Dangers of manicure at homeworkers
A woman's well-groomed hands are her calling card. Perfect manicure, soft skin, no burrs make the best impression. Therefore, ladies run to the masters of manicure for a beautiful coating of their own nails or artificial extension. But if everything were as good as it seems at first glance ...
In fact, procedures can be catastrophic to your body if done incorrectly. Since modern girls strive to save money on everything, manicure is no exception. Succumbing to the temptation to make the procedure much cheaper, they entrust their beauty and health to homeworkers.
The Vkontakte feed is replete with advertisements for nail, hair, depilation,
mesotherapy, body piercing, facial cleaning, tattooing or eyebrow shaping. The main "accent" falls on prices, which are set much lower than the prices of beauty salons. For the master, such a gamble is a considerable saving of material, and for the client, it is a way of saving money. But before taking such a risk, weigh the pros and cons.
Of course, if the master is your good friend, and you are sure of her, then why not. But if you see this person for the first time, then in no case do not risk it. After all, you will not be able to present responsibility for the result later, and your health may already be irretrievably damaged.
What is the danger of a “homeworker” manicure? When you entrust your life to craftsmen who work at home, you can get infected with HIV or hepatitis B and C, the pathogens of which are very tenacious and will not die on poorly sterilized instruments. And no matter how homeworkers assure you of the sterility of the instrument, you shouldn't believe them.
It is almost impossible to achieve perfect sterility at home! This is done only by a professional device in 3 stages: heat treatment in a hot oven, UV sterilization, treatment with chemicals. Remember, one single wound is enough for infection!
According to the statistics, there are a lot of HIV and Hepatitis patients in Russia. In some cities, every 50 inhabitants are carriers of these viruses.
Therefore, the likelihood of bringing the causative agent of these diseases at home is as easy as shelling pears - just scratch your hand once with nail scissors or another tool. And at home it is simply impossible to comply with all sanitary conditions! Because of this, the risk of infection for homeworkers is very high.
Rospotrebnadzor says that victims at the hands of such "would-be masters" regularly ask to punish the culprit. But it is almost impossible to punish the culprit according to the law, since the "master" can always say that he sees this client for the first time.
In beauty salons, all sterility and cleanliness are carefully controlled. All instruments are used only once, wet cleaning, sterilization of the main instruments with antiseptic preparations. Since there is no salon that would like to end its business in disgrace, the cleanliness here is monitored at the highest level.
In addition to HIV or hepatitis, there is a possibility of contamination of your nail plate with fungus, which is transmitted by instruments and baths untreated from previous clients.
Of course, there is no need to give up cosmetic procedures. You just need to understand that caring for your body must be carried out carefully and with real professionals, with whom you will feel absolutely safe.
Carefully choose a salon, a master, and study all the nuances of the procedure yourself long before it is carried out. Make sure that the instruments are sterilized personally so that disposable instruments are not reused, so that the master is wearing gloves.And most importantly, don't risk your life to save money!
Conclusions - saving on beauty services can be very expensive. Having undermined the health of the homeworkers, then you can spend a lot of money and time to restore it. And in some cases, it will not be possible to return to the previous health at all. Therefore, you should not save on manicure. Do your own manicure using your own tools or go to a beauty salon.