well as exposure to ultraviolet radiation). The cream is recommended for sensitive and dry skin, as its effect is much milder. For oily skin, the creamy form may be too thick, resulting in clogged pores and even blackheads.

The gel is recommended for inflammatory processes, since its effect is maximal and instantaneous. The gel is suitable for oily skin with increased sebum production. It has a mattifying and refreshing effect.

Both forms - cream and gel - contain the same active ingredient - azelaic acid, the difference in its concentration. This is of great importance. The cream contains a higher concentration of azelaic acid - 20%, in the gel - 15%. A light gel-like consistency is absorbed faster and penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis, so the use of a saturated concentration of the component is not necessary.

The cream has an oily form, in which half of the water and more than 15% of the fatty components. Therefore, the cream is slowly absorbed and takes longer and has the maximum effect on the surface layer of the epithelium, eliminating skin pigmentation.

In the structure of the gel 70-80% water, fatty components - 3%.

It follows that the form of the product must be chosen in accordance with the type of skin and the problem present.

For oily skin, Skinoren gel is more suitable, for dry and sensitive skin - Skinoren cream. This is the basic rule that you should pay attention to when choosing a dosage form.

The gel is suitable as a base for makeup, while the cream can cause a sticky film effect on the face.

Skinoren is not addictive in either form. To achieve the maximum positive effect, dermatologists recommend using it within 3 months.

Smooth, clean and radiant skin is one of the criteria for our beauty. Some people have beautiful and clear skin given by nature, but most of us face various problems. Acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands are necessary for the skin, because thanks to their secretion, it remains hydrated.

The glands protect it from environmental influences. However, it happens that the ducts of the sebaceous glands are clogged with dead cells, inflammation appears - acne. This problem most often occurs in 60-80% of young people aged 12 to 24 years.

Acne is a disease and should be treated by a specialist.

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