Hand care and manicure

Hand treatment before manicure: how to protect the skin and ensure the safety of the client

In Russia, manicure has been elevated to the rank of real art. We have the best nail designers in the world. Go somewhere in Canada or European countries, and you will not find so many salons and craftswomen, and most importantly, the quality is much worse there. In addition to professional masters, we have a lot of skillful creative girls doing manicure for themselves and their girlfriends. Anyone connected with this case will find today's article useful.

Specialists in the field of manicure services first of all take care of the client's hands and sometimes forget about their own, but for manicurists, hands are the main working tool. The constant tension of the hands and fingers, the application of disinfectants - all this has a negative effect on the skin and joints. Minimum rules must be followed to reduce harm. We propose to consider several recommendations for the treatment and protection of the skin on the hands.

For a manicure master

Always wear gloves

Chemically active preparations and cosmetics, pathogenic microflora, organic dust - that is why the hands of the master are at risk. Latex, vinyl, or nitrile gloves must be purchased. All products are very thin, but durable, so it is convenient to use them during manicure as personal protective equipment. Note that nitrile models are hypoallergenic, so if there is a tendency to irritation, it is worth buying them.

Alternative to traditional gloves - Liquid gloves

It is possible to use a hand cream containing extracts of medicinal plants from the category of "liquid gloves". The ingredients of these creams form a formula that creates a protective film for the skin of the hands with a moisturizing and nourishing effect. Such creams or "liquid gloves" are referred to as dermatological personal protective equipment - DSIZ. This is a necessary measure of personal safety, which includes rinsing, detoxifying and regenerating agents.

The main purpose of DSIZ is to exclude or reduce skin contact with harmful substances and to help restore the protective function of the skin. Liquid Glove options can be viewed on the rosilak website

Hand treatment before manicure and safety rules

Use quality antiseptics

Pay attention to the ingredients - the base of the products must be aqueous so that they do not dry out the skin. Essential oils, propylene glycol and glycerin are used as antibacterial components. It is important that the drug does not have a strong odor and is harmless when inhaled with its vapors, such as an antiseptic from the ROSI trademark. We will also make a reservation that the masters sometimes have individual intolerance even to hypoallergenic substances - before using it, it is always necessary to test the products, get acquainted with the composition.

Apply vitamin nourishing creams

Obviously, manicurists give this advice to their clients every day - do not forget to use the care products yourself. Apply skin care cosmetics several times a day - in the morning before going outside, after washing your hands, in the evening before going to bed.

Use professional cleaning pastes to clean your hands from oils or varnishes. In winter, be sure to wear warm mittens or gloves to avoid chapping your skin. Buy soaps with a neutral pH, and soak in peach, corn or other oils several times a week - they are excellent for softening the skin.

Also, masters should do hand gymnastics.

Usually a manicure session lasts 2 hours, during which time the hands get tired - it is necessary to disperse the blood and relax the muscles. To achieve this, follow these simple exercises:

  • squeeze and unclench your fingers rhythmically for 2-3 minutes;
  • rotate the brushes: 10 times clockwise, 10 times - counterclockwise;
  • stretch out one palm in front of you and gently, but forcefully, pull it by the fingers towards you, then repeat with the other hand;
  • imitate playing the piano, try to strain all your fingers separately;
  • fold your palms in front of you and press them against each other.

Follow our advice, and you will save your main "tool" from injury and skin damage.

Comments and Reviews
  1. Charlesabolo (Guests)
    How could nature be so bright and beautiful if the destiny of man was not the same?
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